All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 988: Chase for thousands of miles

The 980th chapter chases and escapes

To issue such an order is also a risk for Han Chen.

Because if their actions are not fully exposed, then after issuing such an order, they will be exposed even if they are not exposed.

But Han Chen will not take a fluke.

Since these coincidences happened so coincidentally at the same time, it would not be able to pin their hope of survival on these coincidences.

Although he didn't know what kind of confidence the adventurous team came to deal with him, but if the adventurous team came just a coordinate, then with his weak appearance, he might encounter unnecessary risks.

If his life in reality ends, his potential will be greatly reduced.

"Yes, master!"

Lao Huai was very convinced of Han Chen's combat experience.

Since the owner said that their whereabouts had been exposed, it must have been exposed.

As a result, Lao Huai immediately turned into a one-foot-tall tree and appeared on Han Chen's shoulders. Then dozens of branches were separated and wrapped around the distant hill.

Then, under the pull of the branches, Lao Huai and Han Chen flew away from here.

Dryads are creatures with very poor mobility. This weakness was not slightly compensated until it became a legend, but Lao Huai fell into a period of weakness when he became a legend.

Therefore, it can only act in this most dumb way.

This is a special method Han Chen once taught it, which can effectively enhance his life-saving ability, especially in the complex jungle environment, the hope of survival is even higher.

"Find the place where the nearby wild monsters gather, and directly use life **** to restore your vitality. Now you have become a legend, you should be able to use life **** to restore everything."

Moment of life was originally a skill that absorbs the vitality of the opponent to restore one's own vitality. It can also restore one's own vitality while attacking, but because the damage caused is too weak, it will appear to be more tasteless on the high-end combat level.

However, this trick is very useful in group battles.

Now even if Lao Huai is in a period of weakness, that is a legend!

Lao Huai got the order and immediately went to a place full of life, this was a tribe of orcs.

"Who? Ah—"

The gatekeeper of the orc tribe saw the emergence of branches, and just as he was about to be on guard, he was pierced directly by the old Huai tree, allowing him to absorb his vitality.

Then, the roots of the old locust tree plunged into the ground and continued to expand.

Countless branches and tree roots grew crazily and soon covered the entire orc tribe.

Han Chen still did not relax his instructions: "Life sucking is a skill that absorbs vitality, but to reach teleportation, everything can be sucked, even aura can be absorbed. You should not follow the old thinking and reach the legend. , Your imagination is your upper limit.

Also, you have too few branches. The epic level can **** life on 24 people at the same time, but the legendary level should be unlimited, and every branch can be used. "

Under Han Chen's guidance, Lao Huai made rapid progress.

It had just become a legend, and it didn't know how to use its own power. Han Chen said what Han Chen said, which actually made it progress fast.



"The leader is dead!"

"Why is there such a terrible tree monster here!"

The strongest of this orc tribe is a 40-level epic-level existence, and being able to have an epic-level existence already belongs to a relatively powerful tribe.

But their leader was killed by Lao Huai as soon as he met him, and there was no room for struggle.

After all, the stronger the existence, the better the effect of absorbing life.

"Old Huai, don't resist!" Han Chen suddenly ordered.

Lao Huai stopped immediately.

Then, Han Chen launched [Stealing] against Lao Huai. This time the theft was not just about stealing skills and energy, including the harvest that Lao Huai had just cleansed the orc tribe, but it was also stolen by Han Chen.

Lao Huai did not resist at all, but asked with concern: "Master, have you recovered?"

Han Chen smiled and said, "How much of the vitality you absorbed just now?

Even if most of Lao Huai's achievements were stolen, Han Chen only recovered less than half of his vitality, but the most basic action force did recover.

He lifted Lao Huai's body, and then directed the use of Lao Huai's power.

"Since you have become a legend, you should be able to break the limit that your body cannot use life sucking, and you should be able to recover most of the life force when you reclaim the clone. Next, I will take you to different places. When there is a group of monsters, a clone is left behind to start killing."

After giving the order, Han Chen immediately began to run.

Not far from here, dozens of figures were divided into a dozen different teams and rushed towards Han Chen's direction.

When passing a murloc tribe, Han Chen left a clone of Lao Huai.

As soon as Lao Huai's clone came, a massacre immediately began. Countless murlocs were killed, and their vitality was absorbed by Lao Huai.

Two minutes later, the three figures rushed to the murloc tribe, but Lao Huai's clone had returned to his body.

An assassin wearing a red cloak inspected the corpse on the ground and the fallen objects, and said in a deep voice: "This is not the target we are looking for. Let's continue."

A warrior wearing a cyan armor said: "These traces on the ground are traces of absorbing vitality. It seems that the target we want to hunt should be a weak and strong man who can supplement his own consumption by absorbing vitality. In that case, Why don't we make some preparations in advance on their only way?"

The red cape assassin said coldly: "Do you think people on this kind of thing would not think of it? I have received the order, our goal is to force the enemy to such a place."

The blue armor warrior bowed his head and said, "The Lord is wise."

"With so many hunters, they have no reason not to ambush in front. It is very likely that when we come to the next tribe, they will attack us."

After learning about the chase from Lao Huai, Han Chen frowned slightly.

Now they have to face the entire eternal dynasty, so if they use normal methods, it is very difficult to restore their strength or escape from birth.

"In that case, try this!"

Han Chen took out a scroll, and then a phantom appeared in his body. This black phantom gradually solidified, and ordered Lao Huai, "Continue to separate the clones and stay here as bait, and me The clones of seduce the enemy together, you and I teleport away first."

Because the enemy is very good at the existence of space, it is actually very dangerous to use teleportation in this situation.

But if you don't use such methods, the situation will be even more dangerous.

"Let me make sure, where are your limitations!"

Han Chen's eyes were full of determination, and then he tore the scroll to pieces.

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