All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 989: Star Federation

Chapter 989: Star Federation

The scroll flashed, and Han Chen's figure disappeared.

In the next moment, Han Chen felt that a lot of salty seawater was pouring into his mouth.

As Han Chen thought, the sea water was automatically isolated.

"Even if I entered the sea, if the chasing soldiers didn't come over for a while, it means that the impact of that thing on the real world should be limited, but I always feel like I have overlooked something."

Han Chen split into the sea, his face a little blank.

"Old Huai!"

Unable to figure it out for a while, Han Chen summoned Lao Huai, "Here you can restore your strength as much as possible, don't worry about revealing your whereabouts."

Lao Huai got the order and immediately launched a killing in the sea.

Countless fierce beasts in the sea were killed by the old locust tree, and there was no blood left, and it became the nourishment of the old tree tree.

After Lao Huai had absorbed enough life, Han Chen used [Steal] from Lao Huai to steal some power directly to help him recover.

The number of times his stealing can be used is limited and cannot be used often.

During the recovery period, Han Chen was not disturbed again.

"I used the random teleportation scroll before, but through my own understanding of space, I increased the time interval of random teleportation a little bit, so the distance and uncertainty of teleportation increased greatly, which led to the transmission from the mainland. In the sea."

"I was discovered as soon as I came into this world, and it was only a moment when someone came to encircle and suppress. Even the process of deploying troops and generals was directly omitted. This shows that the opponent's action capability should be very strong, but Why did no one come to encircle and suppress after I came into the sea? Are they preparing for a bigger plot?"

In the previous process of hunting and escaping, Han Chen had determined that the opponent's target was indeed himself, which showed that the opponent's ability to act was simply terrifying.

Even dispatching advance troops while dispatching troops, the efficiency of this action is even higher than that of China.

However, this kind of action is efficient, but there is no follow-up action.

Even if they prepare another big gift for themselves, they will miss the best period of their weakness. Now that his strength has recovered partly, it is even more difficult to chase him down.

"Unless, they can't continue to hunt me down?"

"How is this possible? This is inconsistent with the action displayed by the opponent?"

"However, this is not impossible."

"People can trample ants to death with one foot, but it is difficult to directly squeeze a bacterium to death. If you want to deal with parasites, you must use foreign objects."

"Therefore, a life that is too high-end will often have no way to threaten oneself with needs, or things that are too small."

"Then the people who come to encircle me may just be eternal gods?"

"This shows that the unity of the other party should not be monolithic, and perhaps each performs its own duties."

In Han Chen’s initial guess, since the space between the two worlds is so close, and there are so many void beasts between the two worlds, the enemy’s invasion should not ignore these things, since they are still There is a certainty of invasion, maybe the void beast is also under the control of the other party.

It is even possible that these void beasts are the warships they are preparing to invade.

But the use of the Void Beast is not the same as the use of the special life, and the relationship between the Void Beast and the special life is just Han Chen's own guess, which is not necessarily correct.

"Anyway, since you are here, you can't let this opportunity go."

After a simple reasoning, Han Chen decided to take a look with his own eyes.

When he used the clone to investigate here, because he was limited by the power of the clone itself, he could not see much, and he might have overlooked a lot of things.

Now that my own ontology has come in person, I might be able to see more things.

After two hours of recovery, Han Chen probably has recovered his strength, and in the process, he constantly shifted his position to prevent his body from being exposed and besieged.

After the strength was probably restored, Han Chen separated a dozen incarnations and headed to the direction of the Starlight Federation.

On Zulong, the Star Federation is the civilization closest to the earth.

Unlike the eternal dynasty and the naked absolute obedience of the Glory Vatican, the Xingyao Federation advocates freedom even more, and at any rate puts on a layer of civilization.

Their polity is similar to that of the Mitty country on earth, but because there is no war dividend, there is not much money to give people unemployment benefits. Those who do not work hard, or those who do not have enough capital, can only be affected by the times. The trend of the world is eliminated.

Compared with the other two forces, the civilians here have at least a chance to be educated and to succeed.

Although there are not many successful people, there are still some.

But in contrast, Eternal God has everyone’s work, everyone’s career, and everyone can play their value in their posts. Here all need to fight for them by themselves. If you can’t do it, Then you can only starve to death on the street.

The crime rate here is also very low, after all, technology is still very advanced.

There is no need for high-level people to commit crimes, because they can achieve their goals without committing crimes by relying on their power and capital.

As for the people at the bottom, even if it is a crime, it is difficult not to be caught.

"If the Star Federation is similar to the earth, can it prove that the earth can only occupy the weakest position if the Ancestral Dragon is brought down?"

Han Chen's avatar was walking on a deserted street and couldn't help but laugh at himself.

It is night now, there are not many pedestrians walking outside, and it is easy to encounter danger.

If it was forced by life in the past, there were still many people walking outside, but now the resources they need for life, whether it is food or water, can be obtained from God's Domain, and there is no need to go out.

Just as Han Chen was visiting the surrounding scenes, several figures walked out of the dark corner with a frivolous and playful look.

"Hey, hand over all the amethyst coins in your body, and we can spare you not to die."

A strong man swung his giant sword twice, and the threat was self-evident.

A woman with an enchanting look licked her lips, her eyes showed ecstatic infatuation: "Hey! If you are willing to stay with me all night, we can exempt your tax!"

Han Chen: "......"

He has experienced the robbing of money, and it was the first time that he was robbed of sex.

The brawny man frowned and said, "Don't delay business."

The enchanting woman said flatteringly: "I'm used to seeing those people who only promise us, this person's temperament is a little different!"

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