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Chapter 414 Lucent Corporation

"You mean Huaxia Xu asked Peaks to contact Twitter and Netscape?"

Eisner asked his assistant that, as Disney's president, he was well-informed. Almost as soon as Lasseter made a move, Eisner got the message.


The assistant was very respectful.

Despite his high status and power within the Disney Group, his assistant knew very well that Eisner had given him the status and power he had today.

This professional manager hired by the Disney family can secure the position of the president of the group and take over the Disney family. His ability and superb skills are absolutely unimaginable, and those who oppose him will be in the body all day long. in a nightmare.

I haven't seen the Disney family always want to take back their power, but they can't do it, and they also accompany a few people in their own family for this.

For professional managers like Eisner, only some people in China who were influenced by Western ideas, who had not long since reopened the country, were still very superstitious, and those who really knew them would never be like that.

You must know that professional managers are also human beings, and they also have their own ambitions and desires. You treat them as reliable helpers, and you have to be careful enough while delegating power to them.

Take a look at Boss Huang of Huaxia Gome. The behavior of the professional managers he invited back from the cottage is a perfect example when the group was in turmoil.

It was also that incident that reminded domestic entrepreneurs to wake up from their pursuit of professional managers.

"As expected." Eisner looked like he was in control of everything, and he told his assistant, "Tell those people what they should do and keep doing it. So what if Huaxia Xu arrives, this is the United States, not Huaxia, he only has so much power in his hand, as long as we Americans work together, he can't make waves."

The last time he played against Xu Ang, Eisner had to take a step back due to internal problems in the group, so that Xu Ang had eaten Marvel and ruined many of his follow-up plans. Now that Eisner is relieved, he naturally wants to continue the unfinished war last time, and he will never stop until he takes Marvel back.

What do those idiots in Marvel know? They don't even understand how valuable the IPs of those superheroes in their hands are. If you give me the copyrights of these superheroes, I will definitely let the whole world see them. the value of.

Hearing the footsteps of his assistant leaving, Eisner fell into deep thought.

Since Xu Ang won a move last time, he dared not underestimate this young Chinese. Eisner was thinking, whether Xu Ang really only had two cards to play, Twitter and Netscape, or that it was just an action he wanted to show others, but his real intention was hidden in the dark.


Xu Ang said: "I still need to hide? What are you kidding!"

In the mansion in Beverly Hills, Xu Ang was sitting in front of the computer. The lit screen and the video calling software running on the screen indicated that Xu Ang was having an Internet meeting with someone.

"Mr. Longman, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Xu Ang's words were echoed by a middle-aged white man in another part of the video. He smiled and said to Xu Ang: "I'm also very happy to meet Mr. Xu. Speaking of which, our company has many contacts with your team, but It's the first time we've met."

"Indeed, this is our first official meeting. Speaking of which, today is really a great day, and future generations will remember today." Xu Ang raised his wine glass and rushed to Langman thousands of miles away through the computer screen Cloud clinking cups, "The battle between wifi and bluetooth will end today."

Longman smiled happily: "Yes, after all, we Lucent won. We have always insisted that wifi is the future, and wifi is the mainstream. Your help is indispensable here. Please allow me to toast you."

"If I have to say today's regret, it is that we didn't have a banquet together and have a good chat."

There is no regret in Langman's words.

The contact between Xu Ang and their Lucent company started long ago. Lucent originally intended to formulate a wifi standard, but for one reason or another, it never succeeded. Just when Langman thought that this matter would be dragged on and it would take at least several years to solve it, Xu Ang's people approached him, and directly produced a mature agreement and standard to call on him. face.

A husband has affection and a concubine has intentions. The two sides are dry wood and raging fire, and the spark of the career will soon become a flame, and eventually it will become a sea of ​​​​fire.

Xu Ang Langman is more and more pleasing to the eye. When many people are optimistic about the future of Bluetooth, it is rare to have such a like-minded person with super execution ability. Langman's favorability to Xu Ang is not generally high.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to reach a final cooperation agreement with Xu Ang at this time.

There is no airtight wall in the world, and neither is capital.

How can a company like Lucent not know what Wall Street is doing?

However, Langman still reached an alliance with Xu Ang.

There are many reasons for this, but in the end it is the interests that dominate.

"First-class companies make brands, second-class companies make products, and third-class companies seize the market. Only top-class companies can set standards. Unfortunately, we are the ones who set standards."

Looking at Langman through the computer screen, Xu Ang asked the head of Lucent: "We have set the standard, and the future is in our hands. For the future to arrive as soon as possible, Lucent can do its best."

"Are you worried about hardware?" Longman

Haha laughed, "If it's hardware, then you don't have to. You may not be aware of our US companies, and those who are engaged in R\u0026D love to keep their hands. Generally speaking, if their technology has broken through to the third generation, the market will still be the same. With the first generation, they will only upgrade to the second generation if they have to.”

"It's to recover the cost, I don't know much about this."

"Yes, it was originally to recover the cost of research and development, but it's different after that. If the first-generation technology can make one million, why should it be upgraded to the second-generation when it only made 990,000?"

Longman expresses the thinking of many companies in his country.

Earning more money with their existing skills will keep them from leveling up unless that makes them more.

Longman thought that Xu Ang was a Chinese and did not understand the American way, but he did not know that Xu Ang not only understood but also experienced it himself. For example, Xu Ang was a witness to the network fiber upgrade event in Huaxia.

"So, are we going to upgrade them to the second or third generation?"

Xu Ang asked Langman.

The latter smiled mysteriously: "Whether it is the second generation or the third generation, as long as it can meet our requirements and make a lot of money for us."

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