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Chapter 414: Twitter that went astray

"How's it going?"

In the mansion that belonged to Xu Ang in Beverly Hills, there was Xu Ang's inquiry from the study that had been tested three times by Li Ke and He Xing.

Guarding outside the closed door of the study, Hu Yi and the others kept their eyes on every possible place for people to approach.

Since the last time the servants in the villa had an eyeliner, Xu Ang has been a little more cautious. Unless it is someone he can trust, no one can approach him when he is discussing things.

Li Ke replied: "There are five people who have been found. Although they have disguised themselves, they can't hide it from our eyes. As you expected, boss, this house is the target of many people."

Five people were found, but it's hard to say how many were not found. Li Ke and the others are Chinese after all. In a country like the United States where white people are the mainstream, their Asian faces are indeed more conspicuous.

Xu Ang could hear the meaning of Li Ke's words, and he couldn't help but pouted.

"Americans are indeed both avant-garde and conservative. The avant-garde is their young people, who have a super-fast ability to accept new things, while the conservative ones are the rich and famous who are the mainstream of their society. These people are living habits and ways of thinking. Enclosures are born from their inherent cognition. If the society developed slowly in the past, it was nothing, but what kind of society is now, its development speed is the fastest stage since the appearance of human beings on this planet. …”

Xu Ang didn't say anything like this, he just smiled disdainfully.

As a Chinese, Xu Ang has to thank such American rich and famous people. It is their rigid thinking that makes the United States slowly show its decline and gives China a chance to catch up quickly.

Perhaps this effect is not obvious now, but if you look at it in 20 or 30 years, you will find that the advantage of the United States has been weakened so much.

The Internet age is on the rise, and they are still stalking the outside world. Do they really think that the important thing I do is to call the people who really need to find a meeting in Beverly Hills, and then act after reaching a consensus?

Please, is it inconvenient or not private enough for video conferencing on the Internet, I have to make such trouble?

"However, I can actually take care of other people's feelings. Since they want to see it, I will show them what they want to see."

Xu Ang is a person who does what he says. Since he has said these words, he will naturally come up with the corresponding cards.

The next day, the door of Xu Ang's mansion in Beverly Hills opened to welcome the arrival of guests.

The guests were none other than Mark and Wayne, whom he had asked Lasseter to invite in the name of Peak Studios. The pair, one for Twitter and the other for Netscape, are in line with what Eisner has received.

"Huaxia Xu is really using his own power to solve the crisis at Peaks. As you expected, President, Twitter and Netscape are the only cards he can play."

The assistant slapped his ass while reporting to Eisner.

Eisner did not accept the compliment from his assistant, but instead reminded his assistant with a serious expression: "Don't forget that he is also the largest shareholder of the fruit company, let the people below pay attention to Steve's movements at any time... Forget it, the fruit company The body is too large, and Steve’s whereabouts have always been the focus of media attention, so there is no need to pay attention to it, to avoid more troubles.”

Since the fruit company ate the big banana boat like a snake, Steve has shown the capital of a technology giant. Even if the Disney Group is not small, Eisner is reluctant to provoke such an opponent.

Although the fruit company is large, the film and television industry is not its business scope, so it should have no impact on the Peak crisis...

Thinking of Xu Ang, a young Chinese teenager who has repeatedly created miracles, Eisner appeared to be as stable as an old dog, but in fact there was a trace of uncertainty and doubt in his heart. He is always inexplicably worried that this Chinese person will start from unexpected places, dissolve the crisis into invisible, and even fight back.

Xu Ang just doesn't know that his opponent thinks so highly of himself, otherwise he would have said to Eisner humbly: "I'm not as strong as you think, but my thinking is a little bit more avant-garde than yours. The angle is a little bit higher than you, and it can beat you a little bit, that's all."

Countless little bits are added together, and eventually it becomes a million dots.

The first person to arrive was Mark from Twitter, who has been a man of influence in the United States for the past two or three months. Whether it is Twitter's potential or its ability to guide public opinion, investors are optimistic about Twitter's future. As a result, the valuation of Twitter has been repeatedly raised. Many people are eagerly waiting for Twitter to go public, and see how many billionaires this wave can create while making a fortune.

The complacent Mark never thought that Xu Ang would give him a blow as soon as they met.

"Twitter has gone the wrong way."

Mark was stunned on the spot.

Isn't Twitter developing very well? I have such a strong momentum and a company with such a large potential, why did it go astray?

If it wasn't for Xu Ang who said this, Mark would have left immediately.

"For a company to survive and grow in the fierce market competition, it depends on its core competitiveness. So, Mark, where do you think Twitter's core competitiveness is?"

Without thinking about it, Mark blurted out: "We provide users with convenient communication."

"Yeah, you also know it's convenient communication. So you should understand that the core competitiveness of Twitter is convenience, and convenience is the feature of Twitter compared to other companies that provide similar services. But now, Twitter doing what?"

"Videos, pictures and more

Added add-ons, and you're making Twitter too diverse. "

Xu Ang explained the reason.

"I understand your idea of ​​making Twitter bigger and stronger, but a company must survive before it can talk about other things. If it doesn't even protect its own fundamentals, it doesn't even have its own characteristics, let it be what it is now. The splendid flowers will inevitably end in a short-lived fate."

In Xu Ang's view, Mark made the mistake Shen Zhenma made, that is, making his own products too bloated. It seems that it is fully functional and can participate in any field, but in fact it loses its core competitiveness.

This is why in the mobile era, the penguin transplanted to the mobile phone is not very effective. It is not that the user stickiness is not enough, but that it is too bloated.

If it wasn't for Zhang Xiaolong's WeChat saving the penguin and letting the penguin empire get the ticket of the mobile era, the penguin would definitely be cooler than the mother.

Mark lowered his head and thought for a long time, and then he was reluctant to admit that Xu Ang was right, he really went astray.

"What do you mean, boss?"

"Throw away the burden, go into battle lightly, and keep your own characteristics." Seeing Mark's approach, Xu Ang, who saved some effort to convince him, expressed his thoughts, "The simpler Twitter makes it easier for users to get started, the better. , leave it to the new players to play the game."

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