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Chapter 1029: All roads lead to Rome, some people are born in Rome

Text Chapter 1029 All roads lead to Rome, some people are born in Rome

Lao Mouzi said: "The investment in the Hero movie is too great. Even if the domestic market is sluggish, we can't give up. What I mean is to increase the intensity of anti-theft this time. Not only the master tapes must be taken care of, but also the copied tapes. Let people follow. We have our own people watching every copy 24 hours a day to prevent anyone from doing anything. We also have to set up inspectors at the entrance of the theater to prevent anyone from sneaking in the audience. It would be even better if someone could be arranged to patrol the screening room. ”

Even though it was just a few words, it only took a few seconds to say it. In fact, it took more than a day or two for Lao Mouzi to come up with these tricks.

His approach is aimed at the current situation of severe film piracy in the domestic film market. As a top domestic director, he has made many films and has encountered stolen films much more often than other directors in the industry.

Often when the original film has just been released and has not yet made any money, or even earned back the money, pirated films have already flooded the streets in the form of video tapes or CDs.

You need to spend dozens of yuan to buy a movie ticket to watch the original movie, but only a few yuan to watch the pirated movie. Who do you think the public will choose?

In this era when everyone has no money, in this era when the average salary is only a few hundred yuan, no one can save anything.

I would like to ask, can the domestic film market improve in such a general environment?

Look at Hollywood on the other side of the ocean. The film market is getting better and better year by year. Look at China, where film piracy is rampant. For a few years, the domestic film market has not only failed to improve, but has shrunk. With one thing going down and the other going down, you let the filmmakers how to think.

Due to such an environment, some people say that good films cannot be produced in China, the market cannot support the investment in good films, and investors cannot even make a profit if they lose money. What do you think of them?

In the eyes of directors like Lao Zhang, they will only take the opinions of genuine supporters who actually spend money seriously. Those who watch pirated films are still muttering endlessly. He, Lao Mouzi, does not owe these people, and he can still treat them It's not possible to offer it.

Brother Kaizi was the first to speak:...

Chapter 1029: All roads lead to Rome Some people were born in Rome (page 1/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

"Lao Zhang, your proposal will require a lot of manpower and the cost will increase a lot, but I support you."

Although there are some grievances between the two that are not obvious to outsiders, Brother Kaizi still understands the importance of this matter.

By the way, Brother Kaizi didn’t know how he felt when he saw his former photographer competing with him for his job and doing better than him.

Xu Ang actually wanted to tell him: "It's just the beginning for photographers to compete for the director's job. More people will compete with you in the future. The director's threshold, which you thought was very high, was trampled on by these people one after another. It doesn’t matter if you’re not used to it now, you’ll be numb when you see it more.”

Is the threshold for a director high?

Time will tell - that's it.

But that was in the future. At that time, in the Internet era plus the mobile era, anyone with a dream could start a business with a mobile phone, but this era is not that convenient. Therefore, Brother Kaizi's strength hasn't dropped that much yet.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the fact that he didn't make a masterpiece like "The Murderous Case of Steamed Buns".

I hope Brother Kaizi will not commit suicide due to the effect I brought out.

The two top directors had spoken, so it was naturally impossible for others to object. In the end, everyone looked at Xu Ang, because only this one had the power to make the decision.

Xu Ang said: "I think Director Zhang's proposal is feasible."

There were layers of smiles on Lao Mouzi's face. Brother Kaizi's eyes flashed. His movie was coming soon. Lao Mouzi had started. There was no reason why he couldn't enjoy the same treatment.

As for the small steel cannon, the big guys charge headlong, and he will also be the beneficiary after it becomes a routine.

Only the company has to increase costs, which means it takes on more financial risks.

"It's not terrible to spend a lot of money. What's terrible is that the money is spent but things don't get done." Xu Ang said to Lao Mouzi, "Director Zhang, your suggestion is good but not perfect. We have to be more careful about the details. This time Since we need to prevent theft, we should simply do it more thoroughly and make achievements to set an example for our peers in the industry. Small directors are powerless to improve the market environment, and only industry leaders like Director Zhang and Director Chen are the best. has hope."

... ...

Chapter 1029: All roads lead to Rome Some people were born in Rome (page 2/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

Text Chapter 1029 All roads lead to Rome, some people are born in Rome

Lao Mouzi said: "The investment in the Hero movie is too great. Even if the domestic market is sluggish, we can't give up. What I mean is to increase the intensity of anti-theft this time. Not only the master tapes must be taken care of, but also the copied tapes. Let people follow us. We have our own people watching every copy 24 hours a day to prevent anyone from doing anything. We also have inspectors at the entrance of the theater to prevent anyone from bringing in secret camera equipment. It would be even better if someone could be arranged to patrol the screening room. ”

Even though it was just a few words, it only took a few seconds to say it. In fact, it took more than a day or two for Lao Mouzi to come up with these tricks.

His approach is aimed at the current situation of serious film piracy in the domestic film market. As a top domestic director, he has made many films and has encountered stolen films much more often than other directors in the industry.

Often when the original film has just been released and has not yet made any money, or even earned back the money, pirated films are already available in the form of videotapes or CDs.

In the streets and alleys.

You need to spend dozens of yuan to buy a movie ticket to watch the original movie, but only a few yuan to watch the pirated movie. Who do you think the public will choose?

In this era when everyone has no money, in this era when the average salary is only a few hundred yuan, no one can save anything.

I would like to ask, can the domestic film market improve in such a general environment?

Look at Hollywood on the other side of the ocean. The film market is getting better and better year by year. Look at China, where film piracy is rampant. For a few years, the domestic film market has not only not improved, but has shrunk. With one thing going down and the other going down, you let the filmmakers how to think.

Due to such an environment, some people say that good films cannot be produced in China, the market cannot support the investment in good films, and investors cannot even make a profit if they lose money. What do you think of them?

In the eyes of directors like Lao Zhang, they will only take the opinions of genuine supporters who actually spend money seriously. Those who watch pirated films are still muttering endlessly. He, Lao Mouzi, does not owe these people, and he can still treat them It's not possible to offer it.

Brother Kaizi was the first to speak:...

Chapter 1029: All roads lead to Rome Some people were born in Rome (page 1/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

# Everyone carried the sedan chair. Since Lao Mouzi wanted to pioneer a strong anti-theft film in China and be a pioneer in anti-theft, Xu Ang was happy to help him.

No one knows the potential of China's film and television market better than him.

After the promulgation of a piece of national law in later generations, how the film and television market performed when the general environment improved was really shocking to the old irons on the other side of the ocean. As the domestic box office continues to hit new highs, even Hollywood, which has always regarded other markets as hot chickens, has begun to compromise with the Chinese market.

Although such changes are related to the domestic economic boom, they are also closely related to the vigorous crackdown on pirated films.

If possible, Xu Ang wouldn't mind making it earlier.

Thinking of this, Xu Ang said to Lao Mouzi, Brother Kaizi and others: "Let's make a sample this time and set a good example. As long as the effect is good enough, we can use real data to report to the superiors and let them know the potential of the market." and the needs of us film and television people.”

When Lao Mouzi and others heard this, their hearts moved.

This is going to be a big deal.

If we reflect the needs of the industry to the higher authorities, isn’t that just to give opinions to the higher authorities?

Promoting changes in the industry from the bottom up is quite taboo in the eyes of some masters. Lao Mouzi and the others only dared to think about it. At most, they would just mention it in a vague way when they had the chance. How could they dare to be like Xu Ang? Just.

"Can this be done?"

Xiaogangpao expressed concern.

It's not that he is timid, but that as a veteran gunman in the capital, he is very aware of the difficulty of this matter. I think it was not that the Wang brothers did not want to do something big to increase their reputation, or that they backed down after understanding the difficulty involved.

Now it's Xu Ang who wants to do this, can he do it?

While everyone was hesitating, Tang Lu came over to play with the others.

Xu Ang whispered a few words to the girl as soon as she arrived, and Tang Lu expressed her position: "If the market potential is huge, how could there be no response from above? Now is the era of market economy, everything that can make the industry develop, everything that is conducive to the development of the industry, They will all receive support. Moreover, as an important industry in the construction of spiritual civilization, the higher authorities have always attached great importance to it.”

But the two basics, spiritual civilization and material civilization, must be grasped with both hands. They are important to the country...

Chapter 1029: All roads lead to Rome Some people were born in Rome (page 3/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

"Lao Zhang, your proposal will require a lot of manpower and the cost will increase a lot, but I support you."

Although there are some grievances between the two that are not obvious to outsiders, Brother Kaizi still understands the importance of this matter.

By the way, Brother Kaizi didn’t know how he felt when he saw his former photographer competing with him for his job and doing better than him.

Xu Ang actually wanted to tell him: "It's just the beginning for photographers to compete for the director's job. More people will compete with you in the future. The director's threshold, which you thought was very high, was trampled on by these people one after another. It doesn’t matter if you’re not used to it now, you’ll be numb when you see it more.”

Is the threshold for a director high?

Time will tell - that's it.

But that was in the future. At that time, in the Internet era plus the mobile era, anyone with a dream could start a business with a mobile phone, but this era is not that convenient. Therefore, Brother Kaizi's strength hasn't dropped that much yet.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the fact that he didn't make a masterpiece like "The Murderous Case of Steamed Buns".

I hope Brother Kaizi will not commit suicide due to the effect I brought out.

The two top directors had spoken, so it was naturally impossible for others to object. In the end, everyone looked at Xu Ang, because only this one had the power to make the decision.

Xu Ang said: "I think Director Zhang's proposal is feasible."

There were layers of smiles on Lao Mouzi's face. Brother Kaizi's eyes flashed. His movie was coming soon. Lao Mouzi had started. There was no reason why he couldn't enjoy the same treatment.

As for the small steel cannon, the big guys charge headlong, and he will also be the beneficiary after it becomes a routine.

Only the company has to increase costs, which means it takes on more financial risks.

"It's not terrible to spend a lot of money. What's terrible is that the money is spent but things don't get done." Xu Ang said to Lao Mouzi, "Director Zhang, your suggestion is good but not perfect. We have to be more careful about the details. This time Since we need to prevent theft, we should simply do it more thoroughly and make achievements to set an example for our peers in the industry. Small directors are powerless to improve the market environment, and only Directors like Zhang and Director Chen are unable to do so.

Industry leaders are the most promising. "

... ...

Chapter 1029: All roads lead to Rome Some people were born in Rome (page 2/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

Text Chapter 1029 All roads lead to Rome, some people are born in Rome

Lao Mouzi said: "The investment in the Hero movie is too great. Even if the domestic market is sluggish, we can't give up. What I mean is to increase the intensity of anti-theft this time. Not only the master tapes must be taken care of, but also the copied tapes. Let people follow us. We have our own people watching every copy 24 hours a day to prevent anyone from doing anything. We also have inspectors at the entrance of the theater to prevent anyone from bringing in secret camera equipment. It would be even better if someone could be arranged to patrol the screening room. ”

Even though it was just a few words, it only took a few seconds to say it. In fact, it took more than a day or two for Lao Mouzi to come up with these tricks.

His approach is aimed at the current situation of severe film piracy in the domestic film market. As a top domestic director, he has made many films and has encountered stolen films much more often than other directors in the industry.

Often when the original film has just been released and has not yet made any money, or even earned back the money, pirated films have already flooded the streets in the form of video tapes or CDs.

You need to spend dozens of yuan to buy a movie ticket to watch the original movie, but only a few yuan to watch the pirated movie. Who do you think the public will choose?

In this era when everyone has no money, in this era when the average salary is only a few hundred yuan, no one can save anything.

I would like to ask, can the domestic film market improve in such a general environment?

Look at Hollywood on the other side of the ocean. The film market is getting better and better year by year. Look at China, where film piracy is rampant. For a few years, the domestic film market has not only not improved, but has shrunk. With one thing going down and the other going down, you let the filmmakers how to think.

Due to such an environment, some people say that good films cannot be produced in China, the market cannot support the investment in good films, and investors cannot even make a profit if they lose money. What do you think of them?

In the eyes of directors like Lao Zhang, they will only take the opinions of genuine supporters who actually spend money seriously. Those who watch pirated films are still muttering endlessly. He, Lao Mouzi, does not owe these people, and he can still treat them It's not possible to offer it.

Brother Kaizi was the first to speak:...

Chapter 1029: All roads lead to Rome Some people were born in Rome (page 1/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

Policy, if this thing is done well, it will benefit everyone, and no one will think that they have many achievements.

With Tang Lu's words, everyone felt at ease.

Even though this girl is just an actress in the industry, her status in the industry is not on the same level as that of the great directors. However, Tang Lu has a good background, which is something that these great directors will find difficult to match in their lifetime.

All roads lead to Rome, but there are people who were born in Rome. How can you compare?

"Then..." Xu Ang called Zheng Jiajia over, "This matter is settled."

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