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Chapter 1030: Xiao Gouzi is so deceitful

Some people say that people play with birds, and others say that birds of a feather flock together and people divide into groups. Both of these sentences illustrate the essence, which is a circle.

The kind of person you are is the kind of person you surround yourself with.

To whichever class you belong, your friends belong to that class.

With rare exceptions, it rarely is different.

The entertainment industry is a hierarchical circle, where everyone is divided into three, six or nine grades. Famous actors hang out with famous actors. When attending parties, the big directors are in a circle, and the celebrities are in a circle. There is no such thing as The famous little transparent ones are in another circle.

Due to some unexplained rules, everyone has a tacit understanding that the dragon looks for the dragon and the phoenix looks for the phoenix. Even if some people do not follow the rules occasionally, no one will really take them seriously.

If you want to climb high, people may treat you politely, but in reality they won't take you seriously at all. Although they won't say anything to you face to face, they will put you on a blacklist and they won't let you play with them even if they have the chance in the future.

For those with vested interests in the circle, what they hate most is people who break the rules.

There is no way, who makes the existing rules benefit them.

Don’t all those with vested interests seek stability and are most afraid of fluctuations?

It is precisely because of this kind of rule that is not stated clearly on the table that people in Xu Ang and Lao Mouzi's circle will not come to disturb them when they are talking about things, even if there are many celebrities, actors and circles attending the meeting. Insiders want to get together and are blind, and they don't dare to cross the thunder pool rashly. We can only talk and watch, hoping for the opportunity to come.

In a corner, Miss Zhao Junqi and Miss Ziyi, who starred in Return of the Pearl, were holding Liu Ruoxi and talking. Because they worked together in the same crew, and the effect after the broadcast of "Huan Zhu Er" was very good, several of the leading actors became famous and their careers reached a higher level. Their relationship was very harmonious.

At least, that's what it seems on the surface.

While chatting, Zhao Junqi suddenly pointed in the direction of Xu Ang and Lao Mouzi and asked, "Who is that child?"

It turned out that this was the time when Xu Ang asked An Qiqian to come to him and introduce her.

Being able to introduce Xu Ang to Lao Mouzi and Brother Kaizi is something that many domestic actors and stars cannot ask for. For example, Zhao Junqi never dreamed that such a good thing would happen to her.

However, the reality is that when such a good thing happens, it is not she who benefits, but another little girl, which makes Zhao Junqi feel envious, jealous, and a trace of hidden hatred.

The so-called envy, jealousy and hatred are probably nothing more than this.

There is no way, who would let what they dream of happen to someone else? Zhao Junqi's reaction is only human.

Seeing that what you don't want falls into the hands of others, whoever it is will feel unbalanced.

In fact, it's not just Zhao Junqi who is like this, Miss Ziyi is also very unhappy. This woman, whose only ambition is written on her face, has always longed for opportunities. Although the popularity of "Huanzhu II" is no worse than "Huanzhu I", it is still a TV series. The popularity on the small screen cannot satisfy Miss Ziyi. What she really likes is the big screen. If there was a chance to be introduced to a big domestic leader like Lao Mouzi, she would do everything possible.

Unfortunately, the fact is that no one introduced her at all. Although she was eager to find opportunities on her own, she was worried that she would be self-defeating.

Xu Ang is to blame for her worrying about gains and losses.

If Xu Ang hadn't asked her to join the filming of Huanzhu Er, which gave her a certain reputation in the circle and achieved fame that many actors would never get in their lifetime, Miss Ziyi wouldn't have such a big burden.

After all, the mentality of a person who has nothing and a person who has achieved success are different.

Looking in the direction Zhao Junqi pointed, Liu Ruoxi saw the girl she pointed at.

"That's An Qiqian. Her father is a diplomat. Her family has a relationship with Tang Lu's family, and she is currently relying on Xu Ang's family. Did you see Mr. Chen Jinfa? He was the godfather An Qiqian worshiped when she was a child."

He has an official family background and a wealthy godfather!

The hatred in Zhao Junqi's heart disappeared immediately, leaving only envy and jealousy. She thought to herself: Look at other people's reincarnation technology, it's really good.

Compared to her parents who are professors, An Qiqian's family background is more helpful to her career development.

"Some things are innate and cannot be envied."

Miss Ziyi also sighed.

Compare people to each other, compare to dead people.

After this comparison, the two women couldn't help but think of something: the second generation of Peiping is indeed everywhere in the streets, and any little girl they meet casually is not a simple person.

Say, is this situation fair?

Of course it's not fair.

But this is reality. If you can't change it, you have to adapt to it.

"Ruoxi, my Ruoxi."

A little sister ran over and patted Liu Ruoxi's leg, jumping up and down and saying to her: "Hug me, please give me a hug."

Seeing this little sister, Miss Zhao Junqi and Miss Ziyi put away their emotions. They showed their gentlest smiles and greeted this little sister: "Xiaoxiao, do you still recognize my sister?"

"I recognize it."

Xiaoxiao answered them and stretched out her hands towards Liu Ruoxi, asking for a hug.

Liu Ruoxi was very respectful to this little guy, bent down and picked her up, and asked her: "Why are you running here?"

Rubbing her little cheek against Liu Ruoxi's cheek, Xiaoxiao said to her: "I'm already in love with you, please help me tear it apart."

After saying that, Xiaoxiao took out a bag of beef jerky from her small satchel.

It turned out that the reason why this little sister came to Liu Ruoxi was to ask Liu Ruoxi to help her tear open the package of beef jerky. Neither she nor Xiao Qingzi was strong enough. Their little hands didn't have the strength to tear open the plastic outer packaging, which was still very kind in this era.

"Xu Ang said not to let you eat too many snacks."

Liu Ruoxi was a little embarrassed.

Xiaoxiao put her finger to her mouth and said silently: "Don't let brother know. Ruoxi, my dear Ruoxi, if you don't tell brother, I will give you a piece."

You want to bribe me with a piece of beef jerky?

Who do you think I am?

Liu Ruoxi disagreed: "At least two yuan."

"Don't eat so much. If you eat too much, you will gain weight. My brother won't like you because you are fat."

Xiaoxiao disagrees.

She feels distressed enough for a piece of beef jerky and wants to increase the price. How can this be done? If you eat one more piece, she will eat one less piece. The little sister can't lose anything to her greedy mouth.

Zhao Junqi and Miss Ziyi shouted in unison, the tone was very strange, and they heard Liu Ruoxi shouting that she was going to die.

In order not to reveal any more information to Coyotito, she quickly agreed: "Okay, just one piece."

"You are such a good person Ruoxi." Xiao Gouzi was happy, "Xiaoxiao and I will sleep in your room today."

Feeling that Zhao Junqi and Miss Ziyi were looking at her more and more strangely, Liu Ruoxi's ears turned red.

This Akatsuki dog leaks all the information, it’s really a scam.

If I had known better, I would have just opened the packaging bag for her without asking.

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