“Senior, Shibetsu three days, you really impress me!”

“I actually guessed so accurately that the junior is on the run.”

Li Mo said with sincere admiration.


Long Yu smiled faintly.

But the next moment, there was something wrong with the painting style.

“Of course, after all, I was also chased out of the road!”

Li Mo: “…”

“Wasn’t there an outbreak of insects there?”

“I’m there in front of a few alien warehouses, stealing wildly!”

“The harvest is quite rich!”

Speaking of which, Dragon Drink is quite self-satisfied.

“And then?”

Li Mo asked.

“Then they found it and chased them all the way.”

“I guess your running posture must be very handsome!”

Li Mo complimented.

“Handsome fart, chased by those three thousand-level mages, was knocked wildly, and the brain door was swollen by them.”

“Subsequently, the Star God of the Star God Federation also dispatched.”

“Being able to escape in the hands of the gods, this ability of yours to escape, I would like to call it the strongest!”

Li Mo sighed with emotion.

In terms of escape ability, the assassin of the agile department, that is a worthy king!

“Fortunately, the level of that god is not high, it is only more than five hundred levels.”

“That’s it, it almost killed me.”

“That Star God, only more than five hundred levels, is it so powerful?”

Li Mo was surprised.

“That’s a god.”

“It can’t be seen in a conventional career system.”

“There are many means of the gods!”

Long Yu said lightly.

“If the level of that star god is higher, it may not be possible, and we will be separated forever.”

“Where are you now? I’ll just pass. ”

Li Mo said.

“My coordinates are here, you come here!”

“In that Star God City-State, I got a lot of good things.”

“It’s enough for you to rise to more than four hundred levels, and at that time, we can make some big moves in the depths of the Shattered Star Sea.”

“Big move?”

Li Mo raised his eyebrows.

“I like this!”


Small half a day later.

Li Mo found the dragon drink in the depths of the Great Rift Valley.

It was already dusk and night was approaching.

“Hurry up, follow me to the depths of the cave.”

As soon as he arrived, Long Yu urged.

“The sea of broken stars at night, you can’t see the stars.”

“Otherwise, that Star God will definitely send us a letter.”

“Can there still be such means?” Li Mo was slightly surprised.

“That’s the gods, and this area is where the gods were born.”

“Here, that Star God’s means are very strong.”

Dragon Drink walked inside.

Before Li Mo entered the cave, he raised his head and looked at the sky dome that was about to enter the night.

At this time, it is like a broken mirror.

Some stars have loomed up.

“When the stars appear, they can use the light of the stars to discover us.”

“This is a special use of the stars as reconnaissance satellites!”

Li Mo secretly complained.

Following the dragon drink, Li Mo followed the cave all the way deeper.

“How did you run away?”

On the way, Long Yin asked.

“I was discovered by a fire system alien thousand-level mage, fought with him, and then ran away.”

“It’s Larov!”

That Star God City-State, there are three thousand-level powerhouses, but there is only one fire mage.

As soon as Li Mo said, Long Yu knew who it was.

“The level is close to level 1100.”

“It’s strong.”

“Being able to escape in his hands, your current practice has also begun to bear fruit.”

“It’s a pity that my invincible charge can’t charge into the sky.”

“Otherwise, I can carry that old boy to the ends of the earth.”

Li Mo said with some regret.

“If it weren’t for you running so crisply, I almost believed it.”

Long Drink directly exposed Li Mo’s old bottom.

Li Mo smiled.

This time, the line with the thousand-level powerhouse.

If the opponent can’t cross his surface to reduce damage, then he can’t cross the invincible defense.

Li Mo is completely invincible.

For this period of practice, Li Mo was already quite satisfied.


Following Long Drink all the way deep, Li Mo soon discovered that something was wrong here.

There’s something very peculiar about it.

As if it was… Treasure!


Li Mo felt that there were treasures in the depths of this cave.

“Feel it?” Long Drink asked.


“There’s treasure in there.”

Li Mo pointed to the depths of the cave.

“There are indeed treasures.”

“We’ll try it later.”

“Once it’s done, then we’ll have more places to go next.”

“After all, there are still many places where there are treasures in the Shattered Star Sea.”

“So what are you waiting for? This is not directly past? ”

Li Mo said a little impatiently.

“Don’t worry, that treasure is there, no one has got it for decades.”

“It has no legs, and it can’t run away by itself.”

“Moreover, even if you want to take it, you can’t take it in the dark.”

“There is a starlight shining over there, once you move the treasure there, soon the star god will come to the door.”

“When the sun shines high during the day, it is when we take the treasure.”

Long Drink explained.

“That star god is too domineering in this broken star sea!”

“The treasures she can’t get, put them there and don’t let us take them?” Li Mo raised his eyebrows.

Long Yin smiled lightly.

“For that star god, this broken star sea is her back garden, and the treasures are all hers, even the 600-level mixed yuan gluttony is connected to her.”

“Now, you know the end of offending the gods!”

“You offended, not me!”

Li Mo corrected.

“Don’t think I don’t know, that broken star copy area has been good for more than ten years.”

“As soon as you go, something goes wrong.”

“Don’t say that the Zerg comes out and has nothing to do with you.”

“This wave of Zerg siege can cause a lot of losses to the Star God City-State.”

“Guess, if the Star God knew.”

“Will it hunt you down?”

“Don’t say, I really haven’t tried what it’s like to go against this level 500 god.”

“If you have a chance, you will definitely try.”

Li Mo was quite looking forward to it.

“You guy, I’m really afraid that the world will not be chaotic.”

Long Yu shook his head helplessly.

“How many levels are you now?”

“Level three hundred and eighty-eight.”

“Hmm! Your level is rising quite fast. ”

“The percentage of energy conversion experience absorbed by your profession should be very good.” Long Drink nodded.

High-star occupations.

There are many attributes added in the early stage, and the upgrade is fast, and it does not consume much resources.

The career advantage of the high star rank is indeed huge.

“This is an upgrade Dan for you.”

Saying that, Dragon Drink sent a deal.

“12 three-turn upgrade pills, just enough for you to upgrade to level 399 experience full value.”

“35 four-turn experience pills.”

“How come these four turns are only 35 pieces?”

“Do you think this four-turn upgrade dan is the mud pill on you? Rub it and have it? ”

“It’s a rarity.”

“Otherwise, the level will not be so difficult to raise.

“It’s because of these four-turn upgrade pills, my injuries are not light, and my career framework has been damaged.”

“You go and upgrade yourself, I’ll cultivate for a while these days.”

“Remember, don’t run around, don’t run outside to see any stars!”

After speaking, the dragon drink directly hid into the darkness.

“Dragon drink senior, good man!”

Looking at the back of the disappearing dragon drink, Li Mo couldn’t help but sigh.

“In the future, I must get a Chaos artifact for his old man.”

“Otherwise, I’m sorry that his old man was born and died for me.”

“Oh! Forgot to ask, I don’t know if the senior dragon drink has prepared me with a strong core skill of four turns.

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