Chapter 47: Four Turns Level 435!.

Deep in the cave!

Li Mo found a quiet and cool place. Took out the upgrade pill and started the upgrade. The price of this upgrade Dan is extremely expensive. And rare.

At least in the Holy Hui City-State, Li Mo upgraded, all of them eat the guild’s experience pool experience, as well as their own killing experience. Experience Dan, that’s really not one.

“Listening to Zhuge Changyu, it seems that the price of the three-turn experience pill is much more expensive than the three-turn gold equipment.”

“An Experience Pill is a piece of golden equipment!”

“The four-turn experience pill is about to catch up with the four-turn dark gold equipment.”

“More than five turns of experience Dan, not to mention, without a little family background, you can’t afford to eat at all.”

With one piece of experience pill down.

Li Mo’s level increased rapidly. Plus a four-turn promotion pill.

Li Mo’s level was soon raised to four turns, 435 levels. Level: 4 turns, 435 levels.

Surface health bar: 1.2 billion/1.2 billion.

Core health bars: 285 billion / 285 billion. Energy: 110,000/110,000.

Attacks: 86,000. Defense: 143,000 strength: 66,000 physique: 119,000 agility: 33,000 spirit: 99,000 This general attribute improvement has also improved a lot.

The defense is 143,000, and the base rebound alone has 286,000 damage. Generally, a six-star profession, level 500, will have the main attribute of breaking 100,000. Li Mo is dressed in a legendary physique defense suit.

Let the defense and physique have exceeded the 100,000 mark. And it’s a lot more than that.

With the promotion four turns.

Li Mo obviously felt that his attribute framework strengthening had improved a lot. Level improvement is also the simplest and most effective direct means to improve the career framework.

“The core skill of the four turns, priority is given to resurrection.”

“This world is too dangerous, there is no ability to resurrect, and it feels unsafe to walk on the road.”

“There is also the line with the thousand-level powerhouse.”

“I have speed and mobility, I can’t fly, this is too hurtful.”

“The taunt can’t hold back.”

“Even if it is pulled, the other party can avoid it by other means.”

“And the core factor is that the depth of the ridicule is not deep enough.”

“You can’t be 25 enough for one shot into the soul.”

“In the next practice, on the one hand, continue to precipitate the professional framework.”

“On the other hand, it is invincible to charge ahead.”

“And make my taunts more deep and aggressive.”

“Without much cultivation, you can initially mock a thousand-level powerhouse.”

“After cultivation, a thousand-level powerhouse does not dare to stay in front of me for even a second.”

Immediately, Li Mo sank down and began to continue to consume the upper limit of sound life, carefully precipitating and strengthening his professional framework. At the same time, he began to cultivate his [Invincible Charge] and [Invincible Taunt].

This is the next few days.

Li Mo was completely immersed in the cultivation of the career framework and skills. It has the ability to consume health points to speed up cultivation.

Li Mo’s progress is not slow.

Before I knew it, another week had passed. Inside the silent cave.

Li Mo is in practice.

A voice suddenly came from the depths of darkness.

“The Dark Light Clan knows that you are in the Shattered Star Sea!”

It’s the sound of dragon drinking.

Li Mo responded lightly.

“After fighting with that thousand-level powerhouse, as long as that guy is not stupid, he will naturally sell my news to that dark light clan and sell it for a good price.”

Li Mo responded in the middle of the seat.

“That’s true, too.”

Long Jiu, who came out of the darkness, nodded.

“Since your whereabouts have been leaked, most of the powerhouses of the Dark Light Clan and several other Blue Scale Clans are already on their way, and have even arrived in the Shattered Star Sea.”

“So we’re going to act as soon as possible.”

Li Mo took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and ended his practice.

“Are you healed?”

Li Mo examined the dragon drink.

“Seven, seven, eight, there is still a little problem, the problem is not big.”

Long Yu waved his hand without care.

“It’s daytime, let’s try to get that treasure!”


The two walked one after the other into the depths of the cave.

“What is that treasure?”

While walking, Li Mo asked again.

“Teleport Star Beads!”

“Teleportation items?”

“It’s a teleportation treasure!”

“Is there any difference?”

“Ordinary teleportation props can only be used in fixed teleportation, or even in a certain area.”

“And it’s not too far.”

“Such as the teleportation props produced in the Holy Radiance City-State.”

“It can only be used near the Holy Radiance city-state, and it is useless if it is far away.”

“And in a combat state, as well as being imprisoned, imprisoned, etc., you can’t use teleportation items.”

“And that ordinary teleportation prop, which still needs to read the note, will be interrupted.”

“The limitations are huge.”

“Teleporting the Star Bead, the power can completely cover the entire human territory.”

“Once the teleportation location is locked, once it is used, it can be teleported away immediately.”

“It doesn’t matter if you’re in combat, or in captivity, in captivity.”

“Once used, teleport immediately, you can understand it as a flash at a very long distance.”

“So powerful?”

Li Mo was shocked.

“Otherwise, why say it’s a treasure!”

“That’s true, too.”


The two arrived at the location of the treasure [Teleportation Star Bead]. This area.

It is a grotto patio.

At night, the stars can shine below.

In the most central area.

A fist-sized, star-like [Teleportation Star Bead] is located in it.

And around, a spherical barrier that seemed to be condensed with space completely wrapped the [Teleportation Star Bead]. Li Mo pasted it with one hand.

I found that the barrier did not move. Li Mo attacked twice with his shield gun. There is no harm floating out either. It is not a form of the nature of life.

The attack should not be broken, at least a thousand-level strong, that star god obviously can’t be broken. Otherwise, that star god would not have allowed such a treasure to be here.

“Tested, everything you can think of, everyone else has tried.”

“Direct use of the hegemony and charge!”


Li Mo nodded.

“Invincible Overlord!”

“Invincible Charge!”

Li Mo slammed into the treasure barrier.


As Li Mo touched the energy barrier.

With Li Mo as the center, there are ripples above the huge spherical barrier. At this time, the barrier is not unshakable and cannot be broken.

Instead, it becomes thick viscous grease. Li Mo is slowly penetrating it.

Originally, Long Drink was only planning to give it a try. After all, it was just like Li Mo said.

Give it a try and don’t need money.

At this time, Li Mo’s performance made Long Yu very happy.

“There is a play!”

“If the treasures here can be obtained!”

“Wouldn’t the treasures of other places also be…”

Come to think of it.

Long Yu’s breathing was also a little rapid.

He knew very well how great the value of those treasures in this Shattered Star Sea was.

“Let’s get the treasures here first!”

This energy barrier is indeed very strong.

But Li Mo’s invincible hegemony, invincible charge. That’s a double invincibility special effect.

This strange energy barrier after half a meter was stunned by the blessing of Li Mo’s double hegemonic special effects. Slowly infiltrated by Li Mo.

The dragon drink on the side was completely impressed by Li Mo’s hegemonic body and charge. After all, this is a special barrier that the gods can’t help.

Li Mo, on the other hand, sees another aspect of the characteristic.

“In theory, this energy barrier cannot stop my progress, but it will greatly suppress my speed.”

“If the energy barrier is thick enough, even the energy barrier is active and can be constantly superimposed.”

“So… If I were stuck in a similar place, I would be like a mosquito in amber – trapped! ”

“Hmm… The invincible hegemonic body obviously also needs to strengthen cultivation. ”

Half a minute or so.

Li Mo completely passed through this half-meter-thick energy barrier. That treasure is not far away.

Li Mo walked over directly and took the [Teleportation Star Bead] in his hand. With the [Teleportation Star Bead] falling into Li Mo’s hands.


That peculiar energy barrier was also absorbed into the body of the [Teleportation Star Bead] by the Star Bead like a long whale absorbing water.

“It’s done!”

With the [Teleportation Star Bead] in hand. Li Mo didn’t have much emotion.

And the dragon drink on the side was already trembling with excitement. After all, he is also a thousand-level professional who has seen a big scene.

Soon, the dragon drink calmed down a little.

“This Li Mo is really a treasure!”

Looking at Li Mo, Long Yu sighed with emotion, but unfortunately he did not have a daughter, only a son who did not fight. Otherwise, it will definitely be introduced to Li Mo.

Is it still time to live now?

Take the [Teleportation Star Bead] and play with it for a while.

Subsequently, Li Mo threw the [Teleportation Star Bead] directly to Dragon Drink. The dragon drink, who was stunned for a moment, almost didn’t catch it.

“You this…..”

Long Yu looked at Li Mo incredulously.

“This thing doesn’t do much to me.”

“After all! Real men have always faced the fierce artillery fire of the enemy, charging brazenly, without fear! ”

He looked at the teleportation star bead in his hand and looked at Li Mo.

Dragon Drink said meaningfully.

“That’s not what you said when you ran away.”

“But when I ran, I was unharmed.”

Li Mo spread his hands.

“And you, even if you are a thousand-level powerhouse, are very brittle.”

“So, this treasure is obviously more suitable for you.”

“And this treasure not only has teleportation characteristics, but also teleportation characteristics.”

“And it’s also very powerful teleportation.”

“Once you thoroughly refine this treasure, it will help you tremendously, even qualitatively.”

“For me, in the knight’s class framework, I don’t have the ability to teleport and teleport characteristics at all.”

“My agility attribute is pitiful.”

“In my hands, this treasure is only ashes.”

“You better put away this treasure!”

“If something goes wrong with you, then humanity will lose a thousand-level general.”

Li Mo said with a smile.

“You kid, you can never spit out any good words in your mouth!”

Although Long Yu’s mouth was not spared, his heart was throbbing.

This is a hundred times better than his own pit daddy son who only knows how to gnaw the old. Dragon drink is also not pretentious.

Directly received this [Teleportation Star Bead]. As Li Mo said.

This treasure that even the gods could not get was indeed a qualitative change for him.


After putting away the treasures, Long Yu took Li Mo and began to fly outside.

“We received this treasure, and the star god must have touched something.”

“It won’t be long before she comes and checks here.”

“If you run slowly, you will be caught up by her.”

“So where are we going next?”

Li Mo asked.

“Do you still need to say that?”

Long Yu laughed.

“Nature is the next treasure target.”

“After all, this sea of broken stars, that is a place of great treasure.”

“577, especially the heavy treasure in the core area, once you get it, it will be a huge qualitative change for you.”

“With this professional characteristic of yours, if you don’t collect all the treasures here, I’m so sorry for yourself.”

“Gotta go! Proper tool human attributes! ”

Li Mo smiled.

Fly all the way with the dragon drink. Li Mo said abruptly.

“Senior Dragon Drink, can you engrave the teleportation location of that teleportation star bead on your weapon?”

“Huh? What does this do, you ask? ”

“I mean if, if you can engrave the coordinates of that star bead teleportation on the weapon.”

“At that time, you will make a whole bunch of daggers, all of which will have teleportation marks on them.”

“When you start a war, you will be thrown directly on the ground, won’t you fly everywhere at that time?”

Li Mo’s words made Long Yu’s heart move.

If it really could, it was indeed an idea.

After all, the plasticity of such top-level treasures is very strong. It is not impossible that the coordinates are engraved on the weapon.

The treasure itself has the ability to teleport.

Coupled with this teleportation feature. And his own ability to flicker.

Then his mobility is too strong.

“Well, I’ll try.”

Feeling the [Teleportation Star Bead], Long Drink found that what Li Mo said was really very likely.


Li Mo continued to open up his thinking.

“You can also build teleportation coordinates and hit them in various locations, such as the back of enemies, small corners.”

“At that time, teleporting everywhere will cause great restraint to the enemy.”

Li Mo’s words made Long Drink’s ideas also open up.

“If you can hit a weapon and directly use the throwing skill to lock on the enemy, you can also fly over in an instant?”

“You really know how to draw inferences!”

Li Mo laughed, and then suggested.

“How about this method called the Flying Thunder God Technique?”

“Flying Thunder God Technique?”

“You kid has a lot of ideas.”

“If it is really feasible, according to what you said, this Flying Thunder God Technique does have a lot of room for development!”

The two were walking forward.

Long Drink immediately stopped on the side. Then made a booing motion.

“Star God, here!”

Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly, and he suddenly squeezed the shield gun in his hand.

“So soon?”

The cave, which was originally still a little bright, quickly entered the night. A little starlight in the distance.

It was originally a daytime environment, with the reward of that star god. All around, it has already entered the night star dome.

Feel the setting of the stars as the night falls. Li Mo held his breath.

If that star god really found the two. I’m afraid a vicious battle is inevitable.

However, under the joint efforts of the two, they may not be afraid of that star god.

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