All People Change Jobs: I Ended The Gods Without A Job!

Chapter 178 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

0180. Terrorist breakthrough efficiency! Break the record again! New talent: Shadowless Hunt! (Automatic subscription required)

After Yun Chen had lunch, the news of arriving in the instance hall had already spread like wildfire.

When it first spread out and triggered the spread, he already came to a side hall under the guidance of the staff.

I saw in this very spacious hall in front of me, a diamond gate with a shining luster was suspended in the air, one of the gates had already been opened to the outside, and the distant atmosphere exuding inside was daunting.

At this moment, many students are already lingering outside.

There are teams of four people, teams of five people, and several people are alone, standing alone.

Among them, more donors are promoting sales.

"3800 credits, a perfect strategy booklet, details how to get the SSS-level evaluation solo, how to get the SS-level evaluation for a four-person team, etc."

"Tong old man is not deceived, just the price!"

I heard the customer's asking price.

The high credits are enough to make the members of the small team who had previously failed, almost yelled in frustration.


"You sold 3000 credits for the diamond copy last time, but now it has gone up by 800 credits directly?"

This is where everyone is angry.

"Nonsense, 35-level diamond copy, is it the same thing as 40-level diamond copy?"

"Under the quality of the diamond itself, the difficulty of the copy is already very high. After the level is increased, the difficulty of the second diamond copy is higher. The price will naturally increase.

The donor of the sales strategy said righteously.

If this business hadn't been secretly controlled by the Student Union, this business wouldn't be so easy to do.

Of course,

It is not an easy task to be able to achieve a detailed strategy that is accurate to meet the needs of any individual and team.

It's just 3,500 credits to get an encrypted file that can't be transferred, and it will be automatically destroyed once the time limit expires. Is this sale really worth it?

"If you want to buy out the right to use this copy at one time, you will need 1W5000 credits, which is really not bad for the strategy money."

"You guys just follow along and you won’t be done."

This guest is still seduce him.

have to say.

Compared with the money to enter the dungeon, this strategy really looks a bit small in comparison.

25 Just as a few people were tempted, the team leader among them suddenly stopped in summer, and his expression suddenly became hesitant, so he looked at the figure walking at the entrance of the side hall.

"This won't be... the legendary Yun Chen!"

What caught your eye was a slender and strong figure.

The figure full of power and oppression, and even the sharp face with sharp edges and corners, combined with a temperament that is not angry and prestigious, revealing a breath of awe-inspiring arrogance.

Too recognizable.

Even if you haven't seen this freshman in person, and haven't seen his photos, it is enough to think that he is this person through other people's descriptions and descriptions.

There can be nothing wrong.

He is Yun Chen who has just won the double crown.

this moment.

The atmosphere of the whole scene suddenly fell silent.

The students from all teams who were whispering around, had already changed their expressions, and looked at this Yun Chen with a serious and awe-inspiring expression.

Is he level 40?

Is this guy here to make the grade?

Under mutual eye contact, most of them showed a sense of shock.

Especially during the lunch time just now, news about this Yun Chen leaping to three levels in one day has spread.

The team members have also received the news.

Unexpectedly, this guy hasn't given up yet.Seeing this is to pass the dungeon by the way.

this moment.

Everyone felt that they had given up a way and let them go to the front door of the dungeon.

"Ah this

"He's in!"

Under the gaze of the crowd, I saw the figure of the freshman jobless student had disappeared in place.

That's really a neat and tidy one, with no hesitation at all.

"With his name as the King of Possibility, he won't be the first person to win a new record next.

"The probability is not so big."


"Basically it must be."

If they hadn't met in front of them formally, hadn't witnessed the Yun Chen's aura with their own eyes, they would not dare to jump to a conclusion.

But now, they only feel that the other party is sure about it.

"7 minutes and 32 seconds."

"This is the first-person record of the Diamond Dungeon Abyssal Cavern". "


The "profiteers" of this trafficking strategy have reported accurate figures as many families as possible.

Just finished.

Many people unanimously looked at the current time displayed on the screen of the mobile phone.


"As long as he comes out before about 32 points, he is basically the first person to be sure!"

The second diamond copy held by Jiangnan University is exactly the 40-level Abyssal Cavern.


Nightmare difficulty!

Yun Chen, who has been adhering to the single brush, came in without hesitation at all.

After a brief blur of vision, his figure has been teleported into the dungeon and came to a dimly dark cave.

Caverns of the Abyss!

As the name suggests, that is the abyss to deal with demons.

It's just that compared to the ninety-nine floor of the abyss, the content of the copy here is just a magic cave.

When Yun Chen, full of human aura, stepped into this cave, it immediately caused a lot of demonic creatures to restlessly.


I saw little demons with fluttering wings flying around.

The pair of scarlet pupils are very conspicuous in the dimness. Yun Chen's pair of black and white pupils are equipped with night vision after the magical medicine, so they can see the appearance of these little demons clearly.

With a hideous complexion, a pair of extremely sharp fangs were exposed, a pair of demon wings flapped continuously, and the figure flew like electricity.

This perfectly fits the general description of the devil in fantasy novels.

In this regard,

The main weapon has been switched to Yun Chen on the right hand, and he directly held up the silver white scepter, inspiring the most classic fireball technique!


At this moment, the extremely blazing dark fireball shot out continuously.

The A-grade fireball technique has already cut through the sky like a meteor, dragging out a long tail flame, and instantly crashing into the oncoming demon figure.

Compared with the high-level flame magic sunburst, the terrifying damage power directly exploded in mid-air.

Just a fireball released a terrifying explosion shock wave.

After a series of swaying fireballs flew straight away, in less than a second, nearly a hundred demon figures that pounced in front of them were all killed in the sea of ​​flames.


The fierce flames and explosions directly caused the entire catacomb to shake the mountain, not to mention the dust and saddle, and the gravel continued to fall.

In this regard,

Yun Chen didn't pay any attention at all. With the help of the external mental power, he had initially formed a substantial effect, and easily blocked a piece of rubble and powder.

Facing the sea of ​​fire that he brewed, his extremely slender figure shuttled past unmistakably.

It is worth mentioning that after successfully refining the Dark Demon Flame, Yun Chen itself is a fire-attribute immune physique.

The Demon Flame in front of him was even more conscious, dividing a path, and clustered Yun Chen forward behind him.

When his figure turned into another wider underground magic cave, a piece of magic flame surrounded by him had already shaped itself, turned into a flame dragon, and suddenly flew towards the demons in front of him.


What's even more outrageous is that Yun Chen directly ignited on a little demon lord remotely under the burning skill raised to A+ level.


Accompanied by a tragic cry of pain, a 45-level little demon lord was actually burned by Yun Chen's burning skill, which burned most of his life abruptly.

The reason is not just the relationship with the powerful skills.

It's even more because Yun Chen now has terrifying four-dimensional data.

That is a high value that people of the same age and level cannot imagine.

This is a one-sided massacre.

There was no sign of lag in the entire copy, and Yun Chen's footsteps did not stop at all.

A little demon lord can't even survive two moves.

in addition.

The Abyssal Cavern looks very huge, and the field of vision is very wide, but this is also a restricted terrain after all. Under the raging dark and terrifying demon flames, these little demons have no way to escape, and there is no way to fly higher. .

Strong people!


The first person in the new record of this copy is undoubtedly Yun Chen's bag.


Outside the copy gate.

All the major teams that were still discussing the dungeon strategy just stopped the previous topic.

"Three minutes.

"I don't know how the opponent is advancing?"

After Yun Chen entered the dungeon, their concerns all fell on the freshman.

The most discussed topics are how fast and efficient the opponent is to upgrade, and whether the opponent can continue the momentum of Poguanwang.

"Then Yun Chen is number one in a row?"

"If you remember correctly, it would be eight consecutive breaks, and eight copies of the record are the first person in hand."

"Damn, that's a real cow!"

this moment.

The donors who were working hard just now also followed up the discussion.

Of course, he also pointed out a cognitive error of these people.

"It's not that you can determine the first person by walking out in about 7 minutes. Aside from the reward time, you have forgotten the condition of hiding the level. That guy is a frequent visitor to the hidden level. It is estimated that you will have to stay longer."

The words fell off.

Suddenly, it was enlightened.


There are hidden levels!

It's no wonder that many people didn't expect it, because the vast majority of people, no...It should be said that more than 99% of people may not be able to clear the hidden level, which naturally formed a biased perception. For a time, they did not think of the problem.

Just as the news that Yun Chen entered the dungeon and continued to level up frantically had been fermenting in the whole school, the time had just arrived four minutes after Yun Chen entered the dungeon, and several teachers were already greeted in the side hall.


Seeing this scene, many students did not calm down immediately except to say hello.

Because one of the teachers obviously wants to register the information, this is from the special control of resources.


"Then Yun Chen actually broke through at this point in time?!"

Even the teacher's arrival cannot hide the surprise of the crowd.

One of them shouted in disbelief on the spot.

After all, that Yun Chen probably only spent half of the time recorded by the first person before, or even less than that, he has already cleared the customs.

This Yun Chen is really too outrageous!


As it says.

At this time.

Yun Chen, who used a magical skill to hit" and "blasted", lost the demon boss in the last level on the spot, and he already ushered in the reward settlement.

The speed can be said to be extremely fast, even faster than the silver copy.


[In view of your level of difficulty, nightmare level, and time of 3 minutes and 18 seconds," your evaluation is SSS level. Congratulations, you have been confirmed as the first person to record in this dungeon."

[Start to issue customs clearance rewards....

3 minutes and 18 seconds!

A new record was born.

Before Yun Chen came, he glanced at the recorded first person time, 7 minutes and 32 seconds.

In other words, he directly saved half of the time on the spot.

This is the reason why Yun Chen is so outrageous at this stage.

The new evolutionary awakening talent, and the sudden rise of personal four-dimensional attributes, make today's Yun Chen completely different from the previous hegemony period.

Not to mention, compared to before the competition, it is completely reborn and incredible.

After thinking about it, the reward has been issued.

[Congratulations, you have gained 98670 experience.

[Congratulations, you have obtained 90 free attribute points and 90 skill points]

[Congratulations on obtaining the A-level skill book Demon Transformation.

[Congratulations on getting the A-level skill book Nether Whip Answer]

[Congratulations on obtaining the Summoning Code (Two-Headed Demon Lord). "

[Congratulations on your acquisition of the diamond equipment: Demon Sword. "

[Congratulations on obtaining the B+ enchantment material: Demon Blood]

[Congratulations on getting the title: Demon Buster)

【Because of your identity as the first person in the dungeon, you will unlock a new achievement talent. "

[Please choose one from the three. 】

[0 Shadowless Hunt (A+): Your attack speed will be increased by 50%. After a kill with a melee weapon, you will be shuttled for a short time and attack a new target and double the bonus. "

【Q War Madness (A-): When you swing an attack on the same enemy, the speed of each attack will gradually increase by 4%, with no upper limit. "

[King of Conquer (A-]; 12% of the damage you cause to the enemy will be converted into a healing effect on yourself."

The classic talent three-choice one link is here again.


For Yun Chen, there is no suspense at all.

A talent similar to "Treading Wind Slash" appeared.

"Shadow hunting!"

This suits me too well.

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