All People Change Jobs: I Ended The Gods Without A Job!

Chapter 179 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

0181. Suppress Tianjiao! The power is like a broken bamboo! Two days and six levels! No one can compare! (Automatic subscription required)

It is the first person in the new record.

Choose one of the three classic talents.

This time there is no need to hesitate at all, because the choice is so good.

"You must choose a talented mouth!"

Yun Chen said, and directly chose it.


[You have obtained the talent invisible hunting. "

[0 Shadowless Hunt (A+): Your attack speed will be increased by 50%. After a kill with a melee weapon, you will be shuttled for a short time and attack a new target and double the bonus. "

This is a good talent.

After causing a kill, it will briefly enter a state of shadowlessness, and will quickly rush to the next target with its own assault effect.

The most deadly thing is that the attack speed bonus will be doubled next, reaching a 100% attack speed increase.

This is so magical.

For upgrading monsters, and even being placed in a more complex frontline battlefield in the future, this talent can help Yun Chen better with one enemy and many, so as to deal with a bunch of enemies.

"It's worthy of the achievement talent given by the dungeon.

Compared with the talents granted through genetic potions in the general sense, mass-produced talents are naturally inferior to this kind of achievement talent.

in addition.

The new achievement talent of "Shadow Hunting", coupled with Yun Chen's own "Wind Slashing Skill", is simply wonderful to the extreme.

In addition, he owns the magical grafting skills, and he can really walk on the wind with a gun, rushing and killing the enemy wantonly.


Yun Chen sighed.

I have to say that the reward for the first person to break the record will be very generous.

Two A-level skill books.

One is a general skill book.

It is still very rare.

It is a variant skill.

``Devil Transformation (A.)!

The whole body is demonized, with a pair of demon wings, and it can fly freely.

At the same time, its all attributes are increased by 60%, the dodge rate is increased by 65%, the attack damage is increased by 70%, and it comes with a dark burning special effect.

The duration is three minutes.

Although the effect of taking full attribute promotion alone, it looks inferior to the fighter's blood burst skill.

But just without sequelae, the duration of three minutes, and even the substantial increase in attack damage and dodge rate, are enough to show that this is a very good skill.

Of course,

The sequelae seem to be absent.

It's just that the demonized physique naturally has to accept the weakness of the devil itself, and will be greatly restrained when facing the sacred attribute and the light attribute.

Moreover, facing the profession of ‘the demon hunter, it’s even more of a loss.

"gain some lose some."

The choice depends on the consideration of the enemy.

As for the other "Nether Whip Answer: An exclusive skill book for magicians, necromancers and other legal professions."

Therefore, Yun Chen will throw it into the school market to sell and sell like diamonds equipped with the sword of the devil, in order to reclaim the credits.

To say that the copy settlement rewards, the most important thing is experience points, free attribute points and skill points.

First of all, the experience value reward is nearly 10W.

It's just that compared to the last level 35 diamond dungeon, the level increase, so much experience, it only makes Yun Chen level 41, almost not enough experience to upgrade.

The more you upgrade later, the more experience points are required.

Fortunately, the crypt platform in front of me has collapsed, and there is an extra entrance, which is obviously the entrance to the hidden level.

Although it would not allow him to be promoted by one more level, the experience gained from it can be considered rich.

The other 90 free attribute points are enough for Yun Chen to make up for the "short board" substantially.Because he leaped three levels in a row, even if Yun Chen did not specifically add some strength and physique attributes, the basic attribute growth brought by the devouring spirit and the volatilization of the magical power of Titan medicine, the strength attribute alone almost broke the 700 mark.

Didn't think much about it.

His extremely slender figure walked towards the tunnel of the crypt, to the hidden checkpoint.


Outside of the copy, it has already caused quite a stir.

Especially after several teachers from the Dungeon Hall personally arrived, the crowd in the side hall still accepted the facts before them in disbelief.

"3 minutes and 18 seconds!

"It's okay to say that he broke the record, but he didn't expect such a record to win a new first place."


"Too unreasonable."

After asking the teacher just now, all the students in the hall knew that Yun Chen won the first person record of the new copy with a time of 3 minutes and 18 seconds.

What's terrible is that this new record has shrunk a full half of the time compared to the previous record of the first person.

"Good fellow!"

"This guy is really a god. It takes less time to clear the level. Is this still a human?"

"Damn, it's no wonder that the freshman group of students call him Yunshen, this guy is really amazing."

At this time, news about Yun Chen's entry into the dungeon had already spread throughout the school.

Everyone knows that the first person to break the record in eight consecutive years may have to reach a new record.

So many people are waiting for the result in real time.

Some nearby students rushed to the dungeon hall.

But the waiting time was not long.

Only more than three minutes later, news about Yun Chen's record-breaking customs clearance has been spread out on a small scale.

Among them, it triggered another round of discussions.

Yun Chen, who was on the cusp of the storm, didn't care at all. Only four minutes later, he ended the hidden level. After gaining an extra 6W experience, he finally walked out of this 40-level diamond instance.


In the side hall, a figure walked out of the suspended diamond gate.

Perhaps it was because of too much killing in a short time, and the whole body was soaked in killing intent, which made Yun Chen's already tall and mighty physique show more and more suffocating pressure.


For a while, the comments that just existed in the entire Pian Hall were suppressed.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that the two teachers came forward to break the silence.

"Yun Chen, routine."

Needless to say, it is still the same set of procedures for resource management and control.

"Devil Transfiguration" Although many countries have output, it can be counted when the output is full, and the output in a year is rarely broken.

"The violent effects alone, without the special sequelae, are enough to require control."

The teacher explained it.

For this type of violent skill, Yun Chen naturally couldn't sell it. He used it on the spot and learned this demon transformation skill with skill points.

"All right."

After registering to determine the number of places, the two teachers who walked off the procedure left directly.

Facing this indifferent and arrogant figure, the juniors in the entire hall did not dare to say a word, or even dared to look at him.

Vaguely, I still find it hard to breathe.

The tip of his nose even smelled a strong smell of demon blood.

This is obviously caused by the atmosphere of the opponent's murderous aura.

The suffocating breath disappeared after the opponent's figure left.

"This guy....

"too frightening."

Some people are still planning how to approach it, but when the freshman unemployed came out, they couldn't say half a word of the draft in their minds.

This Yun Chen puts too much pressure on people.

No matter how.

The news about Yun Chen's rapid upgrade to level 4 in less than 24 hours has spread widely.

The terrible thing is that this unemployed casual man has reached level 41.

What's more terrifying is that he is only a freshman!

His level is already ahead of the first sophomore.

But the most intriguing and terrifying thing is that this Sanren had already fallen behind at level 37 and won the double championship in the global prestigious school competition.

"After this month's winter vacation, he shouldn't have to reach the 46th and 47th grades, and officially come to the first echelon of the junior year.

"Damn, don't tell me, it's very likely."

"There is also a diamond copy at level 42, and another diamond copy at level 45. As long as he wants to, relying on his credit advantage, he can really upgrade to level 46 steadily.

Of course.

The premise is to win a copy to record the reward of the first person, and by the way win the experience of the entire hidden level.

It's just that seeing this Yun Shen's clearance efficiency is horribly fast, everyone believes that the remaining two diamond copies can't trouble him at all.

"But the copy is limited..."

After all, the number of copies in the entire Jiangnan University's copy hall is only more than ten.

After the diamond copy, only one legend copy remained.

"Once all the diamond dungeons are cleared, the remaining legendary quality dungeon in the dungeon hall will start at level 50."

A 50-level legend copy, I am afraid that few people will be able to touch this threshold in a year.

In fact, the school also allows graduates to return to school within two years to clear customs.

Only two years!!

It will not work after timeout.

Why set this limit.

Because if you can't reach the 50th level after two years of graduation, it means that you haven't made much credit on the frontline battlefield.

This is undoubtedly the exhaustion of its own potential, and it has come to the bottleneck of strength.

Otherwise, they have already lived a stable life and don't want to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and upgrade.

Anyway, two years after graduating, it is still not possible to upgrade to level 50. In the eyes of Jiangnan University, this famous school, it is indeed very bad.


This requirement is not as simple as imagined.

Teacher Qin Junyu’s student from the Ministry of Education left the battlefield directly away from the battlefield. He obviously had good qualifications, but after so many years of graduation, he had only risen two levels, and now he is only level 45.

It is impossible for him to reach the 50th level in his entire life.

"Yun Chen is just a freshman now, and there are two years left. If he is rushing too hard now, the school doesn't have much upgrade resources left for him."

To this.

Someone thought inexplicably, "You said there is no possibility."

"I'm afraid he has planned to leave school early. After all, his teacher is the Iceberg Queen Xia Qingcheng. In the style of that dean, it is impossible not to treat his students harshly."


"Since people have participated in the competition two years in advance, why can't they leave school two years in advance?"

Mention this.

Some juniors thought of a related topic.

There is already a decision above to consider whether to let the juniors in the second half of the year also go to the front line as a reserve force.

If the frontline situation is so urgent that the resolution is passed, then it is very likely that Yun Chen will join the army along with their juniors.

"I see.

"It's really possible, otherwise, it won't let the level rush so quickly."

"There is a high probability that Yun Chen will go to the front line in the second half of the year.


"It's crazy."

"With his momentum of oppressing the young generation of Tianjiao, shouldn't he also shine in the reserve army!"

",Hard to say,....

"The chance of setting is a bit slim."

"After all, although our junior year can't suppress this monster, this senior year is the strongest in history, and that guy can't win."

In a sense, this is also a matter of personal circumstances.

The catastrophe and tribulation brought about by the recent great war is also an opportunity for the top geniuses.The glorious miracles of being promoted to the eighth level a week, the ninth and tenth levels are basically passed on from this period.

Do not say the level is raised.

Xuan Longguo also praised the young heroes and commended their heroic achievements.

This also affected Yun Chen.

Due to too many awards for young meritorious deeds some time ago, the country of Xuanlong was unable to reward the single champion Yun Chen with unique magic skills.

After all, it is a rare global single champion that has only emerged in 13 years.

For the sake of Yun Chen's heart, the Minister of Education at the top made a final decision and gave three shares of auction items.


"Unfortunately, I have already missed this express train."

"That Yun Chen may not be able to keep up with the pace of the seniors."

"That group of people has gained so much."

"The strongest senior in history is not for nothing."

Everyone sighed for a while.

And at the moment.

The leveling momentum from Yun's madness did not stop there.

Because Yun Chen finished his level 40 diamond copy at around 1:00 in the afternoon, theoretically, it would take a lot of time to finish the day.

Realizing this, he had already spent 2W2000 credits to apply for a field map.

Once the level is high, it will cost more and more credits to upgrade through the field map.

There is also a 15% holiday maintenance and management fee.

The teachers and staff employed by Jiangnan University are not obligated to stay in the school during the winter vacation.


When overseas students use many facilities of Jiangxi University, they will have an extra expenditure, which is basically used for compensation.

Maybe he is really on the through train list, or there is no doubt about his strength.

The review work is not ordinary (Wang Zhaohao) fast.

At 2:30, Yun Chen had already set off for a field map "Dentridge Mountain" in the Cangfeng Great Mountain Range.

The vast Cangfeng Mountain Range is simply a piece of lofty ridge after another. It is vast and endless. Not counting some underground space, based on the area detected, it is at least half the size of Jiangnan Province.

Most of the field maps with graded areas are equipped with teleportation points, which are convenient for students who do not have teleport skills to reach easily.

For Yun Chen, there is no need for trouble.

He set off at half past two.

When I came back, it was already six o'clock.


His own level has reached level 42.

After returning to the mansion for dinner, and adhering to the digestion after meal, Yun Chen has spent 2W credits to apply for a level 42 diamond instance in the instance hall.

The strength assessment is not a problem at all. Basically, it is found that it takes less than three seconds to pass the application to the review.

When Yun Chen's figure appeared in the dungeon hall again, a loud noise shouted from the students inside.

"It won't be level 6 a day after coming out, right."

"No. Strictly speaking, 24 hours have passed, which is considered to be level 6 in two days, but this cloud god has completed the level 6 jump in less than 28 hours. The ghost knows that he will have to go up to a few more levels in 48 hours."

This is too fierce.

In addition to lamenting the intensity of its impact.

More people sighed and sighed that the other party had too many credits.

"I still got my work machine credits the next day."

"That's good for Yun Chen. I spent tens of thousands of dollars in two days."

"It's really cool to have credits!"

But using credits is one thing.

"May I ask who can achieve a double crown?"

"May I ask anyone who can not understand the strategy, and directly download the diamond copy. This is more than that, but it can also be super record and easy to pass the level.

"This Yun Shen can do it. The young Tianjiao of the Hengzhuang generation is not blowing it. He won't be able to upgrade fast."

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