All People Change Jobs: I Ended The Gods Without A Job!

Chapter 180 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

0182. Space power first appeared! Horror twist! Lord of Space! New talent! (Automatically ask for subscription)

Yun Chen, who had just finished eating, came to the dungeon hall in the name of digestion.

In a spacious side hall on the three-story building, the 42-level diamond copy "The Scarlet Imperial Court has already come into view."

Didn't think much.

He came into direct contact with him.

[Dungeon Secret Realm: Scarlet Imperial Court

[Level: Level 42~Level 45]

[Difficulty: You can choose simple, difficult, nightmare]

[Number of people required: 1~5 people)

[Remarks: In the dark and secluded forest, there is an ancient imperial court. Every time the moon is full and the dark night, countless bats will fly out of the ancient castle.

Scarlet imperial court.

It seems difficult to tell what type of copy this is.

But probably combined with the words "blood color and bat", it can be more or less clear that this is the home ground of the vampire race.

Vampires are naturally another name for the so-called blood race.

During the global prestigious school competition, the son of the blood prince Dracula was one of the contestants.

Of course.

This Prince Dracula, who is at least tens of thousands of years old, has many children and grandchildren.


Yun Chen's vision was blurred.

Under the eyes of some students still shocked, his figure disappeared.

"Should it be the end of another three minutes?"

"do not talk..."

"It's very possible. Think about it, the first person time of this 42-level dungeon is also more than 7 minutes. With this guy's power, I'm afraid it will greatly reduce the clearance time."

Even though the night has fallen, there are still some students in the Dungeon 673 hall.

no way.

After all, not everyone is Yun Chen who can pass the level perfectly.

Even if many people have a strategy, but a certain aspect is a step slower, and it has been delayed for such a second, which leads to not being able to meet the SS-level and SSS-level evaluations.

After a second, do not receive any rewards, just log out and start again.

After receiving the settlement reward, there is no chance to enter the copy for the second time.

In order to make the clearance time of oneself a few seconds faster and satisfy the higher evaluation of the dungeon, some people really have soaked in the dungeon for more than ten consecutive days, trying again and again.

Would anyone say it's worth it?

However, there is still a big gap between SS-level and SSS-level evaluations.

The experience acquisition is a bit short.

Not to mention that there are a lot less acquisition of free attribute points and skill points.

If you have a better character, you may miss a top skill book.

These are irreparable follow-ups.

If every dungeon is so resigned and does not go to the SSS level evaluation, the gap accumulated from beginning to end is not generally large, and basically makes the comparison between the strengths of the two very different.

Therefore, we must persevere.

As long as they are committed to impacting the third revolution, even the further students are trying to impact higher evaluations day and night.

"The talent gap between people is really too big."

I thought that the opponent might end the battle in more than three minutes.

However, I was thinking hard. I stayed outside this instance from the week before the holiday to the second day after the holiday. The sense of gap in it was really cfce out of balance.

He subconsciously looked at the time on the mechanical watch.

Counting "hidden level time, 7:03 is almost the same."

in addition.

The news that Yun Chen continued to rush through the dungeon had already spread out somewhat.

On his mobile phone alone, multiple friends sent inquiries, either asking for the authenticity of the message, or helping to check whether the other party is the first person to record.

In any case, after the Yun Chen won the double champion and returned to school, it can be said that it has really set off a wave of discussion.

This is really the first person who deserves to be in the school.

"If you want to stop his rushing momentum, I'm afraid I can really wait for him to consume the points on hand.

This is true.

And at the moment.

Three minutes later.

Under the bloody night and moon, the vampire viscount who was sleeping in the coffin on the top of the castle just got up and was directly bombarded to death by Yun Chen with a gun that he must hit.

What's interesting is that this BOSS didn't even die in the true sense.

A bit similar to the BOSS with two blood bars in online games. After the first blood tank is completely emptied, the second form is inspired.

In this regard, facing the vampire bats that permeated the entire castle hall, Yun Chen's clear black and white eyes suddenly became deep and deep.

This time it was not the night pupil that showed a gloomy luster.


There were terrible ripples in his eyes.

That is the fluctuation of space power!!

"Chaos Twisted!"

this moment.

The latest system magic technique was used by Yun Chen for the first time.


I saw a terrifying twisting force suddenly appeared in the hall in front of him, and it turned wildly like a horrible vortex.

For a time.

A piece of space in the entire castle hall was torn to pieces by the terrifying and distorting force.

In addition, the vortex formed by the distortion generates a majestic force, so that it is like a black hole, madly absorbing a large number of vampire bats flying in the air.


Under the extremely painful cry, I saw a crowd of bats either torn into blood by the twisted force, or completely swallowed by the terrifying draw.

This is the first time Yun Chen has used twisting magic skills!!

The effect of the two levels, acting on the individual spiritual level, is to distort the will of others and change the thoughts of others.

For example, forcibly turning the other person's plan to attack into an escape.

The other is to act on the real level and produce the effect of space distortion.

It stands to reason that the dangerous level of this magical skill is not generally high. If you are not careful, you can even hurt yourself.


After Yun Chen got the S+ level space element talent, he could be called the master of space in a sense, but he let his body stand unscathed in this distorted space chaos.

When the twisting force swept toward his body, all of them consciously deflected.

Because this space-distortion power was so lethal, it took less than two seconds to tear all the vampire bats in the entire castle hall into powder.

And when the distortion energy disappears completely...

The entire space in front of you is more like a cube glass bottle, falling on the ground, although it has not been completely broken, but its surface is already full of cracks, and several of them, large or small, have fallen off. Fragments.

The castle hall in front of you can be said to be crumbling, and I don't know if I can support Yun Chen himself to receive the reward.

Even Yun Chen's feet were already off the ground and hovering firmly in the air, because the ground under his feet had already begun to disintegrate and collapse.

But it seemed to be the particularity of the copy. Before the space collapsed further, in an instant, when a majestic space force passed by, the entire castle hall was restored to its original state, and there was no trace of cracking.

To this

Yun Chen is not a bit weird.

After all, even the Bronze dungeon has the power of terrifying time and space rules, otherwise it is not enough for anyone to repeatedly enter and exit in parallel time.

That is the power of the God of Creation, so you don't need to think too much about it.


[Given that your clearance difficulty is nightmare level and the clearance time is 3 minutes and 13 seconds, your evaluation is SSS level. Congratulations, you have been confirmed as the new first person in this dungeon record.

[Start to issue customs clearance rewards....)


What is even more incredible is that the time it took Yun Chen to clear the level 42 dungeon was 5 seconds faster than that of the level 40 dungeon ‘Abyss Cavern.

This speed and efficiency are enough to make people crazy and horrified.

It can be said to be completely counter-intuitive.

After all, it shouldn't be the higher the level of the dungeon, the more time it takes?!

He is good!

The other way around.

And Yun Chen's most anticipated reward link will follow.

[Congratulations, you have gained 102350 experience points. "

[Congratulations on getting 100 free attribute points and 100 skill points]

[Congratulations on obtaining the A+ level skill book'Life Plunder.' "

[Congratulations on getting the A-level skill book Bloodthirsty Fury]

[Congratulations on getting the diamond equipment' bloodthirsty mask. "

[Congratulations on your acquisition of the diamond equipment "Bloodthirsty Sword". ]

[Congratulations on obtaining A-level materials, blood core (viscount)]

[Congratulations on winning the title: Vampire Punisher"

Because of your status as the first person in your dungeon, you will unlock a new achievement talent. "

[Please choose one from the three. ]

[0 Crazy Blade (A+): When attacking a single target, the first three attacks have a 90% attack speed and movement speed bonus, and the cooling time is 15S. "

[@战狂(A-): When you attack the same enemy, the speed of each attack will gradually increase by 4%, with no upper limit. "

[Concentration (A+): When your vitality is higher than 80%, you will continue to gain 45% damage bonus and spell power bonus.

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