I don't know how long it has been.

A record suddenly appeared.

[Record: Your strength has been promoted to Level 4 and Level 1, and you have obtained: Potential Points +400. 】

"Finally entered the fourth level!"

Jiang Bai opened his eyes with joy on his face.

The golden eagle also shrunk in size, and flew onto Jiang Bai's shoulder, congratulating him happily.

After being happy, the next step is Enhancement.

Jiang Bai opened the personal information page and looked at the many Talents in the Talent column.

He hesitated for a while, and finally chose to Enhance all the Talents that can be Enhanced.

After all, with his current strength, he can already raise Talent Enhancement to A-level.

And an A-level Talent can be regarded as a great help!

After Enhancement Talent.

Jiang Bai glanced at the Cultivation Technique and techniques, and found that there was nothing to Enhance.

Moreover, the Wuliangling Jue and the Hundred Forging Golden Body Jue can be cultivated to the fifth level, so there is no need to worry that the Cultivation Technique cannot keep up with Realm.

But there is still a lack of a high-level concept.

As for techniques, there is currently only one movement technique that is platinum-level, and none of the other techniques are gold-level.

At the same time, it lacks spiritual techniques.

After all, Jiang Bai's Mental Energy is so powerful, it cannot be wasted!

Then, it's equipped.

25 Jiang Bai took out the four spiritual weapons, the Snow Song Knife, the Chiyan Sword, the Extinguishing Soul Bow, and the Flood Dragon Leather Armor.

Now that his strength has improved, he can already Enhancement them again.

The first is the Snow Song Knife.

But with just one Enhancement, the Snow Song Knife has reached its limit——

[Snow Song Knife +12

Category: Treasure

Host: Jiang Bai

Grade: low grade

Spirit pattern: halfway

Spirituality: 5100

Special effects: Frozen (can be stimulated by Spirit Power, which can burst out a powerful chill in an instant, freezing everything within ten meters of Fang Yuan.), human-organ integration (inspire the spirituality of the spiritual weapon, and enter the state of human-organ integration, thus Another weapon explodes with power beyond its own limit.)

Features: Chill (the chill that comes with the blade will quietly invade the enemy's body along with the wound, thus affecting the enemy's actions.), Armor Breaking (it is easier to break through the enemy's defense.), Blood Sucking (during battle, it can absorb the enemy's blood or blood, It is used to feed back the master.), Guardian (when the weapon owner is in danger, the weapon will give an alarm, and will also take the initiative to protect the master.), Yunling (can automatically absorb Spiritual Qi to evolve itself and improve spirituality, and its owner can also receive it Qi Sea space, with Spirit Power for cultivation, to help it evolve and enhance spirituality).

Remarks: The treasure has reached its limit and cannot continue Enhancement. 】

"On top of the spiritual weapon is the treasure weapon?"

Jiang Bai raised his eyebrows, and carefully read the information about Snow Song Knife.

He found that the Snow Song Knife did not have any new special effects or characteristics.

It seems that the low-grade treasure is indeed the limit of the Snow Song Knife.

After all, the Snow Song Knife was only a gold rank weapon!

Arranged in the order of gold, platinum, Baijin.

The spiritual weapon corresponds to the platinum level, and the treasure corresponds to the Baijin level.

The Snow Song Knife can jump two big levels in a row, which is pretty good.

Afterwards, Jiang Bai enhanced the Chiyan Sword, Miehun Yin, and Flood Dragon Leather Armor once.

Just like the Snow Song Knife, these three items also reach the limit when they are upgraded to low-rank treasures.

So far, Jiang Bai's strength has been completely improved.

Immediately, he thought of Heavenly Dao's unique talent ability, and then lifted the golden eagle from his shoulder to his eyes.

"Golden Eagle, don't resist, I'll give you something!"

Hearing this, the golden eagle remained motionless, watching curiously.

Jiang Bai closed his eyes, and his consciousness entered the Zifu space.

From the stars in the sky, he found the star representing Boyin Talent, and then mobilized Mental Energy to pick it off, and brought it out of the Zifu space.

in reality.

A ray of light flew out from between Jiang Bai's eyebrows, and went straight into the golden eagle's head.

The golden eagle was startled and slowly closed its eyes.

At this time, Jiang Bai opened his eyes, put the golden eagle on the ground, and looked at it nervously.

After a while, the golden eagle suddenly opened its eyes, opened its mouth and let out an ear-piercing cry!

In an instant, Jiang Bai was shocked by the sound and his head buzzed.

Fortunately, his mental energy was strong enough, so he recovered in an instant, and quickly dodged away from the golden eagle.

Boyin Talent, Grade B, can affect all things and spirits through sound.

Jiang Bai has tried it before, and the erupting voice of this Talent has a certain mental attack ability.

Moreover, it can also affect the operation of the Spirit Power in the cultivator's body, thereby interrupting the techniques performed by the cultivator.

It can be said that although this Talent is only B-level, it is not insignificant.

But the shortcomings are also obvious.

For example, a cultivator like Jiang Bai, even if he was suddenly attacked by Boyin Talent at close range and unsuspecting, it was just a buzzing in his head.

Other than that, he was not affected by any other.

However, he is also a special case.

After all, his Mental Energy is powerful, and his Spirit Power is even more solid.

Boyin Talent is useless to him, which is understandable.

But it is different for other practitioners.

What's more, the chirping of the golden eagle itself has the power to penetrate gold and crack stones.

Now paired with Boyin Talent, it will definitely become a powerful killing move!

At this time, the golden eagle had stopped singing, but there was disbelief in its eyes.

It actually has an extra Talent out of thin air!

"Jiang Bai, how did you do it?!"

The golden eagle looked at Jiang Bai, hoping he could give an explanation.

Jiang Bai returned to the Golden Eagle, stretched out his hand to caress its head, and said with a smile, "This is my Talent ability, you have to keep it a secret for me!"

"Yeah!" The golden eagle nodded repeatedly.

It is not stupid, and naturally understands the heaven-defying nature of this Talent ability.

"Let's leave first, there are beasts coming here, it should be attracted by the movement of my previous breakthrough.

While talking, Jiang Bai put the golden eagle on his shoulder and disappeared in place.

In the dead of night.

near a large tribe.

Jiang Bai restrained his breath, stood on a big tree, and watched a city in front of him.

This city belongs to a large tribe of the Tauren tribe.

Perhaps it is because of the recent conflict between the Taurus and the Goblin Yi tribe.

The patrol force on the city wall has also been significantly strengthened, and the frequency has also increased a lot.

Jiang Bai observed for a long time, and finally decided to attack directly.

He wants to test the depth of this large tribe, and only then can the masters be brought out.

With a decision, he starts the Thousand Transformation Talent.

Thousand Changes Talent is promoted from Thousand Faces Talent and belongs to A-level Talent.

Different from the Thousand Faces Talent, the Thousand Changes Talent is a real transformation, not a spiritual Illusion Art or the like.

Not only that, Qianchang Talent can change even breath!

The only disadvantage, probably, is that it can only change into living things.

Soon, Jiang Bai's appearance changed completely.

His appearance became a middle-aged man, his ears became pointed, and a pair of antlers grew on his head.

This is the image of the Druid family.

The external form of the Druids is similar to that of the elves, but the antlers on their heads are very eye-catching.

And this family is born with transformation talents, not only can transform into various beasts, but also into other races.

Very similar to the Thousand Transformation Talent.

Not only that, the Warrior of the druid family is also extremely good at bow and arrow, and their sword and sword skills are not weak.

It fits perfectly with Jiang Bai's disguise all along. .

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