All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 102 Night Attack On Large Tribes

"Golden Eagle, fly up to the sky and wait, don't come down until I inform you.

Jiang Bai talks to the Golden Eagle directly in his heart through the talent of telepathy.

The golden eagle responded inwardly, then maintained its shrunken size, and flew into the air with its wings fluttering.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai stretched out his hand and took out the Soul Slayer Bow, and flew directly from the big tree to the city wall.

After entering the fourth level, he can fly in the air for a short time——without using any Movement Technique.

If you use Movement Technique techniques, the flight time will be longer.

Swish Swish Swish!

On the way, Jiang Bai quickly shot and killed the guards and patrols on the city wall.

Another patrol team in the distance immediately noticed the situation here, and immediately shouted a warning.

Soon, a low-pitched horn sounded, forcibly waking up the sleeping city.

Jiang Bai also landed on the wall, quickly pulled the soul-killing bow in his hand, and shot and killed the "Luo team" gathered on the city wall.

He looked at the gradually lit city, and stood on the wall, waiting quietly for the arrival of the Tauren masters.

Secretly, he has already spread out the Mental Energy, always paying attention to any wind blowing grass around him.

The development of Acupoints in Zifu, the gathering of the sea of ​​fine Divine Sense.

Coupled with Jiang Bai's Mental Energy, it is already strong enough.

That's why Mental Energy can get out of the body.

Not long after, under the city wall, there were masters of the Tauren tribe holding torches, gathering from all over the city.

Jiang Bai glanced at it, and saw through the information interface that these are all second- and third-order minions.

As the strength continues to improve, the effective viewing distance of the information interface is also increasing.

Jiang Bai quickly pulled the soul-destroying bow, and the arrows shot out one after another, accurately hitting each of the Tauren masters, blocking them all under the city wall.

Suddenly, Jiang Bai raised his head and looked forward.

At the same time, a roar came from the night:

"What a guts!"

"How dare you come here to massacre my Warrior, my clan will live forever with the Druids!"

A tall Tauren, exuding a powerful aura, flew across the sky.

The roar just now came from his mouth.

"Sure enough, there are Tier 4 masters!"

Jiang Bai focused his eyes, raised his hand and shot out a shocking arrow.


The shock arrow was detonated in advance by Jiang Bai, and the Innate Spirit Power he poured into it exploded, turning into a powerful shock wave and spreading.

The fourth-rank Tauren was caught off guard and was directly knocked down from the sky to the city wall.

Immediately afterwards, waves of arrows rained towards him.

At this time, Jiang Bai also saw the information of this fourth-rank Tauren.

[Taurus leader (Gold BOSS)

Race: Tauren

Strength: Tier 4 Tier 1

Bloodline: Bull Demon Bloodline(30%)

Talent: Juli. 】

Tier 4 Tier 1?

Jiang Bai was certain in his heart, but there was a killing intent flashing in his eyes, and the speed of drawing the bow suddenly increased a bit.

Immediately, a larger and more severe arrow rain fell.

With the blessing of the low-grade treasure artifact Soul Slayer Bow, even the leader of the Tauren clan had no choice but to retreat under the heavy rain of arrows.

The other Warriors of the Tauren tribe had already withdrawn from the range of Arrow Rain, climbed up the city wall from other places, and were heading towards Jiang Bai to besiege and kill.

Jiang Bai, who was surrounded by Mental Energy all the time, naturally also discovered it.

He immediately adjusted his archery skills and replaced the arrows with special arrows.

Use the Shocking Arrow and Mingdi Arrow as cover, and use the Mother-Child Arrow as the killing move.

In just three seconds, the leader of the Tauren clan was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

In the fourth second, the leader of the Tauren tribe was hit between the eyebrows by Mother-Child's arrow, and several sub-arrows pierced through his head.

At this time, other Warriors of the Tauren tribe came up to kill them.

Jiang Bai immediately replaced the Soul Slayer Bow with the Snow Song Knife, and an extreme chill erupted all over his body.

This is the true meaning of ice.

Under the influence of the true meaning of the ice, the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and pieces of snowflakes manifested out of thin air and fell down.

The Tauren Warriors didn't care about that.

But they don't know that these snowflakes are deadly things!

Because this is the profound meaning of Qianduixue——Snow floats in the world!

With a wave of the long knife in Jiang Bai's hand, those snowflakes immediately turned into deadly weapons and shot out in all directions.

For a while, the sound of puffing and puffing can be heard endlessly.

Those Tauren Warriors fell in pieces, just like the 10,000 Tauren army in the previous tribal defense battle!

Suddenly, Jiang Bai's Mental Energy frantically warned.

He almost subconsciously used the Free and Unfettered Wind Control Technique, and his whole body disappeared in place like a phantom in an instant without a sound.

At the same time, a big ax slammed down [hardly hitting the position where he was standing just now.

Immediately afterwards, a slightly old tauren fell from the air.

[Taurus big Elder (gold BOSS)

Race: Tauren

Strength: Level 4 Level 3

Bloodline: Bull Demon Bloodline(50%)

Talent: berserk. 】

Big Elder?

Jiang Bai frowned, it seems that this guy is the strongest of this large tribe.

Of course, Jiang Bai didn't forget the priest who never showed up.

Priests in aboriginal tribes are not simple.

At this moment, a burst of war drums sounded suddenly.

Followed by a strange singing.

Moreover, the singing did not trigger the automatic translation of the evolution panel.

Then there is only one possibility——

This is not Common's singing, but some kind of technique!

Jiang Bai followed the prestige, and he saw a tauren priest under the city wall, dancing some kind of dance.

This is war dance!

Around the tauren priests, some tauren tribes were beating the animal skin war drums.

That strange song came from them, it was a battle song!


Hearing the battle song, the Tauren Warriors roared angrily, and their aura suddenly rose sharply.

Not even the big Elder.

While Jiang Bai listened to the battle song, the sea of ​​spirits in the Zifu space was slightly rippling.

Because this battle song contains spiritual attack!

It's a pity that Jiang Bai's Mental Energy is too powerful, and this mental attack can't affect him at all.

If you only have this (Zhao Nuohao) strength, then you can't stop me!

Jiang Bai didn't say this, because he didn't understand the language of the Druids, and he would reveal his secrets when he spoke.

But the strong murderous aura emanating from his body clearly conveyed the meaning of these words to all the Tauren people.


The big Elder roared angrily, and rushed towards Jiang Bai with the big one.

Regarding this, Jiang Bai was not afraid at all, and took the initiative to meet him with the Snow Song Knife.

In an instant, saber energy surged, and it slapped at the big Elder like a stormy sea.

The big Elder's Spirit Power shield was like paper, and it was easily cut by the knife's air, leaving deep wounds on his body.

In just one encounter, the big Elder of level 4 and level 3 was bleeding profusely, and was even slashed and flew by Jiang Bai of level 4 and level 1.

This is the comprehensive suppression of background, Cultivation Technique, techniques, and equipment!

Even if this big Elder has a temporary increase in the strength of the war song, it is useless!

Gap is Gap Play!.

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