As the golden eagle approached, the fire feather bird king spread its wings and flew into the air, blocking in front of the golden eagle.

"You two, this is my clan's territory, please leave!"

The Fire Feather Bird King swallowed the words, and uttered a thick male voice.

But its fiery red eyes are staring at Jiang Bai closely.

It faintly perceives a deadly threat from Jiang Bai!

Jiang Bai looked at the Fire Feather Bird King, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

It was he who activated the puppet Talent.

Puppet Talent, Grade A, can use Mental Energy to domesticate other creatures and turn them into puppets for oneself to drive.

If you encounter an existence whose Mental Energy surpasses itself, you can use the special puppet thread to forcefully manipulate its body!

At this moment, Jiang Bai is using Mental Energy to try to domesticate the Fire Feather Bird King.

After a few seconds.

The originally hostile Fire Feather Bird King's eyes became hollow, and all the hostility dissipated from his body.

This is a successful domestication!

Jiang Bai took back Mental Energy and ordered: "Fire feather bird king, call the fire feather bird group immediately!"

"Yes, master."

The Fire Feather Bird King's voice became hollow, but he carried out Jiang Bai's orders to the letter.

I saw it let out a high-pitched cry, and the fire feather birds below immediately soared into the air and gathered behind it.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai once again used the puppet Talent to domesticate 25 other fire feather birds.

After doing this.

Jiang Bai immediately made the golden eagle turn around and turn around the 169th area.

The Fire Feather Bird King followed behind with a flock of birds.

After more than ten minutes.

The golden eagle carried Jiang Bai on its back, went back to Village No. 7 in District 169, and landed outside the village.

The Fire Feather Bird King followed with a flock of birds.

Perhaps sensing the aura of a vicious bird, Qin Keqing was the first to rush out of the village.

When she saw Jiang Bai, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she noticed the group of fire feather birds, and her expression changed immediately.

"Don't be nervous, I found these ferocious birds!"

"With this group of ferocious birds on your way, it will be convenient for you to go to District 168!"

Jiang Bai saw it, and quickly explained.

Hearing this, Qin Keqing frowned: "Is this... safe?"

"Don't worry, these ferocious birds have been completely domesticated by me, they are absolutely safe!"

Jiang Bai patted Yuexiong's mouth, promising a ticket.

The Mental Energy of this group of Fire Feather Birds is not strong, and they can't get rid of the mental domestication of the puppet Talent at all.

Unless Jiang Bai takes the initiative to undo the mental taming, or there are other strong men whose Mental Energy exceeds Jiang Bai's help.

Otherwise, this group of fire feather birds will become the "puppet" in Jiang Bai's hands for the rest of their lives!

But even so, Qin Keqing still looked worried.

In desperation, Jiang Bai had no choice but to let her take a ride in person to finally reassure her.

The next step is very simple.

Jiang Bai first contacted Cao Wu and explained the situation here to Cao Wu.

Not surprisingly, Cao Wu agreed without even thinking about it.

Then Jiang Bai added Qin Keqing as a friend, and shared the map and coordinates with Qin Keqing, so he had a direction.

At the same time, Qin Keqing also made friends with Cao Wu so that he can contact at any time.

In the end, Jiang Bai ordered the fire feather birds to follow the orders of the fire feather bird king, and asked the fire feather bird king to obey Qin Keqing's orders.

In this way, Qin Keqing can mobilize the entire group of fire feather birds through the fire feather bird king.

"Jiang Bai, are you planning to go back with us?"

Qin Keqing was a little curious.

Jiang Bai shook his head: "I still want to continue to explore, it's too troublesome to run back and forth."

"I see." Qin Keqing nodded knowingly.

Later, Qin Keqing, together with the people from No. 7 Village, flew away in a flock of fire feather birds.

And Jiang Bai also sat on the golden eagle and continued to explore further.

five days later.

On a hill at the edge of the forest.

Looking at the newly unlocked area on the real-time map, Jiang Bai said to himself in shock:

"How big is Dongtian World No. 666!"

"The area of ​​a mountain forest alone exceeds the territory of the Dragon Kingdom!"

After Jiang Bai arrived at the edge of the forest today, the map of the entire forest was automatically unlocked.

Because of this, he learned the basic information of this mountain forest.

This mountain forest is called the Forest of Elves, and there are countless beasts living in it, as well as tribes of many races.

In addition, the forest of elves is roughly divided into three parts: the periphery, the inner periphery, and the core.

And the places that Jiang Bai has explored so far are all just the outer areas of the Forest of Elves.

After the shock.

Jiang Bai shared the map with Cao Wu.

Soon, Cao Wu sent a private message.

Cao Wu: Lord Jiang, is the forest of elves where we are now?

Jiang Bai: Yes.

Cao Wu: The area of ​​an elf forest alone already exceeds the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, so the area of ​​this world is probably larger than the surface area of ​​Blue Star!

Jiang Bai: This is not a good thing. I have been exploring all the way, but I have not found any traces of human tribes. Do you know what this means?

Cao Wu: Is it true that as you guessed, the human races in this world, except us Blue Star humans, are only found in the regions where Heaven Designated is located?

Jiang Bai: Very likely!

Cao Wu: If this is the case, it is really not a good thing. This world is so vast, and the number of alien races outside is probably innumerable!

Jiang Bai: Hurry up and develop! The second phase of the Tribe Rise event should be the time for Heaven Designated to develop, so the third phase will be named Tribal Hegemony!

Cao Wu:!!!

Cao Wu: One word awakens the dreamer!

Cao Wu: The dawn of the tribe, the rise of the tribe, and the struggle for hegemony between the tribes, this is really a link!

Jiang Bai: Stop here, I'm off.

After closing the private message, Jiang Bai raised his head and looked outside the elf forest.

Unlike the inside of the Elven Forest, the outside of the Elven Forest is hilly terrain, so the field of vision is extremely wide.

At a glance, the undulating hills like waves stretch to the horizon.

The same thing is that the vegetation outside is also extremely tall and lush.

It is estimated that it should be the reason of Spiritual Qi.

"Is it still a Horde?"

Jiang Bai frowned, very puzzled in his heart.

Through his super vision Talent, with the condescending wide field of vision, it is easy to find the various aboriginal tribes located among the hills.

What he couldn't figure out was, how could the level of civilization in this world seem to have just started?

The tree of life clearly said that the elves established an empire ten thousand years ago!

Ten Thousand Years have passed, why is the level of civilization in this world not advancing but retreating?

"Something must have happened in that Ten Thousand Year, or some catastrophe!"

Jiang Bai felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He did not forget that the old priest of the Jinghong Tribe said that there are more than two batches of Heaven Designated coming to this world.

If the level of civilization in this world has really regressed to this point because of Heaven Designated, it is estimated that a war to destroy the world will break out to be possible!

This is not a good thing!

"I hope I'm thinking too much. After all, who can tell what will happen in the future?"

Shaking his head, Jiang Bai walked towards the golden eagle at the side, and landed on the golden eagle's back.

The golden eagle asked: "Jiang Bai, shall we turn around and go back, or continue to explore?"

"Go back, it's enough to explore here temporarily!"


After the words fell, the golden eagle fluttered its wings and soared into the sky, carrying Jiang Bai on its back to the forest of elves. .

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