All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 107 Return To Yanhuang City

six days later.

Jiang Bai and the golden eagle finally returned to Yanhuang City.

Coincidentally, Yanhuang City is undergoing a tribal defense war.

However, Jiang Bai did not help.

Instead, let the golden carvings fall on the city wall, and one person and one carving will become the melon-eating crowd.

No way, Jiang Bai does not belong to the Yanhuang tribe now.

If he shot and killed those enemies, not only would he not bring tribal points to the Yanhuang Tribe, but it would even lower the final rating.

Therefore, he and the golden eagle can only be people who eat melons.

But he obviously underestimated himself.

Just standing on the city wall, he seems to have injected infinite courage and strength into the Heaven Designated in Village No. 6.

Especially Cao Wu yelled: "You bastards, cheer up labor and capital! Master Jiang is watching the battle on the city wall! Don't lose face in front of Master Jiang!"

"Master Jiang? Damn, Master Jiang is really back!"

"It's Master Jiang! Hurry up, be serious, Master Jiang is looking at us!"

"It's Master Jiang! Don't hide it, everyone, quickly come up with the means to suppress the bottom of the box, and let Master Jiang see our progress!"

"My God, it's really Jiang Ye!"

"I'm on fire!"

"Get out of the way, let me show Master Jiang today!"

"For Master Jiang, kill him!"

The Heaven Designated in Village No. 6, their morale exploded in an instant, screaming with excitement.

Various means of suppressing the bottom of the box were used one after another, and the remaining enemies were slaughtered in just over ten seconds.

Qin Keqing and other Heaven Designated from District 169 were very distressed watching it.

After coming to the Yanhuang tribe for more than ten days, he (she) already knew that the Jiang Bai who saved him (her) before was Jiang Ye.

It is also known that Jiang Bai has a very high prestige and status in the Yanhuang tribe.

But he (she) never imagined that Jiang Bai was just watching the battle.

It actually made the Heaven Designated in Village No. 6 so excited!

"What kind of person are you?"

Qin Keqing whispered to herself, she looked at Jiang Bai on the city wall, her eyes were full of infinite desire to explore.

Since she came to the Yanhuang Tribe, she found that every Heaven Designated in the tribe has a look of reverence when talking about Jiang Bai.

It's as if Jiang Bai is their supreme belief!

city ​​wall.

Cao Wu came to Jiang Bai, and asked with a smile: "Master Jiang, how are you, are you ashamed of this~?"

"In just two months, all the staff have entered the third stage. It seems that everyone is working hard!"

Jiang Bai smiled and nodded, feeling relieved in his heart.

Cao Wu asked again: "Master Jiang, now we won't hold you back, shall we?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or lie?"

Jiang Bai smiled and gave two choices.

Hearing this, Cao Wu had a bad premonition in his heart: "Don't tell me, you have already entered the fourth level..."

Jiang Bai spread his hands and said nothing.

Cao Wu's face darkened, he turned around and left.

Jiang Fu.

As soon as he entered the door, the golden eagle shouted at the top of his voice.

"Sister Yuejiao, we are back!"

Soon, Yuejiao arrived after hearing the sound.

"Master Jiang, when did you come back?"

Yuejiao was pleasantly surprised, and her attention was completely on Jiang Bai, ignoring the golden eagle.

"Just came back." Jiang Bai responded with a smile.

He looked at Yuejiao, nodded and said: "That's right, your strength has been raised to level 1 and level 6. It seems that you haven't been lazy for a while."

Hearing the praise, Yuejiao was both happy and satisfied.

At this time, the golden eagle flew up to Yuejiao and shouted, "Sister Yuejiao, there is me!"

"I see!" Yuejiao gave Jin Diao a white look.

The golden eagle landed on Yuejiao's shoulder, and said coquettishly, "Sister Yuejiao, I miss your barbecue!"

"Okay, I'll make it for you right away!"

Yuejiao responded immediately, looked at Jiang Bai, and asked, "Master Jiang, do you need to prepare some food for you?"

"I'm not hungry yet, let's eat later!"

Shaking his head, Jiang Bai went straight to the middle courtyard.

All the way back to the own courtyard, he went straight into the quiet room and began to count the harvest.

He piled up all kinds of medicinal herbs, minerals, stones, etc. that he collected.

Then pack and mail all the things that can help build the tribe, such as minerals and stones, to Cao Wu.

Medicinal herbs, animal skin rolls, Jiang Bai stayed.


The private message notification sounded.

Jiang Bai opened it and saw that it was Cao Wu.

Cao Wu: Lord Jiang, where did you get so many minerals and high-grade stone and wood? These are exactly what the tribe is in short supply!

Jiang Bai: Scraped from foreign tribes.

Cao Wu: Damn, are those foreign tribes outside so rich?!

Jiang Bai: You think too much, only large tribes have these things.

Jiang Bai: I scraped all the large tribes around Area 168, and wiped out all the fourth-level masters in those large tribes.

Cao Wu: ...... bull beep!

After closing the private message, Jiang Bai put away all the medicinal herbs and piled those animal skin rolls aside.

Then, he started to open the treasure chest.

The first is the bronze treasure chest, 40!

It took some time to open all the bronze treasure chests.

After Jiang Bai checked the harvest, he packaged and mailed all the harvest except the evolution coins to Cao Wu.

And a postscript: I don't need to harvest the harvest out of the box.

Because most of the harvest is blueprints, the rest are some bronze-level equipment, Cultivation Technique, techniques, and common panacea.

This level of things, Jiang Bai has looked down upon.

After opening the Bronze Treasure Chest, the next step is the Silver Treasure Chest, 129 pieces!

The reason why there are so many silver treasure chests is because Jiang Bai farmed all medium or large tribes, and the bosses he encountered were basically Tier 3 or Tier 4.

ten minutes later.

Jiang Bai finally opened all the silver treasure chests and gained a lot of things.

Among them, drawings are the most.

No way, it is now in the second phase of the Tribe Rise event.

So things related to the tribe, the probability of opening will greatly increase.

The second is equipment, Cultivation Technique, techniques and common panaceas.

Then there are the lower tier Spirit Stones. (Okay Zhao)

Finally, there are three knowledge books: "Feng Shui Basic Knowledge Encyclopedia", "Qimen Dunjia Detailed Explanation", "Blacksmith Initiation Knowledge Encyclopedia".

After Jiang Bai checked, he determined that there was nothing he needed, so he mailed all the blueprints, equipment, etc. to Cao Wu.

Spirit Stones and those three books were put away by him.

Then there's the golden chest.

There are not many of these things, only 38.

However, the value of the items offered is the highest.

Various gold-level blueprints, equipment, Cultivation Technique, techniques and panacea, and even two special items.

[Counselor Summoning Order: Special. Based on the country where the tribal leader once belonged to, a counselor who has appeared in history can be randomly summoned. Note: Only clan leaders can use it. 】

[Warlord Summoning Order: Special. Based on the country where the tribal leader once belonged to, a warrior who has appeared in history can be randomly summoned. Note: Only clan leaders can use it. have】.

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