All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 118 The Third Stage That Starts And Ends

three days later.

After more than two months, Cao Wu finally wiped out the alien tribes.

No way, there are quite a few alien tribes.

And the five tribal defense battles every 30 days have to be brushed!

In this way, it will take a long time.

But the result is good.

It is estimated that for a long time to come, the Yanhuang tribe can develop with peace of mind.

Just as Jiang Bai walked into the front courtyard hall of Cao Wu's mansion, the world announcement suddenly sounded.

[World Announcement: It has been detected that the total number of tribes in the No. 666 Cave World has reached 100,000. The tribal rise activity in the No. 666 Cave World has officially entered the third stage.

-Clan battle!】

[Explanation 1: The conquest mode is online. In this mode, every time Heaven Designated destroys a foreign tribe, they can get a 'tribal gift bag'. Note: Only the leader of the tribe has the permission to open the conquest mode. 】

[Explanation 2: Tribal gift packs are divided into four types: small, medium, large, and super large according to the size of the tribe to be destroyed. The gift packs can contain various building materials, blueprints, and other items related to the tribe. 】

[Explanation 3: The Tribal Defense War is cancelled, and the clan store will be closed in 30 days————————————————The leaders of each tribe should clean up the tribe points as soon as possible. 】

[Explanation 4: Any area that cleans up the alien tribes around the area first will be the first to end the third stage and start the next new event first. 】

[Reminder: For the next new event, each cave world will have a regional quota limit—that is, some areas of each cave world will not be able to participate in the new event!】

Seeing the second explanation, Cao Wu suddenly showed a distressed expression that he couldn't breathe.

Ma Dan, so many tribal gift packs are gone!

Even Jiang Bai was a little confused.

He didn't expect that this would cause such a big loss to the Yanhuang Tribe!

At this time, a Heavenly Dao announcement sounded.

[Announcement: Area 168 of Dongtian World No. 666 is the first to clean up the alien tribes around the area, and the 'Tribe Rise Activity' in this area has officially ended. 】

[Explanation 1: In the area where the Tribe Rise event ends, the development restrictions on the Heaven Designated tribe in this area will be completely released. 】

[Note 2: As long as the conditions are met, the tribe can also be promoted to a territory and a country, and more related functions will be opened at that time. 】

Hearing this Heavenly Dao announcement, all Heaven Designated except Yanhuang Tribe's Heaven Designated were stunned.

What's the matter?

The third stage just started and ended?!

Immediately afterwards, a Heavenly Dao announcement sounded.

[Heavenly Dao announcement: Congratulations to District 168 of Dongtian World No. 666, who is the first to end the Tribal Rise event. Special rewards for the "Yanhuang Tribe" in this area: 1. Tribal points + 1 million. 2. Reissue all tribal gift packs. Remarks: The alien tribes around Area 168 were cleaned up by the Yanhuang Tribe alone, so other Heaven Designated tribes in Area 168 are not eligible for rewards. 】x3

Seeing the second reward, Cao Wu instantly revived with full blood.

Jiang Bai was surprised by the remark that followed.

This made him think that the old priest of the Jinghong Tribe once said

Although Heavenly Dao is ruthless, he is sincere!

At this time, another Heavenly Dao announcement sounded one after another.

[Announcement: Because some areas have ended the "Tribal Rise Event", the new event - secret realm exploration, will be officially launched at 8:00 am tomorrow morning!】

[Explanation 1: Whether it is survival or evolution, everything must be contested! Therefore, there will be a quota limit for this event———For the method of obtaining the quota, please refer to the description of the third stage of the "Tribe Rise Event". 】

[Explanation 2: For regions that have not obtained quotas, they can be qualified to participate in the event by joining the Heaven Designated tribes in the regions that have obtained quotas. 】

[Note 3: Each cave world has its own secret realm for exploration, so don’t worry about encountering Heaven Designated from other cave worlds. 】

[Explanation 4: The top 1,000 people are the first to open the area of ​​the event. Each Heaven Designated will have the opportunity to enter the secret realm three times every 30 days. Each entry can stay in the secret realm for up to ten days, and it will be opened after 1,000 people. In the active area, each Heaven Designated can only enter once every thirty days, and can stay in the (cffi) secret realm for a maximum of five days. 】

[Explanation 5: The danger in the secret realm is extremely high, so Heaven Designated must have at least level three strength to be eligible to enter the secret realm for exploration. 】

[Note 6: The duration of this event will be counted from the area that was first opened, and will last for a total of 90 days. 】

Seeing the fifth note, Heaven Designated in other areas almost cried.

What's the difference between the activity and the non-open?

Not only is there a quota limit, but the duration is only 90 days!

You must know that there are many alien tribes outside the region, and there are even super large tribes.

Even the Yanhuang Tribe, with the help of Jiang Bai's BUG, ​​took more than two months to clear it up.

Not to mention other areas!

And now, every day of delay is equal to less time spent exploring the secret realm!

How does this hold up Heaven Designated in other regions?

Of course, the joys and sorrows of Heaven Designated are not connected.

For example, Heaven Designated of the Yanhuang Tribe is very pleasantly surprised at the moment.

After more than two months of fighting, even the Heaven Designated from District 169, who came later, have all entered the third level now.

Just meet the conditions to enter the secret realm!

And Area 168 is the first area to start new activities, which means you have 90 days to explore the Heavenly Origin secret realm!

Suddenly, Luo Feng said angrily:

"Look at the regional channels, Heaven Designated from other villages are scolding us!"

Hearing this, everyone turned on the regional channels one after another.

Jiang Bai is no exception.

After clicking into the regional channel, he saw a lot of scolding.

Some scolded Heavenly Dao, and some scolded Yanhuang Tribe.

Jiang Bai was not surprised by this.

Because the tribes in other villages, this time is equivalent to losing all the rewards of the third stage of the Tribe Rise event!

The point is, this reward is extremely important to the development of the tribe.

If they can bear it, there will be ghosts!

After watching for a while, Cao Wu asked, "Master Jiang, what do you say?"

"A group of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves enjoy the benefits we bring, but still scold us, give them face, right?"

Jiang Bai's face was cold, and he said murderously, "Since that's the case, let's clean up the entire 168 area before the secret realm is opened, and also reduce some competitors for the Yanhuang tribe!"

Everyone agrees with this statement.

The behavior of those villages is really disgusting!

From the beginning of the regional survival battle, which time is Jiang Bai or No. 6 village not rushing to the forefront?

Other villages just hid behind to enjoy the benefits and convenience.

Not only that, it's fine if they don't help, and they're pulling back.

Now I'm yelling out all the nasty words!

They didn't even think about it, if Village No. 12 hadn't ignored the warning this time and attracted aliens from outside the area in advance.

Is it necessary for the Yanhuang tribe to come out and clean up the surrounding alien tribes in advance?

Moreover, Yanhuang tribe's move also saved them by the way.

Once aliens from outside invade, their end will be exactly the same as that of No. 12 village!.

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