All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 119 Entering The Secret Realm

In a blink of an eye, the time came to midnight.

Jiang Bai teleported directly from Yanhuang City to the tribe in No. 9 Village through the teleportation array placed during the day.

He flew to a big tree, overlooking the tribe ahead.

Compared with the Yanhuang tribe that directly built a city, the tribe in No. 9 village is at most a village.

The tribe in Village No. 9 is considered to be the best developed and the most powerful among other villages.

So Jiang Bai first chose to destroy this tribe.

He spread out Mental Energy and locked all the creatures in this tribe.

Then he activated the Great Elementalist Talent, stretched out his hand and pointed at the tribe.

Immediately, the dense ground thorns accompanied by the roar, covered the entire tribe in an instant!

All the creatures in the tribe were spared, and all were killed by the assassins.

Then Jiang Bai entered the tribe, destroyed the tribe core of the tribe, and scraped away everything of value.

Before leaving, he wrapped the entire tribe with earthen walls, and then summoned a sea of ​​fire to cover the entire tribe.

Killing, cremation, ashes, one-stop service!

Afterwards, Jiang Bai returned to Yanhuang City through the teleportation array, and then went to the next village.

that's all.

With his own strength, Jiang Bai wiped out the tribes in other villages in District 168 overnight.

Including the Heaven Designated of these villages, an unfallen one was killed.

No, the Heaven Designated from No. 6 village came together and found that the regional channel became extremely quiet.

Heaven Designated, who was jumping up and down yesterday and swearing at other villages of the Yanhuang Tribe, disappeared all of a sudden today.

In the end, Cao Wu announced the news and told the truth.

In this regard, the Heaven Designated not only did not feel that there was anything wrong, but applauded loudly.

On the World Channel, compatriots from the Dragon Kingdom in other regions often complained about the crimes of Heaven Designated in other countries, which made them dissatisfied with other villages for a long time.

Plus what happened yesterday.

If Cao Wu hadn't stopped them, they would have wanted to kill them during the day and let those villages know why the flowers are so popular.

So for what Jiang Bai did last night, they only felt relieved, and they didn't feel cruel or wrong at all.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the secret realm exploration activity officially started.

The expedition was led by Jiang Bai, and he brought hundreds of Heaven Designated with at least level 3 and level 5 to enter.

No way, everyone knows nothing about this secret realm.

To be on the safe side, Jiang Bai can only lead the team to explore the situation first.

Soon, Jiang Bai and his group disappeared in place.

In the secret realm.

The moment Jiang Bai felt his feet hit the ground, he spread out Mental Energy directly.

In an instant, all wind and grass around him was under his control.

After confirming that there is no danger.

Jiang Bai frowned, because he didn't find any other Heaven Designated!

"Random teleportation?"

Talking to himself, Jiang Bai opened the evolution panel to check.

Just like the secret realm of Lingxu, only the four functions of personal information, storage space, chat channel, and real-time map can still be used on the evolution panel.

And the chat channel cannot communicate with the outside world, but Heaven Designated, which is also in the secret realm, can communicate normally.

So, Jiang Bai sent a sentence in the 6 string chat room——

"Everyone send out your coordinates. Those who are close to each other will move closer to each other first, and then find a safe place to stay. I will find you as soon as possible!"

Soon, hundreds of Heaven Designated appeared one after another and reported their coordinates.

Jiang Bai opened the real-time map and recorded each coordinate on the map.

Then, from near to far, began to gather the crowd.

I don't know if it was luck, but on the way to Jiang Bai, he was attacked by a fifth-order fierce bird named Zixiang Eagle.

After a great battle, he successfully captured the fifth-level and third-level purple feather eagle.

Then, through the puppet, the S-level talent promoted from the puppet Talent, the purple plume eagle was turned into an own puppet.

Different from the puppet Talent, the domestication target of this Talent is very dull, with only basic executive power, but no independent thought.

Puppet Talent is different.

This Talent can imprint an extremely indelible puppet mark on the target's soul.

In this way, not only can the independent thought of the target be maintained, making it the same as usual.

It can also subtly affect the target's mind, thoughts, memory, etc., making it gradually sink into a complete puppet!

With the purple plume eagle for transportation, the speed at which Jiang Bai gathers other Heaven Designated is much faster.

About three hours later.

Jiang Bai finally gathered everyone together.

During this period, he also explored many places in disguise.

Some of the places where he sensed the existence of powerful beasts, he marked them on the real-time map one by one, and marked the level of strength.

More than that, he learned that the secret realm is extremely vast by asking the Purple Feathered Eagle.

...asking for flowers......

And in the secret realm, up to level 5 and level 10 are allowed to exist.

In other words, the strongest monsters or birds in the secret realm are only level 5 and level 10!

Jiang Bai who heard the news immediately felt relaxed all over.

As long as there is no sixth level, then he can walk sideways in this secret realm!


Jiang Bai led the crowd to the top of a big mountain, intending to set up a temporary camp here.

The establishment of a camp is naturally done by everyone.

They brought in everything they needed.

Today, many Heaven Designated have issued small or medium-sized expansion cards, and the capacity of the carry-on backpack has already been increased.

So don't worry about the capacity of the carry-on backpack is not enough.

Jiang Bai was not idle either, he rode a purple-collared eagle to go out to capture other districts.


With fierce birds instead of transportation, everyone will explore the secret realm faster!

When Jiang Bai returned to the camp on the top of the mountain with hundreds of ominous birds that had been planted with puppet marks.

Everyone has already set up the camp.

Not only that, they also hunted some second- and third-tier ferocious beasts for lunch, and they are roasting them on the bonfire right now!

Seeing Jiang Bai bring back hundreds of vicious birds, their eyes lit up one after another.

They are not stupid, so they can naturally guess Jiang Bai's intentions.

Jiang Bai didn't hide anything, and said bluntly: "I have controlled these ferocious birds, you can choose one by yourself, and take them to explore the entire secret realm in the afternoon!"

"Long live Jiang Ye!" The crowd cheered.

After lunch.

Jiang Bai shared the previously explored areas with everyone through a real-time map.

And the information learned from Zilingying will be told to everyone.

Afterwards, everyone took a ferocious bird, scattered away, and began to explore the entire secret realm.

Jiang Bai sits in the camp, firstly to coordinate the overall situation, and secondly to provide support for everyone.

He was fine for the time being, so he sat cross-legged on a big rock and practiced his own conception.

The so-called visualization is to use a certain target as a reference object and visualize with Mental Energy.

And this target can be a living thing or a dead thing.

The general order is to visualize from the external 'shape' of the target.

This step will be completed after the mental energy can be used to condense the external "shape" of the visualization target on the sea of ​​divine sense.

Therefore, this step is also called "shaping" work. .

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