All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 120 Heavenly Origin Secret Realm

After gathering the shape, it is natural to visualize the 'god' inside the target.

Just like painting.

A painting must have a "god" to become lifelike, giving people a feeling of being alive.

The same is true for the "God" in the visualization.

Only by realizing the "spirit" can the contemplated objects become real, so that the contemplated objects can be further transformed from virtual to real.

Therefore, this step is also called "language god".

After having a 'God', the next step is to endow it with a 'spirit'.

The "spirit" here can be understood as the soul.

Just like the finishing touch, it can completely 'live' the conceived object, and truly possess its own power!

Therefore, this step is also called "Enlightenment".

How to give it a spirit'?

Jiang Bai wondered how other practitioners understood this step.

The insight he got from the idea of ​​the basic concept is that the "290" "spirit" comes from the heart of the person who visualizes it!

In other words, this "spirit" is the reflection of the mind of the visualizer!

Just like the old saying: There are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand readers.

In the same way, even when visualizing the same target, different practitioners will endow the visualized target with different feelings'!

The reason is that practitioners have different ideas and understandings.

To sum up.

It is precisely because of a deep understanding of the concept of meditation that Jiang Bai came up with a whim, and thus created a concept of meditation.

He named this idea of ​​​​the concept of "Phenomenon Record" and the grade given by the evolution panel is "Special

As the name suggests, the National Garden takes various visions as the visualization targets.

Where did the vision come from?

Jiang Bai directly copied the visions from those novels in his previous life.

For example, Sea of ​​Bitterness planting blue lotus, Immortal King facing Nine Heavens, and the bright moon growing in the sea, etc.

Jiang Bai didn't limit the upper limit of vision records, anyway, he just visualized various visions to bless and amplify himself.

As long as one can bear it, the number of visions visualized can continue to increase.

At present, the first vision that Jiang Bai visualizes is the green lotus of Sea of ​​Bitterness.

And, he has visualized the appearance of the vision above the Divine Sense Sea.

Now he is thinking about how to understand his 'God'

After all, this is something he imagined completely. Not only does he not have any similar goals to refer to in reality, but he also does not have a 'god' himself.

So this step is actually more difficult than the final endowment.

But Jiang Bai believes that after he takes this step, it will be easier to comprehend other visions.

two days later.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the entire secret realm has been explored.

After Jiang Bai merged the exploration areas shared by everyone, he saw a record pop up.

[Record: You have successfully unlocked the map of ‘Heavenly Origin secret realm’. 】

At the same time, an explanatory message pops up.

[Heavenly Origin secret realm: This secret realm originally belonged to the Tianshu Holy Land, but because of the destruction of the Tianshu Holy Land due to a catastrophe five thousand Years ago, this secret realm became ownerless...】

Cataclysm five thousand years ago?

Jiang Bai stared.

Sure enough, after the arrival of the extraterrestrial demons Ten Thousand Years ago, other catastrophes occurred in Cave World No. 666!

Coupled with the arrival of batches of Heaven Designated.

Could this be the reason why the level of civilization in the No. 666 cave world is still so primitive?

After thinking for a while, Jiang Bai put the matter aside.

He shared the map of Heavenly Origin secret realm with everyone, and then said:

"I need to go out alone and inform Lao Cao to let other Heaven Designated come in."

"Which of you would like to go?"

After the words fell, everyone raised their hands in unison, and no one was unwilling!

Jiang Bai was also stunned for a moment, and then didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Just one person is fine, there is no need to go out...Forget it, since you are all willing, then I will order directly!"

As he said that, he pointed to a woman in the crowd, "Beauty, your strength is the highest in everyone, it doesn't matter if you delay for a few days, why don't you take a trip?"

"No problem, leave it to me!" The woman agreed without hesitation, and was about to leave the secret realm immediately.

Jiang Bai hurriedly called her to stop, then took out a porcelain bottle and threw it to her.

"The bottle is filled with the top-grade Platinum Tempering Spirit Pill, which is my compensation for you!"

"Platinum's best tempering pill?"

The woman looked surprised.

She has used the top-quality Quen Ling Pill before, so she naturally knows what the Quen Ling Pill does.

The others looked at her enviously, they also knew about Tempering Spirit Pill.

"Thank you, Master Jiang, I will accept it without hesitation!"

The woman collected the panacea happily, and then disappeared in place.

Jiang Bai looked at the others: "Don't be envious, take advantage of the remaining eight days, and go down the mountain to practice in teams! If you are in danger, just respond to me in the chat room!"

"Yes, Lord Jiang!" The others responded, and then formed their own teams to go down the mountain......

This time, they will not be able to ride the fierce birds.

In about an hour.

Jiang Bai suddenly received a private letter from Cao Wu.

Cao Wu: Master Jiang, we're coming in, hurry up and pick us up!

Jiang Bai: Got it.

After replying a private message, Jiang Bai opened the No. 6 chat room and called out the new Heaven Designated to report the coordinates.

After the coordinates are collected.

Jiang Bai took a group of fierce people to pick up the people on the purple plume eagle.

There are more than 2,000 people from Heaven Designated this time.

Even with the help of a group of ferocious birds, Jiang Bai did not bring everyone into the temporary camp until evening.

Besides Cao Wu, the top officials of the Yanhuang tribe who came in this time included Tang Ling, Yang Jiaojiao, Su Xingyu, Zhang Guilong, and Qin Yan.

With Cao Wu and six people sitting in the camp and taking charge of overall planning, Jiang Bai will be free.

After he handed over the flock of birds to Cao Wu for deployment, he left the temporary camp early the next morning in Zixiang Eagle.

Under the leadership of Zi Lingying, he spent five days running around every corner of the Heavenly Origin secret realm, turning all 5th-level and 10th-level beasts or birds into puppets, and brought them back to the temporary camp

"Old Cao, I will leave this group of level 5 and level 10 beasts and birds to you."

"If anyone is in danger, you send someone to take them to the rescue. 5.9"

After Jiang Bai also handed over the job of 'nanny', he rode the Purple Feather Eagle and started looking for resources everywhere.

He has the occupations of Pill Refining Master, Artifact Refining Master, and Array Mage, and he has learned the knowledge of "Compendium of Medicinal Herbs" and "Encyclopedia of Minerals" before.

It can be said that nothing Heavenly and Mortal Treasures can escape his search.

No, in the last two days, Jiang Bai found many spiritual herbs, elixir, spiritual rice, spiritual fruit trees and other resources.

In addition, he also found all kinds of spiritual materials—that is, spiritualized wood, stone, ore and other resources.

These resources can be used to build tribes, and can also be used for refining weapons and forming formations.

But most importantly, Jiang Baikuan found a nest of Spirit Stones!

Yes, a litter!

Because Jiang Bai discovered a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, and outside the valley there is formation shrouded!.

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