After Jiang Bai broke through the formation outside the valley, he was immediately stunned by the concentration of Spiritual Qi in the valley.

The Spiritual Qi here is so rich that it can be turned into a mist visible to the naked eye!

Not only that, Jiang Bai found that the spiritual herbs and elixir that grow in the valley are all five hundred years old.

A Thousand Year's or more than a Thousand Year's is also everywhere!

There are even several plants for a Ten Thousand Year serving!

And the soil in the valley has been transformed into a Baijin-level spirit king under the nourishment of Spiritual Qi!

When Jiang Bai came back to his senses, he immediately realized that this valley should be artificially created.

The formation covering the entire valley is the best proof!

And it is very likely that it was done by the strong in Tianshu Holy Land.

According to this line of thinking, Jiang Bai immediately realized that the environment in the secret realm could not make the Spiritual Qi in the valley so dense that it turned into mist.

So he carefully inspected the mountains and underground around the valley, and found a nest of Spirit Stones veins!

Among these Spirit Stones ore veins, half are low-grade, and the other half are medium-grade.

It is the continuous supply of this nest of Spirit Stones that makes the concentration of Spiritual Qi in the valley reach such an astonishing level!

Unfortunately, Jiang Bai is out of time.

He only had time to mark the location of the valley on the real-time map 25, and let the Purple Feathered Eagle guard the valley, before he was repelled by the Heavenly Origin secret realm.

It's too late to even notify Cao Wu!

Jiang Bai planned to re-enter the secret realm as soon as he came out, but was told that he could only re-enter after 24 hours.

In desperation, he had no choice but to go back to the mansion first, and plant the resources such as spiritual herbs, elixir, lingering rice, and lingering fruit trees that he had intentionally planted in the medicine garden.

When he enters the secret realm next time, he will bring out the Baijin-level spirit soil in the valley.

Until then, his medicine garden will be worthy of its name!

the next day.

After 24 hours, Jiang Bai couldn't wait to enter the Heavenly Origin secret realm.

It was still sent randomly, and the place where he descended this time was a little far from the temporary camp.

But it's so close to the valley where the nest of Spirit Stones is located!

While flying towards the valley, Jiang Bai sent a private message to Cao Wu.

Jiang Bai: Lao Cao, I will give you a coordinate, and you will immediately move the temporary camp here! (Coordinates)

Cao Wu replied in seconds: Okay, why did you suddenly change the location of the camp?

Jiang Bai: There is a low-grade Spirit Stones vein at this coordinate point, will you come?

Cao Wu: Damn, a litter?!

Cao Wu: Are you sure you didn't lie to me?

Jiang Bai: Believe it or not!

Cao Wu: ...I will transfer the camp immediately!

When Jiang Bai rushed to the valley and waited there for about two hours, Cao Wu arrived with a large army.

With ferocious birds and beasts on his way, Cao Wu's speed is naturally not slow.

"Master Jiang, where is the Yuanshi vein?!"

Cao Wu jumped down from a fierce bird and asked hurriedly.

Jiang Bai didn't answer, but turned on the great elementalist Talent, and stretched out his five fingers to point at a mountain.

Just when Cao Wu couldn't help but want to ask, the ground suddenly shook.

As soon as the rumbling sound continued to sound, the mountain was torn apart by an invisible force from top to bottom, creating a huge crack.

Then, a vein of Spirit Stones flew out from the depths of the crack, above Cao Wu's head.

Looking at the Spirit Stones vein above his head, Cao Wu was stunned in place.

So do others.

Because according to the information on the evolution panel, this is actually a middle-grade Spirit Stones vein!

Nowadays, because Spirit Stones have too few source channels, even low-grade Spirit Stones are still scarce items.

At this moment, a medium-grade Spirit Stones vein is directly above the head, who can resist this?

Jiang Bai didn't care about them, after he put the mid-grade Spirit Stones vein into the storage space.

Then continue to use the talent's ability to use the big elements to gradually get out the Spirit Stones veins in the surrounding mountains and underground.

Looking at the veins of low-grade or medium-grade Spirit Stones, Jiang Bai kept getting them out.

Cao Wu's eyes were shining brightly, and his mouth was drooling.

In this wave, the Pale Yellow Tribe became rich directly!

After collecting the Spirit Stones vein.

Jiang Bai started to scrape the soil in the valley, and directly scraped three meters!

"Damn, Baijin-level spirit soil?!"

Originally, Cao Wu and others were still a little puzzled by Jiang Bai's behavior.

But when they saw the description of the soil, they were so shocked that their eyeballs almost popped out.

Cao Wu was the first to react, and immediately howled miserably: "Master Jiang, save some for me!"

And his miserable howl made other people react, and they started digging up the dirt on the ground one after another.

Thus, a strange scene appeared in the valley——

A large group of people digging wildly with their eyes shining!

Baijin-level spirit soil!

This is the highest grade thing they have seen so far!

Sure enough, following Master Jiang, even if there is no meat to eat, there is still broth to drink!

About two hours later.

In the huge valley, the ground abruptly sank by five meters!

There is no way, Wu and the others are too crazy.

Even black iron-level spiritual soil is not spared, digging until the soil layer turns into Common soil before stopping.

"The Spiritual Qi in the valley is so rich that it won't dissipate in a short time."

"Placing the temporary camp here will also help everyone speed up their cultivation!"

After Jiang Bai said something to Cao Wu, he soared into the sky and slipped away quickly.

In this regard, no one dared to say anything.

Because before entering the secret realm, Jiang Bai and Cao Wu have already set the rules, whoever discovers the resource first belongs to him, and other people are not allowed to maliciously fight for it.

Violators, beheaded!

Since the valley was first discovered by Jiang Bai, it is only natural that the Spirit Stones veins belong to him.

Of course, he certainly won't monopolize so many Spirit Stones veins.

But if you want to divide, you have to wait until you go back, right?

After all, there are so many people there!

the rest of the time. 697

Jiang Bai searched for resources everywhere, and almost searched the entire Heavenly Origin secret realm.

Unfortunately, no place similar to that valley was found.

When the time came, Jiang Bai left the Heavenly Origin secret realm.

He doesn't plan to enter again in the future.

Anyway, he has obtained all the good things in the secret realm, and this secret realm has no value for him.

In Cao Wu's mansion.

Two days ago, six people including Cao Wu came out and replaced Lin Guodong, Luo Feng, Lin Linqing, Li Yuejiao, and Qin Keqing into the secret realm.

The Yanhuang tribe needs masters to sit in command, and Cao Wu and others, as the tribe's high-level officials, had no choice but to take on this responsibility.

And Jiang Bai was originally scheduled to sit in the secret realm.

It's just that he is more lazy, and directly captures all the beasts or birds of level 5 and level 10 in the secret realm, and serves as a 'nanny' for the Heaven Designated of the Yanhuang tribe

"Master Jiang, why did you come out?"

Seeing Jiang Bai approaching the hall, Cao Wu was a little surprised.

Zhuge Liang, who was reporting the matter, also turned to salute Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai nodded, and said to Cao Martial Dao: "I'm here to tell you, I won't enter the secret realm again in the future, and I'll be in charge outside, and you hand over all matters to Mr. Zhuge to handle the matter, and then talk to Tang Ling and the others. Enter the secret realm!"

Speaking of this, he looked at Zhuge Liang, "Mr. Zhuge, I will work hard for you in the next period of time. If you encounter any troublesome things, come to Jiangfu to find me at any time.

After the words fell, he turned and left. .

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