All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 127 The Computer Broke Down In The Past Two Days, And It Was Just Repaired


A shout came, and Cao Wu turned his head to look.

Good guy, Lin Guodong, Su Xingyu and other high-level tribesmen have come here.

"Boss, is that Master Jiang?"

Luo Feng looked at the figure under the dark clouds with a look of astonishment.

"Yes!" Cao Wu nodded.

Yang Jiaojiao looked at the dark clouds moving in the sky, and asked in confusion: "By the way, why does the dark cloud seem to be chasing Master Jiang?"

"It's the first time I've seen Wu Yun chasing people!" Qin Yan looked curious.

At this time, Su Xingyu said: "Do you think there is a possibility that the dark cloud is Lord Jiang's calamity cloud?"


Everyone turned their heads to look at Su Xingyu in unison.

Su Xingyu spread his hands: "It's Transcend Tribulation! Haven't you heard of it?"

If they were still on Blue Star, everyone would definitely scoff at such a statement.

But this is the world of cultivation, and they all have a Cultivation Base!

The theory of Transcend Tribulation......

Maybe it's possible!

Luo Feng thoughtfully said: "So, Lord Jiang, this is the robbery cloud that was brought in only after being promoted to the sixth rank?"

"Probably not." Tang Ling shook her head and explained, "Many of the animal skin scrolls Master Jiang collected from foreign tribes recorded his cultivation experience. I saw from them that

From the fifth-level breakthrough to the sixth-level, the Qi Sea space will be condensed into a Gold Core, and the Spirit Power will also transform into a more advanced spirit element, but in those cultivation experiences, it has never been mentioned that Transcend Tribulation is required for breakthrough!"

Cao Wu interrupted: "Okay, it's meaningless for us to discuss here, just follow up and have a look!"

When the words fell, he stepped into the air first, and lost a hundred times.

Seeing this, the others hurriedly followed.

After stepping into the fourth step, you can walk in the air for a short time.

Everyone chased all the way to the top of the western mountain range, and saw that Jiang Bai had stopped in the distance.

So everyone didn't approach, just stood on the top of the mountain and watched.

Because everyone perceives that the dark cloud is fatally dangerous and must not be approached.

Just at this moment, a terrifying force of heaven filled the air.

Everyone's complexion changed, and they all felt an invisible pressure coming.

It actually caused all the Spirit Power in their bodies to be suppressed, and even a trace of Spirit Power couldn't be mobilized!

What's more, he (she) couldn't even move a single finger except for the eyeballs that could move freely!

Looking at the dark clouds in the sky, my heart was filled with horror.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt exploded in the sky, and Tianwei suddenly rose.

Now everyone trembled involuntarily.

At the same time, a thick thunderbolt struck Jiang Bai.

I saw that Jiang Bai was surrounded by tiny lightning, creaking.

All the clothes on his body were torn apart, and his hair stood upside down due to the electric shock.

But if you look carefully, you can find that those lightning bolts didn't hurt his body at all!

for a while.

Those small lightning seemed to be absorbed, and all of them entered Jiang Bai's body.

At this time, his attention is completely on the body.

After those small lightnings entered his body, they quickly traveled to every corner of his body.

Then they all gathered in the Qi Sea space.

But the original Qi Sea space has disappeared, replaced by a gray round object the size of a tennis ball.

This is Jiang Bai's 'Gold Core'!

Those small lightnings that entered his body gathered together again at this moment to form a lightning bolt, and slammed hard on his Gold Core.

Just a bombardment of thunder and lightning, and do any damage to the Gold Core.

However, some black air and impurities were split out from the Gold Core by lightning, and were evaporated on the spot.

Soon, the second chop came down.

Then came the third and fourth...

As the thunder and lightning continued to strike, Jiang Bai could also feel the rapid transformation of his physical body.

This is not an ordinary transformation, but a leap of life level!

Gold Core is also under the bombardment of lightning, black air and Impurities appear continuously, and its size gradually shrinks.

Until the eighty-first thunderbolt strikes, the Gold Core has shrunk to the size of a longan!

If you look carefully, you can find that there are eighty-one mysterious lines printed on the surface of Gold Core.

This is Daowen!

The more streaks on the surface of the Gold Core, the higher the grade of the Gold Core [the more powerful the power.

Not only that, the grade of the Gold Core will also directly affect the degree of solidification and power of the spirit element.

In addition to the change of the Gold Core, Jiang Bai found that the various Acupoints in the body have not only become stronger, but even the internal space has been expanded to thousands of times the original!

In addition, Jiang Bai also saw that all Meridians in the body have been Enhanced and broadened.

If you compare the Meridians before him to a one-way cement road in the countryside.

That is now a 24-lane highway!

Suddenly, Jiang Bai heard a dragon chant resounding in his body.

His attention was instantly attracted, and he saw a dragon shadow swimming in his spine!

The next moment, the dragon shadow rushed out of the body along the spine.

outside world.

At this time, the dark clouds had gradually dissipated, and Tianwei also disappeared.

Cao Wu and others on the top of the mountain had just recovered from the majesty of the sky when they saw a golden light soaring into the sky from the top of Jiang Bai's head accompanied by the chant of the dragon.

hold head high!

A startling dragon chant sounded, and the golden light instantly transformed into a thousand-meter-long real dragon, stretching its body wantonly in the air.

This scene directly stunned Cao Wu and the others.

Not only them, but even the other masters in Yanhuang City were dumbfounded.

Ninety-nine and eighty-one thunderbolts fell one after another, such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of other masters in the city.

If they hadn't sensed the great terror over there, they would have rushed over to find out, instead of gathering on the west wall as they are now.

[Record: Your strength has been promoted to level 6 and level 1, and you have obtained: potential point +1600. 】

[Record: Your 'Innate Spirit Power' has transformed into 'Spirit Yuan'. 】

[Record: Congratulations on overcoming the Thunder Tribulation and successfully condensing the Ninth Grade Gold Core!]

[Record: Congratulations on passing the baptism of Thunder Tribulation, and transforming your spine into a real dragon!]

[Record: Congratulations on completing the ultimate transformation and obtaining the vision of the physical body: Qi and blood like a dragon! 】

[Reminder: Gold Core uses dao patterns to judge grades, and nine dao patterns are the first rank. For each additional nine dao (Zhao Haozhao) patterns, one rank will be raised, the lowest is first rank, and the highest is ninth rank. 】

Looking at these six messages, Jiang Bai also understood that the thunder disaster had passed.

With a thought, he took back the Gold dragon that had manifested outside his body.

Then while absorbing the external Spiritual Qi, replenishing its own spiritual energy, while releasing the shield of the evolution panel.

On the evolution panel, there is an announcement of the end of the secret realm exploration activity.

But no rewards.

Jiang Bai skipped directly to check the changes on the personal information interface.

[Strength: Tier 6 and Tier 1 (Ninth Grade Gold Core)]

[Flesh body: Level 6, Level 1 (Vision of flesh body: Qi and blood like a dragon.)]

【Spirit: Level 6 Level 1】

[Lingyuan: 50 million/50 million (Vision of heaven and earth: Nine rainbow lights.)]

Seeing the physical and mental changes, Jiang Bai's eyes lit up.

He didn't expect that after being baptized by Thunder Tribulation, his physical body would break through the fifth-order limit and enter the sixth-order level!

This is really double happiness!.

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