All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 128: New Event Launched!

on the top of the hill.

"Master Jiang is absorbing Spiritual Qi?"

Looking at the Spiritual Qi vortex in the naked eye space above Jiang Bai's head, Cao Wu's eyes almost popped out.

Su Xingyu smiled wryly, "Are you sure this is absorption, not plunder?"

"Jiangye is worthy of being Jiangye, he can directly plunder the Spiritual Qi between heaven and earth!" Luo Feng was shocked.

Yang Jiaojiao covered her face with one hand: "Seeing Master Jiang's cultivation formation, I feel like I have cultivated for nothing, and I am hitting people!"

"Jiaojiao, we need to be a little self-aware, Master Jiang is a monster, we are normal people."

Although Tang Ling was comforting Yang Jiaojiao, her expression was bitter.

Everyone came to this world at the same time, became Heaven Designated at the same time, and started running at the same time.

How come the gap is getting bigger and bigger?!

The others didn't speak, and all had wry smiles on their faces.

After three full hours.

Only then did Jiang Bai stop absorbing the external Spiritual Qi.

No way, although the Qi Sea space is condensed into Gold Core, the space inside the Gold Core is more than a thousand times larger than the original Qi Sea space.

Plus all Acupoints are also widened thousands of times.

So it only took three hours.

Get up and get up.

Jiang Bai strode across the sky, one step at a distance, and within a few steps, he arrived in front of Cao Wu and the others.

He apologized: "Sorry, I disturbed everyone. 043"

Hearing this, everyone waved their hands to express that it was all right.

"I'm going back first, and I have to consolidate the Cultivation Base group control.

Jiang Bai said, nodded to everyone, and flew to Yanhuang City.

After he returned to the mansion, he plunged into the quiet room.

Just sitting down cross-legged, Heavenly Dao's voice suddenly sounded.

[Announcement: It has been detected that Heaven Designated has been successfully promoted to Tier 6, a large-scale new event——secret realm competition, which will be officially launched at 8:00 tomorrow morning!】

[Note 1: The evolution panel will add the function of 'secret realm access'. Through this function, Heaven Designated can enter and exit each secret realm. 】

[Explanation 2: As long as Heaven Designated finds the core of the secret realm, it will become the master of the secret realm and control the entire secret realm. 】

[Note 3: This event is open to all cave worlds, so you will encounter Heaven Designated from other worlds in the secret realm. 】

[Note 4: The number of secret realms is limited. When all secret realms are controlled, the event will end. 】

Lord of the secret realm?

Jiang Bai's eyes lit up, Heavenly Dao is here to give away benefits!

Immediately afterwards, another Heavenly Dao announcement sounded.

[Announcement: It has been detected that a Heaven Designated has been successfully promoted to the sixth level, and the world-type event - All Heroes Together will be officially launched tomorrow at 8:00 am!]

[Note 1: Only Heaven Designated with tribes are eligible to participate in this event. Heaven Designated without tribes can participate in the event by joining other Heaven Designated tribes. 】

[Explanation 2: Open the list of world heroes. The list is based on the prosperity and overall strength of the tribe. Each cave world only takes the top 1,000. At the end of the event, anyone who is on the list will be rewarded. 】

[Explanation 3: Open the occupation mode. In this mode, each tribe can occupy the enclosure. As long as the occupation is successful, the industrial area can be assigned to the tribe. Note: Only the tribal leader and tribal Gaokang have permission to open this mode - including the summoned tribal residents. 】

[Explanation 4: Turn on the plundering mode. In this mode, every time each tribe captures a foreign tribe, it can plunder the foreign tribe——you can get various resources for building the tribe. Note: Only tribal leaders and tribal executives have permission to open this mode. 】

[Explanation 4: When the number of lords in a cave world first reaches 10,000, the Heroes Parallel event in that world will be the first to end, and the next related world-type new event will be the first to start. 】

After reading the explanation, Jiang Bai immediately understood that his previous guess was correct—

Above the tribe is the territory!

It is obvious that Heavenly Dao is using this activity to promote the Heaven Designated tribes to quickly develop towards the territory.

Because Jiang Bai had already learned from Cao Wu the conditions for establishing a territory

Condition one, have a super large tribe.

The second condition is to own a territory belonging to the tribe.

The third condition is to have a lord's decree.

After meeting the above three conditions, Heaven Designated can upgrade own tribe to territory and become a leader

Obviously, Conquest mode (cfdd) is used to help Heaven Designated gain territory.


The private message notification sounded.

Jiang Bai opened it and saw that it was from Cao Wu.

Cao Wu: Lord Jiang, do you want to attend the meeting about the new event?

Jiang Bai: I won't go, you can discuss on your own.

Cao Wu: That's fine, I won't bother you anymore.

After closing the private message, Jiang Bai opened the personal information page and looked at the Talent column.

Of course he doesn't need to consolidate the Cultivation Base or something.

But after his strength is promoted, he also needs to spend time to enhance all aspects ten times.

The first is Talent.

At the fifth level, Jiang Bai can upgrade Talent Enhancement to S level.

Now that he has entered the sixth level, he will naturally be able to upgrade Talent Enhancement to SS level.

But let alone the SS rank, there are only a small number of Talents who have the potential to be Enhanced to the S rank.

After Jiang Bai reviewed the newly awakened Talents, he began to Enhance those Talents who have the potential to be promoted to $S level.

After the Enhancement is completed, the next step is Talent integration.

After some fusion.

Jiang Bai gets a new SSS-level Talent 1

【Born to know (SSS level): Passive, easy to understand at first glance, mastery once you learn it, mastery once you use it, learn from the old and bring forth the new, draw inferences from one instance. 】

What does this... mean?

Jiang Bai disturbed his head, a little unclear.

He understands the four words alone.

But looking at it together, he was a little confused.

"Forget it, it's a passively triggered Talent anyway, so you'll know sooner or later!"

After thinking for a while, Jiang Bai put the matter aside and looked at the Cultivation Technique.


It seems that there is no Enhancement.

The techniques have been comprehended to the apex, and the Enhancement has reached the limit.

As for the Cultivation Technique, only Vision Record and Qingxin Jue have not been cultivated to Returned to Origin.

Not to mention the vision record, this self-created Cultivation Technique can visualize all visions, and there is no end to cultivation.

And Qingxin Jue is a Cultivation Technique for cultivating the state of mind, it is too savvy!

Even Jiang Bai has only cultivated to the seventh floor.

"Hey, wait!"

Jiang Bai was taken aback for a moment, he just subconsciously recalled the cultivation methods and incantations of Qingxin Jue.

It was just that moment, and I had a new understanding!

He calmed down and carefully recalled the cultivation methods and incantations of Qingxin Jue.

Immediately, the mysteries of each layer of the Qingxin Jue were clearly displayed in front of his eyes.

Suddenly, a record popped up.

[Record: Your Cultivation Technique———— Qingxin Jue (Special), has been upgraded to the level of ‘Returned to Origin’. 】

Is this Returned to Origin?

Jiang Bai was stunned.

Suddenly, thinking about something, he quickly looked at the Talent he had just acquired.

Seeing the description of the Talent again, he seemed to realize something.

In order to verify what he thought, he closed the evolution panel and began to recall all the Cultivation Techniques he had learned.

Then he was horrified to find that even if he had cultivated the Cultivation Technique of Returned to Origin, he still had a brand new understanding in retrospect!

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