All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 129 Born To Know The Power Of Talent!

"So, being born with Talent has directly improved my comprehension and learning ability to the extreme?"

Jiang Bai muttered to himself.

At this moment, he has only one thought in his heart: labor and capital will be invincible!!!

His aptitude is enough to be heaven-defying, and now he has raised his comprehension and learning ability to the extreme~.

It can be said that as long as he is given enough time, he will definitely be able to climb to the top!

half an hour.

Jiang Bai regained his composure, and he began to try to recall the various techniques he had learned.

In an instant, all kinds of new insights came to my mind.

Even if it is a technique that has already been comprehended to the extreme, a new understanding can emerge!

Not only that, Jiang Bai can even deduce more powerful techniques on the basis of these techniques!

At this moment, he initially felt the horror of the Talent he was born with!

"Hey, wait!"

"In this way, won't I not even need potential points to learn Cultivation Technique and techniques in the future?"

Jiang Bai suddenly reacted, and was immediately pleasantly surprised.

You should know that the higher the grade of Cultivation Technique or technique, the more potential points it needs.

But now with the Talent who was born to know, Jiang Bai can practice and comprehend by himself!

Over time, the saved potential points will be unimaginable!

The most important thing is that Jiang Bai can learn whatever he wants to learn in the future, and he no longer has to worry about his potential!

Put this matter aside for now.

Jiang Bai owns three occupations, all of which are Enhanced once, so that they will all be upgraded from Baijin level to diamond level.

Finally, the equipment is left.

From the experience empowerment he received just now, Jiang Bai learned that the diamond level corresponds to the Magical Item!

And Magical Item is the equipment beyond treasures!

If you want to refine Magical Item, you need diamond grade.

There are diamond-grade materials for sale in the market, but the price is very expensive.

"Forget it, anyway, the secret realm competition will be officially launched tomorrow, and then we can find the materials and refine them!"

Jiang Bai shook his head, no longer thinking about the equipment, and turned to open the storage space.

Next is unboxing.

The first is 30 golden chests.

Jiang Bai——After opening it, I found that there was nothing I liked in the harvest, so I mailed it to Cao Wu.

And postscript: Harvested out of the box, I don't need it.

Then there are 9 platinum chests.

To Jiang Bai's disappointment, none of the Cultivation Techniques and techniques that were opened out of these 9 platinum-level treasure chests was of his liking.

Those few pieces of equipment were high-grade, but after thinking about it, he mailed them to Cao Wu together.

He has the ability to refine diamond-level equipment, why not refine it himself?

Finally, there is a Heavenly Dao chest.

"You guys bless me, this time I must prescribe the follow-up Cultivation Technique of the Infinite Spiritual Art!"

Jiang Bai clasped his hands together and bowed in all directions before opening the three Heavenly Dao treasure chests.

[Record: Open the Heavenly Dao treasure chest x3, get: "Infinite Dao Volume", "Five Elements Escape Technique", "Royal Sword Technique", "Spiritual Refining Method", "Pharmaceutical Book", "All Heavens Formation Code", Lord Token x1, Warlord Summoning Token x2. 】

Looking at the reward, even Jiang Bai couldn't help being stunned for a few seconds.

But immediately, his eyes lit up when he saw "The Scroll of No Emperor's Way".

He quickly took out the "Infinite Tao Scroll" to check.

【"Infinite Dao Volume": Special, the follow-up Cultivation Technique of Infinite Spiritual Jue, which can be cultivated all the way to the eleventh level. Note: You need to practice Wuliang Jue and Wuliang Ling Jue before you can practice this Cultivation Technique. 1

"Thank you for your blessings!"

Jiang Bai was so excited that he bowed to the surroundings again and again.

Afterwards, he opened "The First Volume of the Emperor" to study.

As the cultivation method of the boundless Dao scroll poured into his mind, the talent born with knowledge was also passively triggered.

After Jiang Bai receives it.

He was very speechless to find that just in the process of receiving it, he had thoroughly comprehended all the boundless Dao scrolls...

Of course, comprehension is comprehension, but Cultivation Base will not be improved accordingly.

It's like knowing how to do something, but if you want to feed back into reality, you still have to do it from beginning to end.

However, in the follow-up practice, Jiang Bai will not have any obstacles in the Cultivation Technique, he only needs to concentrate on accumulating the Cultivation Base.

In this way, he can use panacea, Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, etc. to quickly raise the Cultivation Base.

This also means that his cultivation speed will be faster!

"Since Wuliang Dao Scroll can be comprehended so quickly, other things must be no problem at all!"

Jiang Bai muttered, took out the remaining basic books, and opened them to study.

Five Elements escapism, this is a technique of magic, which contains five escapisms of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Yujianshu is also a skill, so there is no need to go into details about its functions.

Spiritual refining method, this is a Cultivation Technique, which is specially used to refine Mental Energy, improve the strength, solidification, power and so on of Mental Energy.

...asking for flowers......

Medicine Emperor Classics, this is a book of knowledge, which records the detailed information of various Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, and also records the pill recipe of many special panaceas, as well as the clever method of pill refining

The Array of the Heavens is also a book of knowledge, which records various common and uncommon formations that have appeared in the Heavens.

As Jiang Bai expected, when he received the information of the two techniques of Five Elements Escape Technique and Sword Control Technique, he directly comprehended their true meaning and profound meaning together.

The spiritual tempering method is also like the boundless dao scroll, he has thoroughly comprehended it, but he still needs to practice it from the beginning.

It's just that the speed is much faster, and there will be no more obstacles.

There is no need to repeat the final lord order and general summon order.

"Five Elements escapism, imperial swordsmanship, and spiritual refinement can be used as the welfare of the tribe!"

After weighing it up, Jiang Bai still took out three Jade Slips, and burned these two techniques and one Cultivation Technique.

Then mail them together with the lord's order and the general's summoning order to Cao Wu.

Soon, Cao Wu sent a private message.

Cao Wu: Master Jiang, the things you just sent were also unpacked?

Jiang Bai: Yes, from the Heavenly Dao treasure chest.

Cao Wu: It turned out to be the Heavenly Dao treasure chest, no wonder.

Cao Wu: Master Jiang, I would like to hand in a copy of the Five Elements Escape Technique, Sword Control Technique, and Spiritual Refining Technique to the Elders of the Dragon Kingdom, is it possible?

Jiang Bai: Whatever you want, anyway, they are relatively basic techniques and Cultivation Technique, which is not important to me.

Jiang Bai: But I want to remind you that these three qualities are "special" qualities, and cannot be improved with potential points, and can only be learned and comprehended by Heaven Designated.

Cao Wu: Understood, I will pass it on to all Elders.

Cao Wu: Master Jiang, the Jade Slip I gave me before is used up, do you have any more?

Jiang Bai: I'll give it to you tomorrow, I don't have many, I'll refine some later.

Cao Wu: That's great.

After closing the private message, Jiang Bai began to refine the blank Jade Slip.

This can also help him become familiar with and control his own power as soon as possible.

Especially the power of Lingyuan.

After Jiang Bai transformed the spiritual essence into spiritual fire through the fire control technique, he obviously felt that the power of the spiritual fire had skyrocketed too much.

No, when he first started refining, he couldn't control the heat, and kept burning the materials used to refine Jade Slip to ashes. .

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