All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 130 Bai Qi, Li Cunxiao!

next morning.

In the quiet room.

Jiang Bai, who hadn't slept all night, finally stopped refining.

He refined Jade Slip for almost a day and a night, and finally mastered his own power initially.

Mail the refined Jade Slip to Cao Wu.

Jiang Bai also got up and walked out of the quiet room.

Although he didn't sleep all night, with his current Cultivation Base, it didn't have much impact.

Morning exercise, bath, breakfast.

Then Jiang Bai came to Cao Wu's mansion and waited quietly for the event to start.

Not only him, but all the senior officials of the Yanhuang tribe came.


"Master Jiang, are you still planning to go back to the tribe?" Cao Wu seemed to ask, but in fact it was a reminder.

"Sorry, I forgot."

Jiang Bai slapped his head and hastily applied to rejoin the Yanhuang Tribe.

[Tribe: You have become the Supreme Elder of the Yanhuang Tribe. 】

Too much Elder?

Jiang Bai was taken aback, and looked at Cao Wu: "There is still this position of "363" in the tribe?"

"It didn't exist before, but it did after the Yanhuang tribe was upgraded to a large tribe."

"This position does not need to do anything, it is to protect the safety of the tribe, but the identity and status are above the leader."

Cao Wu explained with a smile.

Hearing this, Jiang Bai nodded and said nothing.

Just keep him out of business.

No one else had any opinion either.

In their opinion, Jiang Bai is the only person qualified to take the post of Supreme Elder.

Soon, the time came to eight o'clock.

[Reminder: The secret realm competition event and the Heroes Paradox event have been officially launched, please understand the details yourself. 】

[Reminder: The "secret realm access" function has been added to the evolution panel, please understand the details yourself. 】

Hearing the reminder, Jiang Bai hastily opened the evolution panel.

So do others.

Find the secret realm entry and exit function on the evolution panel, and Jiang Bai directly clicks on it.

Immediately, a list was displayed in front of his eyes.

On the list, there are a lot of secret realms listed according to the level of strength.

Looking at the total number, these secret realms add up to 3000!

Jiang Bai was not surprised by this.

The world he is in is No. 666 Dongtian World.

Arranged according to the number, there must be 665 cave worlds ahead.

There may not be more cave worlds in the future.

What's more, each cave world is divided into many regions.

And don't forget, the requirement for the Tribe Rise event to enter the third stage is that the number of tribes in each cave world should reach 100,000.

In this way, these 3000 secret realms are really pitifully small!

Jiang Bai took a closer look and found that these secret realms are divided according to the upper limit of the order, ranging from the third to the seventh order.

Among them, there are 600 secret realms at the first level, 600 at the second level, 500 at the third level, 500 at the fourth level, 400 at the fifth level, 300 at the sixth level, and 100 at the seventh level.

Moreover, all secret realms have no strength limit!

This means that even Jiang Bai, who has already entered the sixth level, can enter the secret realm of the first level!

It's just that after entering the secret realm, his strength will be suppressed to the first level.

Similarly, Jiang Bai can also enter the seventh-level secret realm.

Not only that, Heavenly Dao also considerately divides these secret realms into four categories: experience, resources, cultivation, and exploration.

Close the evolution panel.

Jiang Bai looked at everyone: "Have you finished watching?"

Hearing the sound, everyone nodded.

Jiang Bai nodded: "Then start assigning tasks. For the secret realms of the fourth and lower ranks, you will be responsible for competing. "Leave me the secret realms of the fifth, wooden, and seventh ranks."

Speaking of this, Jiang Bai looked at Cao Wu, "You haven't used the two general summoning tokens I gave you yesterday?"

Cao Wu shook his head.

Jiang Bai said: "Let's use it now. Let's Heaven Designated focus on conquering the secret realm first, and leave the tribal affairs to Mr. Zhuge. Don't worry about enclosing the land. Our future is not here."

After a pause, he added, "As for the safety of the tribe... I... will capture a few sixth-level beasts or birds and let them guard the tribe on their behalf."

No one had any objection to this, including Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun.

Next, Cao Wu used the two general summoning orders.

Soon, two generals were summoned.

[Bai Qi: Warlord, level 4 and level 1. 】

[Li Cunxiao: Warlord, level 4 and level 1. 】


Seeing the names of these two generals, Jiang Bai jumped up from his seat in shock.

Not only him, but also Cao Wu and others, including Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun.

Although Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun didn't know Li Cunxiao, they knew Bai Qi!

"Meet the lord!"

Bai Qi and Li Cunxiao knelt down on one knee to Cao Wu.

Cao Wu woke up with a start, and quickly helped the two of them up: "Please get up quickly, you don't need to be polite!"

"My God, Bai Qi, the God of Killing, Li Cunxiao, the Flying Tiger General!"

"Old Lin, pinch me quickly, I really suspect that I am dreaming!"

For Luo Feng's request, Lin Guodong satisfied without hesitation...

Immediately, Luo Feng screamed and said angrily: "Damn, are you really pinching me?!"

"Isn't that what you asked for?"

Lin Guodong retorted solemnly, but secretly laughed in his heart.

Seeing these two live treasures, Jiang Bai and others couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Cao Wu coughed twice, and began to introduce everyone to Bai Qi and Li Cunxiao.

Subsequently, at Jiang Bai's suggestion, Cao Wu formally separated the tribe's army and internal affairs.

The internal affairs are still in charge of Zhuge Liang, the chief executive, and the new chief commander Bai Qi is in charge of the army.

Both Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao belonged to Bai Qi and became commanders.

In this regard, Zhao Yun, who came first and was demoted, was not dissatisfied, but very excited.

"In terms of details, you can discuss on your own. I'll catch the beasts and birds first!"

Jiang Bai left without saying a word.

two hours later.

Jiang Bai returned to Yanhuang City with five fierce beasts and five fierce birds.

And the five fierce beasts and the five fierce birds are both at level 6 and level 3, enough to guard Yanhuang City.

"Mr. Zhuge, the stone beast and the five beasts will be assigned to you for the time being.

"Yes, Master Jiang."

After the handover, Jiang Bai returned to his mansion, ready to enter the secret realm.

Cao Wu and others have already entered first.

Jiang Bai selected a fifth-order secret realm of resources, and clicked directly to enter.

Everything in front of my eyes distorted rapidly.

A few seconds later, Jiang Bai successfully entered the secret realm.

Like the Heavenly Origin secret realm, he can only stay in this secret realm 5.7 for ten days at most.

The difference is that there is an extra secret realm channel in the chat channel.

This channel can only be used in the secret realm, and can only see the speeches of other Heaven Designated in the same secret realm.

Jiang Bai took a look and found that this secret realm channel has the function of displaying the number of people.

But the number of people shown above is 1.

This shows that he is the only one in this secret realm.

"Is the cultivation speed of the alien Heaven Designated so slow?"

"Or, by chance, they didn't run into each other?"

Jiang Bai was a little surprised.

But that's a good thing.

In this way, Jiang Bai has enough time to control all the secret realms of the fifth and sixth ranks.

After all, in the event description for the secret realm competition, there is no limit to the number of secret realms controlled by Heaven Designated.

This is obviously to let the Heaven Designated fight for themselves.

But it's a pity that Jiang You had such a bug among the unselected candidates this year. .

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