All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 131 How Many Tricks Do You Think I Need To Kill You?

"By the way, where is the core of the secret realm?"

Jiang Bai muttered while soaring into the sky.

After entering the sixth level, one can freely soar in the air, not limited to low altitudes.

But this is a fifth-level secret realm, and Jiang Bai's strength has also been suppressed to the fifth-level and tenth-level levels.

Of course, his rank 5 and 10 is not ordinary.

After all, his Spirit Power has been transformed into Spirit Yuan, even if this is suppressed by the secret realm, it will not change in any way.

So he can exceed the upper limit of low altitude when flying.

He didn't lock in a certain direction, anyway, he just moved forward in a straight line and expanded his perception to the maximum range.

He is not in a hurry to collect resources or anything.

After controlling this secret realm, everything here will belong to him.

Why bother?

"As expected, the resource-type secret realm, Heavenly and Mortal Treasures are very rich!"

After Jiang Bai had the knowledge of the Medicine Emperor's classics, he could easily identify various Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

He inspected the ground through the Hypervision Talent, and just for a while, he saw many wild Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

In about an hour.

Jiang Bai came to a huge mountain.

This huge mountain is extremely high, like a pillar supporting the sky.

According to Jiang Bai's visual estimation, the height of this giant mountain is at least 20,000 meters!

At such a high altitude, Common flight can't go up at all.

Because the range of low-altitude flight is 100 meters to 1000 meters.

Fortunately, Jiang Bai has a great element to make Talent.

After he turned on the Talent, a pair of wind wings were condensed directly behind his back, and he flew along the giant mountain to the top.

The higher you fly, the lower the temperature.

Soon, Jiang Bai reached the height covered by ice and snow.

He didn't stop at all, and continued to fly upwards.

There is something wrong with this giant mountain, he has no doubt that the core of the secret realm may be on the top of the mountain.

fly all the way.

When Jiang Bai reached the top of the mountain, the surrounding temperature was already minus 70 degrees.

Fortunately, with his Cultivation Base, he is not afraid of the cold.

On the top of the mountain, there was actually a vicious bird with ice blue feathers sleeping.

And the appearance of this fierce bird looks a lot like Phoenix in Legendary.

After Jiang Bai got closer, he saw the information of this fierce bird.

[Ice Phoenix (Platinum BOSS/ secret realm BOSS)

Race: Ice Phoenix (Phoenix branch)

Strength: Level 5, Level 10

Bloodline; Ice Phoenix Bloodline(100%)

Talent: The power of extreme cold.

Remarks: Defeating or beheading the ice phoenix, you can get the core of the secret realm. 】

"Secret realm core?"

Jiang Bai's eyes were fixed, and then he released his murderous aura.

In an instant, Bing woke up from his deep sleep.

It stood up, spread its wings, and its two icy blue eyes quickly locked onto Jiang Bai.

"Are you...human race?"

Bingfeng spit out human words, and said in a clear female voice, "There is no human race in this secret realm, so you came in from the outside, right? So, this secret realm has been unsealed by Heavenly Dao? You Is it the Heaven Designated of the human race?"

Jiang Bai raised his eyebrows: "You actually know Heaven Designated?"

In the Heavenly Origin secret realm before, none of the fifth-level beasts or birds he caught knew about Heaven Designated.

"What's unexpected about this." Bingfeng folded her wings, and restrained her hostility.

"The Feng Clan, like the Human Clan, is one of the groups standing at the peak of the heavens."

"And my Ice Phoenix Clan is a branch of the Phoenix Clan, so I am naturally qualified to know about Heaven Designated."

After a pause, Bingfeng changed the subject, "Are you here to find the core of the secret realm? How about we make a deal?"

"Let's talk about it." Jiang Bai restrained his killing intent and became interested.

Bingfeng said: "I'll give you the core of the secret realm, how about you take me out of the secret realm?"

"Can you still leave the secret realm?" Jiang Bai was surprised.

Bingfeng shook her head: "Of course I can't rely on myself, but after you refine the core of the secret realm and control the entire secret realm, you can modify and formulate the rules of the secret realm at will, and then you can naturally take me out.

"So it is." Jiang Bai suddenly realized, and then changed his tone, "However, I refuse to trade."

Bingfeng asked: "Why?"

Jiang Bai smiled slightly, but did not answer, but released the vision of the Sea of ​​Bitterness golden lotus.

I saw a strange scene of the sea and the sky behind him.

Under the blue sky, on the mirror-like sea.

A golden lotus grew rapidly from the sea, covering the entire sea surface in the blink of an eye.

The breeze blows, and the golden lotus sways.

The rich vitality is accompanied by the misty chaotic atmosphere, sweeping towards the surroundings.

Jiang Bai looked down at the ice phoenix, like a god coming to the dust: "How many moves do you think I need to kill you?"

At this moment, Bingfeng was prostrate on the ground, trembling slightly all over.

Its icy Blue eyes were full of horror, and it couldn't even speak.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai withdrew the vision, and said lightly: "I give you two choices: first, let me plant Restrictions in your soul, and I will take you out; Bar!"

Want to borrow him to get away, but don't want to pay the price at all, do you think he is stupid?

What's more, the outside world is Yanhuang City, how could he let Bingfeng go out at will?

Hearing Jiang Bai's words, Bingfeng's eyes showed humiliation.

It threatened unwillingly: "My Phoenix Clan is not weaker than the Human Clan. Are you afraid that the Phoenix Clan will liquidate you in the future if you bully me like this?"

"You still dare to threaten me at this time, you are the real garden!"

Jiang Bai shook his head, golden light bloomed all over his body when he raised his hands.

At the next moment, the golden light condensed into several Gold chains, instantly binding Bingfeng firmly.

This is the Golden Light Curse!

The golden light spell is very special because it has no upper limit.

Theoretically speaking, the stronger the strength, the stronger the power of the Golden Light Curse!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Bai quickly formed the seal with one hand, and performed the five thunders to rectify the law.

Bingfeng saw it and said in horror: "Please, don't kill me, I am willing to surrender!"

Regarding this, Jiang Bai turned a deaf ear to it, and directly sent down thunderbolts, killing Bingfeng on the spot.

Even the top of the mountain was cut off abruptly.

Scattered 170 to Thunder, Jiang Bai waved and used the Gold chain to pull Bingfeng into the storage space.

At the same time, he also saw a ball of light appear at the place where Bingfeng was lying before.

With a volley, he captured the light ball in his hand.

【Secret realm core: It can be used to control one secret realm. Remarks: The core can be gradually refined by wrapping the core with Qi and blood (Spirit Power, Lingyuan can also be used). 】

Seeing the information of the light group, Jiang Bai understood.

Then he mobilized the spiritual energy in his body, gradually wrapped the light ball in his hand, and began to refine it.

At the same time, a progress bar also appeared above the light group.

About ten minutes later.

When the progress bar reaches 100%, the record will be refreshed accordingly.

[Record: You have refined the core of the secret realm and become the master of this secret realm. 】

[Reminder: You can name the secret realm yourself. 】

The light cluster automatically merged into Jiang Bai's body, and he also felt that he had completely controlled this secret realm.

As he thought about it, the sky that was originally still brightly lit by the sun turned into night in an instant.

The next moment, the night returned to its original day.

After that, the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter will play in turn.

"This is the feeling of controlling everything in the world!"

Jiang Bai had a shocked expression on his face. This feeling of omnipotence might make anyone intoxicated.

Fortunately, he has comprehended Returned to Origin from his Qingxin Jue, which greatly increased his state of mind's Cultivation Base.

Plus his Mental Energy is also strong enough.

This made him escape from the intoxication in an instant. .

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