All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 134 Promotion To Seventh Rank

The strength of other Heaven Designated has increased rapidly due to the secret realm competition.

Jiang Bai naturally didn't stand still.

Ten days ago, he had entered level 6 and level 10.

The reason why he didn't get promoted was because he was accumulating and polishing himself so that he could reach the ultimate level of the sixth level.

In addition, Jiang Bai is still perfecting the techniques he has pioneered.

Xiaoyao Wuji, Baji Pojunquan, Nirvana Sword Art, and Instant Kill Swordsmanship, these are the four new techniques he created.

Among them, Xiaoyao Wuji belongs to the Movement Technique category, which is created based on the invisible and shadowless true meaning of Xiaoyao Yufeng Technique.

Baji Pojunquan belongs to boxing, it is based on the Bahuang Baji profound meaning of Bahuangquan, and it is created with the true meaning of Pojun.

The Nirvana Knife Jue belongs to the saber technique, based on the true meaning of Nirvana of the Three Swords, and the profound meaning of Qianduixue's saber technique-Xue Piao Ren Jian, it was created.

Instant Killing Sword Art belongs to swordsmanship, it is based on the profound meaning of the Thirteen Swords of Ben Lei, and it is created with the true meaning of Lightning-Dian.

At present, these four techniques are still in the stage of perfection.

Moreover, Jiang Bai found that actual combat can help him perfect his skills faster.

So now he basically spends his days in the secret realm, looking for sixth-order beasts to fight.

Anyway, you can enter a secret realm every day, which does not delay the progress of closing the secret realm.

that's all.

Jiang Bai leaves early and returns late every day, and before he knows it, he has already controlled all the sixth-level exploration secret realms.

So far, there are only 75 experience classes and 75 cultivation classes left in the sixth-level secret realm.

In the quiet room of Jiangfu.

At this moment, Jiang Bai is advancing to the seventh rank.

He saw the Gold Core in his body, which was going upstream along the three-burner porch at the moment, and finally entered the Purple Mansion.

Come to the Gold Core in Zifu, suspend in the sky above the Divine Sense Sea, and start to swallow the Divine Sense Sea.

The vast sea of ​​essence Divine Sense shrinks rapidly, and finally there is no drop left.

The Gold Core at this moment has swelled to the size of a baby.

Immediately afterwards, the surface of Gold Core gradually becomes thinner and transparent.

In this way, Jiang Bai also saw that there is a fetus in the Gold Core that is rapidly forming.

After the fetus was formed, cracks suddenly appeared on the surface of the Gold Core, and finally collapsed.

The fetus is born!

Looking at the appearance of the fetus, it is exactly the same as Jiang Bai!

In the next moment, Jiang Bai's mind was sucked into the fetus.

I saw that the eyelids of the fetus trembled slightly, and slowly opened, and there seemed to be infinite Dao Rhyme in the pupils.

The fetus stretched its body, stood up in the air, and looked down at itself.

"This is my Nascent Soul?"

As soon as the fetus opened its mouth, Jiang Bai's voice sounded.

At this very moment, Jiang Bai's mind is manipulating the fetus—that is, his Nascent Soul!

"Why don't you have any clothes?"

Jiang Bai looked at the little bird slipping outside, feeling very uncomfortable.

Just as he was thinking this way, the Gold Core fragments that had disintegrated earlier gathered together and turned into a vestment engraved with eighty-one dao patterns, which was automatically worn on Nascent Soul.

Looking at the cassock on Nascent Soul, he immediately understood the function of the cassock in his heart.

This vestment can not only protect Nascent Soul, but also increase Spirit Yuan, Spiritual Sense and so on.

The strength of the vestment is related to the number of dao patterns.

The more lines there are, the bigger France is.

In addition, Jiang Bai discovered that Nascent Soul is like a real person, not only internal organs and Meridians, but also Qi Sea and Zifu.

Moreover, the Qi Sea and Zifu in Nascent Soul are tens of thousands of times wider than those in his physical body!

The spiritual energy he originally stored in the Gold Core has now been transferred to the Qi Sea of ​​Nascent Soul.

There is also the Sea of ​​Divine Sense, no, it should be said to be the Sea of ​​Spiritual Sense, which has also been transferred to Nascent Soul's Purple Mansion

Since Nascent Soul was born, Mental Energy has transformed into Spiritual Sense.

This is a stronger, purer and closer to the source of the soul than Mental Energy.

After inspecting Nascent Soul itself, Jiang Bai found that the Zifu space is changing, and seems to be turning into an independent cave.

He manipulated Nascent Soul to leave the Zifu space and come inside the body.

Through the perspective of Nascent Soul, he saw that other Acupoints in his body were also transforming towards the cave.

The seventh-level powerhouse can comprehend the world and mobilize the power of the world to fight.

At the same time, it can also practice Soul Refining, raise Supernatural Power seeds with the hole in the body, and breed the supernatural power spiritual body.

Of course, in addition to the transformation of Acupoints, other aspects of the physical body are also undergoing transformation.

This kind of transformation is also blessed by the power of heaven and earth, and even the level of life will be improved together.

Before the sixth level, Jiang Bai could rely on Talent's help to counterattack the fifth level with the fourth level.

But after reaching the sixth level, no matter how powerful he is, it is impossible for him to reverse the logging level at the fifth level.

The reason is that the level of life is different!

From the fifth level to the sixth level, every time a breakthrough is made, the level of life will increase accordingly.

Even if there is a seemingly small gap between two beings at different levels, it is actually a world of difference.

I don't know how long it has been.

Suddenly, a record popped up.

[Record: Your strength has been promoted to Level 7 and Level 1, and you have obtained: Potential Points +3200. 】

……ask for flowers……

[Record: Your Gold Core has transformed into Nascent Soul, your Mental Energy has transformed into Spiritual Sense, and your Acupoints have transformed into Inner Cave. 】

[Record: You are already qualified to practice Soul Refining, and you can also start to master your natal Talent, and can evolve it into your natal Supernatural Power. 】

[Reminder: The natal Supernatural Power can be combined with other Supernatural Power techniques to continuously improve and improve. 】

"Master your natal Talent?"

Jiang Bai's heart moved, and his mind descended on Nascent Soul.

Nascent Soul opened his eyes and shouted: "Talent Spirit, come out!"

"Come on, la!"

Talent's spirit appeared out of thin air, looking at Nascent Soul curiously, "Master, is this your Nascent Soul? It's so small!"

"I'll grow up in the future." Jiang Bai waved his hand and asked, "I've entered the seventh level now, so I should be able to control the Talent, right?"


The Spirit of Talent shook his head: "No, the master's strength is still too weak."

The seventh step is still weak?!

Jiang Bai looked surprised: "Then what level do I need to be promoted to be able to master the talent of the alien race?"

"I don't know either."

The Spirit of Talent spread his hands and explained, "Most of my knowledge comes from the master. Basically, I don't know what the master doesn't know."

This is so fucked up!

Jiang Bai's face darkened, his eyes closed, and he immediately pulled his mind and left.

"Smelly master, I don't know how to accompany others!"

"Forget it, let's continue to sleep!"

The spirit of Talent snorted and disappeared into the space of Zifu.

outside world.

Jiang Bai opened his eyes and murmured to himself: "By the way, how to evolve Talent into Supernatural Power?"

Rao is a talent that he knew from birth, but without a reference, he is as difficult as a clever woman to cook without rice.

"I hope that in the seventh-level exploration secret realm, I can get the Supernatural Power technique!"

Jiang Bai muttered, got up, walked out of the quiet room, and came to the courtyard.

Standing in the yard, he felt as if he was getting closer to the heaven and the earth, as if he could become one at any time.

Not only that, he also sensed a mighty area flowing between the heaven and the earth.

This should be the power of heaven and earth!

"It turns out that the state of mind Cultivation Base will affect the perception of heaven and earth, as well as the control and use of the power of heaven and earth!"

When Jiang Bai came to the sky above Yanhuang City, his body and mind were united with the heaven and the earth, and he silently felt the heaven and the earth.

With the special state of his Spiritual Sense being in harmony with the heaven and earth, he easily enveloped the entire 168 area.

After a long time, he returned to the mansion to rest. .

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