All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 135: Evolving Your Own Life Supernatural Power

ten days later.

Jiang Bai also mastered 5 sixth-level cultivation secret realms, and 5 sixth-level experience secret realms.

From the eleventh day, he entered the seventh-level secret realm.

This time, he didn't start with the resource-type secret realm, but first explored the exploration-type secret realm.

Because he needs the technique of Supernatural Power.

The sixth-level exploration-type secret realm and cultivation-type secret realm cannot obtain the Supernatural Power technique.

So Jiang Bai can only place his hope in the seventh-level secret realm.

"Another site of an ancient sect?"

Jiang Bai came to the center of the secret realm familiarly.

There are many peaks here, which are endless.

But directly above the group of peaks, there is still a floating mountain peak.

This is not the first time Jiang Bai has seen such a scene.

He soared into the air, came to the outside of a suspended mountain, and popped out a finger wind with his fingers.

The finger wind shot towards the hanging mountain peak, but was blocked by the edge of the mountain peak. "Four Nine Zero"

A layer of transparent shield also appeared due to the attack of Zhifeng.

"Okay, we have to break the Formation Restrictions again!"

Jiang Bai sighed and began to study the transparent shield.

Fortunately, he has acquired the knowledge of "The Formation of the Heavens", so this kind of mountain protection formation is not difficult for him.

that's all.

Every time Jiang Bai broke through the formation of a hanging mountain, he went in and scraped it, and then the next hanging mountain came.

In just one morning, he scraped away all the suspended peaks.

Not only did he get the core of the secret realm, he also got a lot of Cultivation Techniques, techniques and Supernatural Power techniques as he wished, as well as the method to evolve Talent into Supernatural Power.

The site of this sect is relatively well preserved, so today's harvest is relatively rich.

After refining the secret realm core.

Jiang Bai then left this secret realm and returned to his quiet room.

Next, Jiang Bai except the seventh level of daily strategy.

So I hid in the quiet room to comprehend the art of Supernatural Power and how to evolve Talent into natal Supernatural Power.

five days later.

[Record: Congratulations on successfully evolving your natal Talent————— Light Speed ​​Leader (S-Class) into a natal Supernatural Power, please name it. 】

The speed of light leader Talent came from Ten Steps Enhancement City, the first awakened F-class natal Talent.

"This Supernatural Power is specially used to increase speed, and that's called——Speed ​​Word Art!"

Jiang Bai quickly thought of a name and named this Supernatural Power.

[Record: The naming of the Supernatural Power "Suzijue" was successful. 】

[Record: A column of Supernatural Power has been added to your personal information page, please check it yourself. 】

[Reminder: Supernatural Power is divided into natal Supernatural Power and non-natal Supernatural Power. Natal Supernatural Power can be passed on to future generations through Bloodline, and can also be improved and perfected by fusing non-natal Supernatural Power. Natal Supernatural Power cannot. 】

[Reminder: As the first Heaven Designated to evolve your natal Talent into your natal Supernatural Power, you have triggered the Heavenly Dao notification, do you want to hide basic information?】


【Heavenly Dao Announcement: Human Heaven Designated ‘xxx’, the first to evolve a natal Talent into a natal Supernatural Power, special rewards: "Basic Spell Encyclopedia" x1, Lingmai (lower grade) x1, Heavenly Dao treasure chest x1. 】x3

Low-grade spirit veins?

Jiang Bai was taken aback for a moment, and curiously checked and explained.

[Lingmai (lower grade): It can automatically swallow the Spiritual Qi of the world, just bury it in the ground, it can gradually increase the concentration of Spiritual Qi in an area, and it can also derive Spirit Stones veins, Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, etc. 】

"Good stuff!" Jiang Bai was overjoyed.

As long as it is buried underground in Yanhuang City, the entire Yanhuang City can become a holy place for cultivation.


"Forget it, let's talk about selenium after establishing a territory!"

After Jiang Bai thought about it, he temporarily put away the spiritual vein.

Afterwards, he took out the "Encyclopedia of Basic Techniques" and opened it to study.

After receiving the infusion.

Jiang Bai has already mastered all kinds of basic techniques to the Returned to Origin level.

In this book, all kinds of basic techniques are recorded.

With these basic techniques, the Yanhuang Tribe has the basis for mass cultivation of Mage!

Jiang Bai took out a blank Jade Slip, burned all the basic spells he had just received into the Jade Slip, and mailed it to Cao Wu.

After that, he opened the list of secret realms and started the daily strategy of the seventh-level secret realm.

In the following days.

Jiang Bai is attacking the seventh-order secret realm[while trying to evolve some Talents that have been Enhanced to the limit into Supernatural Power.

To his disappointment, the Supernatural Power evolved by other Talents cannot become the original Supernatural Power.

You know, the natal Supernatural Power has the characteristics of inheritance and upgrading.

Even a rubbish natal Supernatural Power can eventually rise to an extremely powerful level.

This is far from being comparable to the unborn Supernatural Power!

Of course, the non-natal Supernatural Power also has a feature that the natal Supernatural Power does not have——teaching!

Non-natal Supernatural Power can be taught to others for cultivation, but natal Supernatural Power cannot...

In addition, Jiang Bai discovered that not all Talents are suitable to evolve into Supernatural Power.

For example, Unlimited Enhancement Talent, Balanced Growth Talent, Birth Knowing Talent, etc.

In addition, Jiang Bai is also researching to bring back various Supernatural Power techniques from the exploration-like secret realm.

Knowing that the Talent is there, he doesn't have to worry about not being able to receive it.

And the more he comprehends the art of Supernatural Power, the more he understands the essence of the art of Supernatural Power.

In the final analysis, the technique of Supernatural Power is a technique of using the power of heaven and earth.

Therefore, whether it is a melee technique or a magic technique, as long as the power of heaven and earth can be integrated into it, it can evolve into a supernatural power technique.

After realizing this, Jiang Bai's speed of perfecting the four new techniques immediately increased greatly.

He didn't find the right direction before, but now he knows where to go.

Of course, he didn't let go of the strategies for the seventh-level secret realm.

There are only 100 seventh-order secret realms.

While practicing, Jiang Bai unconsciously mastered all the seventh-level secret realms.

After that, he turned around and started to attack the sixth-order secret realm.

There are 300 sixth-level secret realms.

But before, Jiang Bai has won 160, and now there are 140 left.

As for other Heaven Designated, they are still attacking the fifth-order secret realm.

Jiang Bai had enough time to take down all the remaining sixth-order secret realms.

In this way, time passed day by day.

The sixth-order secret realm also gradually decreased.

The world channel of No. 666 Dongtian World has already been noisy.

The day when all the seventh-level secret realm 5.5 disappeared from the secret realm list, it had already attracted the attention of other cultivators.

Now that the sixth-level secret realms are disappearing one by one, how can other practitioners sit still?

Jiang Bai doesn't know about the situation in other cave worlds.

However, many Heaven Designated in Dongtian World No. 666 shouted on the World Channel every day that Heavenly Dao was unfair, and said that there must be unselected people cheating.

In the end, they jointly petitioned, hoping that Heavenly Dao can severely punish cheaters.

To Jiang Bai's horror, Heavenly Dao actually responded!

[Announcement: In response to many Heaven Designated petitions, this Heavenly Dao officially responded: everything in the secret realm competition is normal, and there is no cheating in any Heaven Designated

It is also impossible to cheat, if anyone dares to disturb this Heavenly Dao with non-existent things, he will be punished by heaven!] 1

As soon as the announcement came out, all Heaven Designated were quiet. .

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