All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 136: The Blame Hero——Blood Empty!

"Looks like Heavenly Dao is fair!"

Jiang Bai muttered, and he was relieved.

He was really afraid that Heavenly Dao would take into account the feelings of most Heaven Designated and impose certain restrictions on him.

Fortunately, Heavenly Dao is Heavenly Dao after all, and has not been carried by those Heaven Designated.

"Since you think it's unfair, let's let you experience the real unfairness!"

There was a cold light in Jiang Bai's eyes, did he think he had no temper?

He clicked on the secret realm list, selected a fifth-level secret realm with the largest number of people, and clicked to enter.

This is a fifth-order secret realm of resources, so it has attracted many Heaven Designated scrambles.

Other Heaven Designated are not fools, and naturally know the importance of resources.

After entering the secret realm.

Jiang Bai activated the Talent of Synchronization of All Things, and instantly transformed into the Heaven Designated appearance of the Blood Desolate Emperor Clan that he had seen before.

All things are attuned Talent, SS grade, comes from B grade Thousand Faces Talent Enhancement.

As an SS-level Talent, the Talent's ability to change is more thorough.

It can not only perfectly simulate the appearance, breath, etc., but also can simulate the target's character, exclusive Talent, Bloodline characteristics and other unique places!

And the deeper the understanding of the camouflage 25 target, the more thorough the simulation will be!

Although Jiang Bai only saw the Heaven Designated of the Blood Desolate Emperor Clan once, it was enough for him to imitate.

What's more, he also learned the Heaven Designated Mysterious Heaven Nine Steps and Blood Knife Eight Jue.

Thinking of the Blood Knife Bajue, he took out the Snow Song Knife, and covered the Snow Song Knife with the ability of the harmony of all things.

In the blink of an eye, the Snow Song Knife turned into the blood knife held by Heaven Designated of the Blood Desolate Emperor Clan.

After the disguise is complete.

Jiang Bai let go of his perception and started to kill" mode.

after an hour.

Apart from Jiang Bai, there is no other Heaven Designated in the entire secret realm.

Those Heaven Designated either escaped from the secret realm in time, or were killed by Jiang Bai.

Of course, most of the people he killed were Heaven Designated from other races, as well as Heaven Designated from other countries on the blue star.

For the Heaven Designated of the Human Race and the Heaven Designated of the Blood Desolate Emperor Race, he only wounded them.

Then pretending it was too late to catch up, let them escape the secret realm.

Then, kill the secret realm BOSS.

Jiang Bai refined the core of the secret realm and left the secret realm.

the next day.

Jiang Bai once again chose a fifth-level secret realm with the largest number of people to enter, and made the same crazy behavior as yesterday.

Then the third day, the fourth day...

For ten consecutive days, Jiang Bai slaughtered ten secret realms.

On the eleventh day.

Jiang Bai clicked on the secret realm list and found that among all the fifth-level secret realms, none of the Heaven Designated entered today!

At this point, Jiang Bai finally vented his anger.

He also went on to attack the sixth-order secret realm.

But what he didn't know was that the world channels of various cave worlds were already talking about it.

The world channel of No. 666 Dongtian World.

"Weakly ask, is the Yin family ranked fifth-level secret realm today?"

"Do you dare to enter?"

"Don't dare..."

"Then ask me something!"

"Who do you think is the mysterious master who slaughtered the fifth-level secret realm?"

"Can't even guess this? It must be the strong man who conquered all the seventh-level secret realms!"

"It deserves it! It's obviously jealousy, but you still say that he cheated, and you even petitioned Heavenly Dao, demanding that he be punished severely, so let him be mad!"

"It's called Karma!"

"The secret realm that people use their own strength to attack, but they are suspected of cheating, and they are severely punished by so many Heaven Designated petitions Heavenly Dao. If it were me, I would definitely go too far!"

"What about the bastards who petitioned before? Aren't you dancing? Keep dancing, keep petitioning!"

"Stop yelling, those bastards have already been scared to pee, how dare they show their heads?"

"Those bastards are really not a thing! It's obvious that they caused trouble, but they made us suffer!"

"Hey, I don't know when the boss will calm down. If this goes on, won't we be unable to conquer the fifth-order secret realm?"

"That boss didn't want to use the strong to bully the weak, so he has been attacking the secret realms of the sixth and seventh ranks! But those bastards insisted on yelling that it was unfair! Now it's all right, the boss will end in person Show what is unfair!"

While all the Heaven Designated were talking about it, the blood of the Blood Desolate Emperor Clan was scolded miserably.

Because the Heaven Designated from the Blood Desolate Emperor Clan that Jiang Bai met before was exactly Xue Kong!

The Heaven Designated of other cave worlds cannot recognize Blood Konglai.

But how could the Heaven Designated who was in the same area as Xue Kong not be recognized?

After these Heaven Designated announced the news to the world channel of the cave world where they were located, it immediately attracted all the Heaven Designated in the cave world to criticize Xuekong.

Especially some Heaven Designated, when the Heaven Designated of the Blood Desolate Emperor Clan broke out, they basically escaped.

The eighteen generations of Xuekong's ancestors began to be greeted over and over again.

When he got the news, Xue Kong was completely dumbfounded.

Because he never did that!

But no matter how he explained it, none of the Heaven Designated believed it, including the Heaven Designated of the Blood Desolate Emperor Clan!

Mysterious Heaven Nine Steps and Blood Knife Eight Techniques, these two techniques are not eligible to be inherited by all Blood Desolate Emperor Clan.

It can be said that these two techniques have already become the identification marks of Xuekong.

Jiang Bai also used these two techniques, so Xue Kong had no way to defend himself.

As the news fermented, the news that Xuekong was the murderer quickly swept through all the cave worlds.

Although people with a discerning eye can see that Xuekong is completely blamed, but no one defends him.

They even sent the news back to the clan officials behind the guest through a special pass.

As a result, this matter finally alarmed the high-level people of the Ten Thousand Races.

In the end, under the joint oppression of many ethnic groups.

The Blood Desolation Emperor Clan was extremely aggrieved and took out a huge amount of resources as compensation, which was why Clan 583 revealed the matter.

Of course, most Heaven Designated don't know about this.

Including Jiang Bai too.

With all his bad breath out, he returned to his usual routine.

Raid the sixth-order secret realm in the morning, study Supernatural Power in the afternoon, and practice in the evening.

Sometimes, in the afternoon and evening, pill refining, refining, or teaching Yuejiao and Jindiao to practice.

Time passed day by day, and the number of sixth-level secret realms also decreased day by day.

In the end, the remaining 140 sixth-level secret realms were also controlled by Jiang Bai.

In this way, he has covered all the secret realms of the sixth and seventh ranks.

For the remaining fifth-level secret realms, after weighing it, he still gave up.

Everything should not be too much.

In case Heavenly Dao can't stand it anymore, it will be a lot of fun to reward him with a scourge.

So Jiang Bai did not continue to attack the secret realm, but continued to explore the outside world.

He is now at the seventh level, and he can be called a strong man to some extent.

Therefore, he planned to visit the inner and core areas of the Forest of Elves.

After all, the Yanhuang Tribe is on the outskirts of the Forest of Elves.

Without knowing the depth of the Fairy Forest, Jiang Bai was really worried.

In addition, he also wanted to find a suitable place to establish a territory for the Yanhuang tribe in advance.

With the development of the tribe, the strength of the residents and the Heaven Designated is increasing rapidly.

Continuing to stay in the peripheral areas is not conducive to development. .

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