All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 137: Finalizing The Future Of The Yanhuang Tribe

five days later.

The core area of ​​the elf forest.

"Another city ruins?"

Jiang Bai stood in the air, overlooking a large ruins below.

The entire site is covered with lush vegetation, which shows that this place has been destroyed a long time ago.

Such ruins, Jiang Bai has found many places when he explored all the way.

At first, he thought that these ruins were left by the Elven Empire.

But after careful investigation, he discovered that some reliefs or characters on the ruined walls belonged to the Druid family!

He has seen the druids, and he has read the animal skin scrolls of the druids, so he will never admit his mistake.

But here comes the problem.

The Elven Forest is famous for the Elven Empire, why is the legacy of the core area a family of Druids?

"Could it be that the Druids are the descendants of the elves in this world?"

Thinking of the appearance of the Druids, Jiang Bai couldn't help guessing.

The appearance of the druids is very similar to that of the elves.

The only difference is that the Druids have an extra pair of antlers on top of their heads.

Of course, it's not just about looks.

In terms of life habits and other aspects, the druid family is also similar to the elf family.

The Druids are also close to nature and respect nature, and even build their houses on big trees.

And they are also good at bows and arrows, spells - especially wood spells.

The only difference is probably that they have an extra shape-shifting Talent, which can transform into various beasts and birds.

"Judging from these ruins, the Druids were once brilliant."

"But why has it fallen to such a point now?"

This problem is what Jiang Bai has always been unable to figure out.

To be able to build many cities in the core area of ​​the Elven Forest, there must have been strong men beyond the seventh rank among the former druids.

Because there are many seventh-level fierce beasts or fierce birds in the core area, if there are no strong men beyond the seventh level sitting in the town, the Druids will not be able to deter those fierce beasts or fierce birds at all.

"Could it be the disaster that broke out five thousand years ago?"

Jiang Bai thought of a possibility.

There are two disasters he has learned so far—

One is the arrival of an extraterrestrial demon ten thousand years ago, which led to the destruction of the Elven Empire.

One is an unknown disaster five thousand years ago, which led to the destruction of the Tianshu Holy Land.

"Forget it, there's no point in getting tangled up in these things."

"However, what is certain is that the forest of elves is not suitable for the subsequent development of the tribe."

Shaking his head, a pair of blue wind wings formed behind Jiang Bai, turned around and galloped away.

He has basically found out the situation of the Forest of Elves.

The most powerful beast or bird in this forest is only level 7 or 10.

In the future, it can be used as a place of experience, a place where the country mines resources.

But the environment is not suitable for the development of the Yanhuang tribe.

The environment suitable for the human race should be a relatively flat environment such as plains and hills.

at dusk.

Jiang Bai returned to Yanhuang City.

After dinner, he plunged into the quiet room and began to study the conventional teleportation array in "The Formation of the Heavens".

According to the records in "The Formation of the Heavens", there are four types of conventional teleportation formations: small, medium, large, and super large.

On top of the super-large teleportation array, there are more profound special teleportation arrays such as the world teleportation array and the void teleportation array.

With Jiang Bai's current strength, at most he can study the conventional teleportation array, forget about the special teleportation array.

Besides, the conventional teleportation array is enough to be used in one world.

ten days later.

In the evening, in Cao Wu's mansion.

In the lobby of the front yard, many high-level officials of the Yanhuang Tribe are seated here.

Jiang Bai at the main seat glanced at the crowd and said, "I called everyone here today to discuss the future of the Yanhuang Tribe."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help being taken aback.

Jiang Bai continued: "I have already researched a teleportation array that can be teleported over a long distance. As long as the teleportation array is handed over to the Elders of the Dragon Kingdom, it will not be long before the Dragon Kingdom Heaven Designated distributed in every corner of No. 666 Dongtian World Gather together and re-establish the Dragon Kingdom."

Having said that, he paused.

After everyone digested it, he continued: "As the tribe with the strongest strength, the fastest development, and the richest resources at present, once the Dragon Kingdom reappears, everything from the Yanhuang Tribe will most likely be handed over to the Dragon Kingdom. I want to ask you guys what you think."

Hearing this, everyone obviously breathed hard, and their faces became serious.

"Master Jiang, I don't agree with handing over the light yellow tribe!"

Zhuge Liang was the first to stand up and object.

Zhao Yun, Bai Qi, and Li Cunxiao followed closely behind, with the same attitude as Zhuge Liang.

Jiang Bai nodded: "You four, please sit down first. I understand your thoughts and concerns, so please stay calm."

He looked at Cao Wu and the others: "What about you? Pay, or not?"

"Master Jiang, I'm a latecomer, so I'm not qualified to express my opinion, but I still want to say one thing - I can't hand it in!"

Qin Keqing was the first to speak.

"Since you are a high-level tribe, you are naturally qualified to express your opinions, there is no doubt about it.

Jiang Bai first confirmed Qin Keqing's identity, and then asked curiously, "Can you tell me why you think you can't hand it over?"

"This..." Qin Keqing hesitated.

Jiang Bai waved his hand: "Don't worry, we are all from our own people here, and I can guarantee that not a single word of today's discussion will be leaked!"

"Okay, then I'll say it!"

Qin Keqing nodded and said seriously, "I really hope that the Dragon Kingdom can be re-established. After all, it is the country where I was born and raised, but this is different from handing over to the Yanhuang Tribe! This is equivalent to starting a company.

We have grown a company from scratch. This is our property. If we just hand it over like this, would it be too unfair and cruel to us3?

We have worked so hard, built and developed little by little, and finally got to where we are today, and I am not reconciled to handing over cupped hands just because the Dragon Kingdom was reestablished!"

As soon as these words came out, it immediately resonated with other people.

"You're well said!"

"These words have reached my heart (the one who won the king)!"

"I agree with Sister Qin's statement with both hands and feet!"

"You are right, the tribe we have worked so hard to build must not be handed over with cupped hands!"

"We can provide help to the Dragon Kingdom, but it is absolutely impossible to hand over to the tribe!"

Others began to speak out.

Jiang Bai waved his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet.

Then he turned his head to look at Cao Wu, who was always silent.

"Old Cao, what do you think?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Cao Wu, including Zhuge Liang.

After Cao Wu raised his head and looked around the crowd, he pretended to be helpless and spread his hands:

"You all said that, what else can I think?"

"Besides, the Yanhuang tribe is not mine alone, but everyone's.

"Since everyone disagrees with handing it over, I can only follow everyone's wishes."

Speaking of this, Cao Wu looked at Jiang Bai, "Master Jiang, what about you? What's your attitude?"

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