All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 138 Confirming The New Residence

"You tell the Elders that if you want to continue to get help from the Yanhuang Tribe in the future, you must exchange it at equal value!"

"Everything in the Yanhuang tribe is achieved by everyone's hard work. It is impossible to let them go whoring for nothing all the time!"

Jiang Bai's words fully explained his attitude.

Everyone nodded in agreement with his words.

"Don't pay too much attention to this matter, because the choices of other tribes in the Dragon Kingdom should be the same as ours."

Changing the subject, Jiang Bai comforted everyone, "Dragon Kingdom will definitely be reestablished in the future, but it will never be the same as before, because this is a new era, and everyone has the opportunity to rise. Everyone will be wiped out!"

"Master Jiang is right."

Cao Wu took the words and sighed softly, "The former Dragon Kingdom has become a thing of the past since we came to this world, and it is the general trend for all heroes to rise together! Maybe the Dragon Kingdom will be re-established in the future, but it must be in another form. Way!"

"Okay, that's it for now."

Jiang Bai waved his hand and changed the subject, "I'm researching the ultra-long-distance teleportation array, and I have another purpose. I think everyone has found a way to contact their families during this period of time, right?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up and they realized something.

Jiang Bai nodded: "900 is just as you think, I am in charge of refining the teleportation array, and you are in charge of bringing your own family over, completely eliminating worries."

Everyone became excited immediately.

"Thank you Jiang Ye!"

"Long live Jiang Ye!"

"Master Jiang, I love you to death!"

Seeing that he loves to die own Luo Feng, Jiang Bai's face turned black: "Fuck off, labor and management only like beautiful women, not big men!"

As soon as these words came out, the hall suddenly burst into laughter.

just laugh.

Jiang Bai shared his exploration of the forest of elves.

After sharing, he started to talk about the business: "I personally think that the environment of the Elven Forest is not conducive to the future development of the Yanhuang Tribe, so I plan to settle for the Yanhuang Tribe and settle elsewhere."

"I agree!" Zhuge Liang continued, "Most of the elves' forests are mountain forests, not only inconvenient for farming, but also difficult for foreign construction, which is really not conducive to future development.

Zhao Yun added: "There are too many fierce beasts and birds in the Forest of Elves, which is also not conducive to development."

"Master Jiang, is this why you told us not to rush to enclose the land?" Cao Wu turned to look at Jiang Bai.

"Yes." Jiang Bai nodded and explained, "Heavenly Dao said that above the tribe is the territory, and above the territory is the country, so I feel that the elf forest is not suitable for us to settle

Zhuge Liang interjected: "Master Jiang is really far-sighted. Mountains and forests are indeed not suitable for human settlements. Terrain such as plains and hills are the most suitable places for human development. I just don't know where to find them?"

"Mr. Zhuge doesn't have to worry about this."

Cao Wu shook his head and glanced at Jiang Bai, "Master Jiang has explored to the edge of the Fairy Forest a long time ago, and saw the endless hills beyond the Fairy Forest."

Hearing this, not only Zhuge Liang, but others also looked at Jiang Bai in amazement.

Had he thought about it so early?

Jiang Bai shook his head: "I'm looking for a new residence, you are still focusing on the strategy of the secret realm and welcoming your family, and we will move to Huangcheng after the competition for the secret realm is over.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

five days later.

Jiang Bai refined a large number of super large teleportation arrays and handed them over to Cao Wu.

These teleportation arrays are used to help the Heaven Designated of the Yanhuang Tribe to bring their families over.

After finishing these, Jiang Bai took a day off.

The next day, he left Yanhuang City alone and began to look for a new settlement for the tribe.

after an hour.

Jiang Bai left the Fairy Forest from another direction.

Different from the direction he left before, the forest of elves in this direction is now a plain.

Moreover, even if he flew high in the sky, he couldn't see the whole picture of the plain.

You can see how vast it is!

In addition, there are abundant water veins and numerous rivers on the plain.

And every certain distance (cfdf) grows a lush forest.

Jiang Bai also found that this plain is adjacent to the hilly area, separated only by a large river.

He turned on the chat channel, turned on the video recording function, and recorded the surrounding environment at high altitude.

After recording.

Jiang Bai began to carefully investigate the situation of the entire plain, and used Jade Slip to draw a detailed map by the way, and also marked it on the real-time map.

As long as he finds an aboriginal tribe or a Heaven Designated tribe, he will mark it and indicate the size, highest strength and other information.

He will also mark the basic situation of fierce beasts and birds.

After the Yanhuang Tribe moved here, these were security issues that had to be faced.

In addition, it is the situation of resources.

This aspect will be directly related to the survival and development of the Yanhuang Tribe.

that's all.

a month later.

"Finally the investigation is over!"

Jiang Bai heaved a sigh of relief and mailed the Jade Slip used to record the map to Cao Wu.

The maps recorded in Jade Slip are mainly for Zhuge Liang and others.

No, Jiang Bai shared the real-time map with Cao Wu later.

Next, is to determine the new specific location.

By the way, half a month ago, the secret realm competition was offline——

The main reason is that Jiang Bai has mastered the secret realms of the sixth and seventh levels in advance, so the event went offline so quickly.

In the remaining half a month, the Heaven Designated of the Yanhuang Tribe also sent their families to the Yanhuang Tribe through a super-large teleportation array.

ten minutes later.

Cao Wu sent a request for a video call.

After Jiang Bai got connected, he discussed the specific location of the new residence with everyone remotely.

It took more than an hour for everyone to finally finalize the specific location.

This location is located in the plain area, about ten kilometers away from the forest of elves.

Following the real-time map, Jiang Bai rushed all the way to this location and began to set up a large teleportation array.

This is used to lure Cao Wu and Heaven Designated over.

With the relocation order, the residents of Yanhuang City and Yanhuang Tribe and Heaven Designated can relocate here at once.

But the relocation order can only be used by the tribal leader.

So we have to take Cao Wu over.

As for what to do with the Heaven Designated?

For enclosure of course!

With the growing population, the Yanhuang tribe has now been upgraded to a super-large tribe.

As long as you occupy another piece of land that belongs to own, the Yanhuang tribe can be upgraded to a territory!

But enclosing land is not that simple.

It has long been revealed on the World Channel that if you want to occupy the land after enclosing it, you need to stay there for 24 hours.

During these 24 hours, there will be enemies attacking at any time.

Once the enemy's attack is successful, it will be regarded as a failure to occupy the land.

So the Heaven Designated were picked up, just to let them help guard. .

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