half an hour later.

Only then did Jiang Bai place the large teleportation array.

No way, this thing is too big.

After all, it can teleport a thousand people at once!

Afterwards, Jiang Bai sent a private message to Cao Wu.

After learning that Cao Wu was ready, Jiang Bai took out more than ten middle-grade Spirit Stones and placed them in the teleportation shower.

Enter Spirit Power to activate the teleportation array.

As the teleportation array lights up, thousands of Daoist figures appear in the teleportation array at the same time.

A total of three transmissions, that is, three thousand Heaven Designated.

These Heaven Designated are at least Tier 4 and Tier 5 in strength.

Then came the enclosure.

This matter is naturally handed over to Cao Wu.

Rodeo is easy.

After the occupation mode is turned on, a 3D virtual sand table will appear, and then draw the unowned area you want to occupy on it with your hands.

After enclosing the land, a crystal pillar will appear in its center.

This crystal pillar is the key to guarding.

As long as the crystal pillar is not broken by the enemy within 24 hours, the enclosed area will be considered successful.

Finally, it is to choose the garrison personnel.

"Old Cao, don't count me among the guards!"

"I am much stronger than you, and I will attract enemies that you can't deal with!"

Jiang Bai suddenly opened his mouth to remind.

Cao Wu responded, and after selecting the garrison personnel, he started the garrison timer.

From now on, you need to protect the crystal pillar from being smashed by the enemy within 24 hours.

Jiang Bai flew onto the crystal pillar and sat cross-legged.

He activated the Golden Light Curse and covered the entire crystal pillar with the golden light on his body.

Seeing this scene, I was completely relieved.

He began to allocate manpower to guard all directions of the crystal pillar.

Soon, a group of ferocious beasts descended to the east out of thin air, and came to kill the crystal pillar.

The battle begins.

Jiang Bai closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the crystal pillar, but focused on the battlefield with his spiritual sense.

This group of ferocious beasts are only below level 4 and level 5, so they are nothing to be afraid of.

In just ten minutes, the beast herd was killed by everyone.

After an interval of about two hours, the enemy descended again.

This time the aliens came, and they attacked from the north and the west.

And in terms of strength, there have been fifth-order masters.

Fortunately, the strength of Heaven Designated is not bad, and with Jiang Bai's secret help, there is no danger.

that's all.

As time goes by, batches of enemies come from time to time.

With Jiang Bai at his back, everyone let go of their hands and feet, killing all directions.

Leng is has been persisted for 24 hours.

When the time is up, there will be a tribal announcement, and the convicts have succeeded in occupying it.

The crystal pillar also disappeared.

Jiang Bai took back the golden light spell and fell to the ground.

Cao Wu came over and took out the moving order: "Master Jiang, Yanhuang City is ready, so I will start moving now?"

"Move it!" Jiang Bai nodded and stepped aside.

Others also backed away.

Immediately, Cao Wu used the relocation order.

Then I saw the relocation order soaring into the sky, and a light fell, turning into a phantom of Yanhuang City.

Cao Wu took a step forward, manipulated the phantom with his hands and adjusted the position of the city, and then retreated a few steps.

The next moment, the phantom quickly turns from virtual to real.

On the originally empty grassland, a city appeared through the air.

It is Yanhuang City!

Of course, not only the city was relocated, but also all the buildings, residents, etc. in the city.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Bai turned around and stepped onto the large teleportation array, returning to his original position in Yanhuang City.

He came back to bring the group of wind scale horses, and he also recovered the teleportation array by the way.

until the evening hours.

Only then did Jiang Bai bring the windscale horses to the new residence in Yanhuang City.

Anyway, this is a plain area, so there is no need to keep the Windscale horses in captivity.

So Jiang Bai just built a stable for the Windscale horses near Yanhuang City that could shelter them from wind and rain.

Today, windscale horses have long liked to live in stables.

After all, the stables are cleaned every day by a special person.

After settling down the Fenglin horses, Jiang Bai returned to Yanhuang City and came to Cao Wu's mansion.

All the high-level officials of the tribe have gathered here and are discussing the next construction of the tribe.

The surrounding area of ​​Yanhuang City is flat, how to ensure the safety of the residents and the city is very important.

After all, besides alien races, there are countless beasts and birds in this world.

Besides, if you want long-term development, it is inevitable to open up wasteland and cultivate.

As a result, various crops also need protection.

All these things need to be discussed.

the next day.

It was eight o'clock in the morning.

[Heavenly Dao announcement: The human race 'Yanhuang Tribe' is the first to be upgraded to a territory——Yanhuang collar (third-class lord), special reward: Lingmai (lower grade) x5, Lingtian (black iron level) x10,000 mu, territory Construction resource pack (large) x1. 】x3

Jiang Bai was dumbfounded.

This reward is too rich!

Just 5 low-grade spirit veins is scary.

There are still 10,000 mu of black iron-level spiritual fields!

This is Lingtian!

A spiritual field that can grow spiritual rice, shorten the growth time of crops, and increase crop yields!

………… Ask for flowers……………

Yesterday, Jiang Bai and others were still discussing to encourage residents to actively open up wasteland and cultivate.

Well now, Heavenly Dao directly rewards 10,000 mu of spiritual fields!

Not to mention the need to open up wasteland, there is not even enough land for Lingtian!

what to do

We can only continue to enclose the land and expand the territory!

Of course, this circle of land is not a chaotic circle, but a planned circle.

To put it bluntly, it is to take Yanhuang City as the center and spread the territory outward in a square shape.

The reason why it is square is to facilitate the subsequent construction of defensive walls.

This defensive wall is equivalent to the Yanhuang collar's border defense line.

With it, the residents in the territory can farm outside the city with peace of mind, and don't have to worry about the crops being damaged by fierce beasts, birds and the like.

The Heaven Designated are in charge of enclosing the land, and the light yellow-collared army is not idle either.

Bai Qi, Zhao Yun, and Li Cunxiao each led a force, centered on the Yanhuang collar, and wiped out all the alien tribes within a hundred miles of Fang Yuan in three directions.

What, why only three directions are cleaned?

Because the last direction is facing the forest of elves, and there are no alien tribes nearby.

In addition to the above, Yanhuang City will also usher in its first expansion.

According to the previous plan, the current Yanhuang City will not be moved, and will be used as an inner city in the future.

Therefore, the city area expanded this time will be the future outer city.

In the future, Common residents will be relocated to live in the outer city, including Heaven Designated in other areas that may be accepted in the future, and they will be temporarily resettled in the outer city.

The people living in the inner city, in addition to the high-level Yanhuang collars, also include all the existing Heaven Designated, as well as the summoned residents who have made contributions or have sufficient strength.

At the beginning, Beng Wu and others did not agree with this class division.

But Jiang Bai's words made Cao Wu and others compromise.

He said: "Absolute fairness means that a few people must continue to give selflessly to feed the majority! But how can this be fair to the few people?"

In a word, Cao Wu and others were silent.

Jiang Bai went on to say: "The birth of a class is inevitable, because this is the goal of the people at the bottom, and it is also the driving force for the continuous development of Yanhuangling! Without the temptation of power, status, fame, fortune, and money, who the hell would work for Yanhuangling?

Of course, we are all people who have been exposed to the rain, and we have also seen the injustice in society, so what we can do is to try our best to ensure fairness and justice, so that the people in Dikang will not pay in vain!"

In this way, Cao Wu and others completely compromised for a long time. .

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