All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 140 Development And Construction Of Yanhuang Collars

In the next time.

Apart from helping to enclose land, Jiang Bai is also in charge of transforming Yanhuang City.

Heavenly Dao announced the five dragon veins rewarded, and now only he has the ability to handle them.

Speaking of which, when he successfully evolved his natal Supernatural Power before, he also got a low-grade spiritual vein.

However, this spirit vein has already been buried by him in the medicine garden in the backyard of Jiangfu, where it is used to cultivate various spiritual herbs, elixir and so on.

As for the five spiritual veins of the Yanhuang collar?

After Jiang Bai thought for a long time, he finally decided to bury it in Totem Square... No, it is now called Jiling Square!

After the Yanhuang tribe was upgraded to the Yanhuang collar, the tribe's totem——Pan Dragon Pillar, also successfully gave birth to spirituality, and was promoted from a totem to a sacrificial spirit!

After becoming a sacrificial spirit, in addition to the improvement of the tribe's blessings in all aspects.

The sacrificial spirit also has the function of gathering and suppressing the luck of the territory.

Moreover, as the Jiling continues to grow, the "three-five-three" will be transformed into a special form of life in the future.

Jiang Bai buried five spiritual veins under the Jiling Square, in order to help the Jiling grow rapidly.

Moreover, Jiling Square is located in the center of Yanhuang City, and when Spiritual Qi gathers, it can gradually spread throughout the city.

After dealing with the dragon veins, Jiang Bai then began to arrange the large formation of gathering spirits.

This spirit-gathering formation will cover the entire Yanhuang City—that is, the inner city in the future.

Gathering Spirit Formation adds five low-grade spirit veins.

It is foreseeable that the inner city in the future will definitely become a holy place for cultivation.

After the outer city is expanded, its Spiritual Qi concentration will also increase under the influence of the inner city.

It took Jiang Bai three days to complete the arrangement of the gathering spirit formation.

Afterwards, he began to deploy a large defensive formation non-stop.

As a barrier to protect the inner city in the future, this large defensive formation naturally cannot be dealt with casually.

Jiang Bai arranged a combined defensive formation, including a series of functions such as defense, rebound, early warning, and air ban.

It took even longer this time, and it took a full fifteen days to complete the layout!

Of course, in normal times, the defensive array will only activate the functions of early warning and air ban.

In addition, Jiang Bai connected the defensive formation with the five spiritual veins and the spirit gathering formation, so the defense formation that is not fully activated does not need to consume Spirit Stones to maintain it daily.

By the time Jiang Bai finished his work in the city, Cao martial arts led the Heaven Designated to occupy enough territory.

So Jiang Bai went on to build a defensive wall.

With the talent of the great elementalist, the construction of the defensive wall is easy for him.

No, in just three days, the defensive wall was completely built.

The rest of the details are Cao Wu's business.

Finally, there is still the matter of arranging the entrance and exit of the secret realm.

Now Yanhuangling has a lot of secret realms, and there are secret realms from the first level to the seventh level.

After deliberation, it was finally decided by Jiang Bai that Yanhuangling started to run the school!

After passing the enlightenment study, as long as the aptitude and comprehension are qualified, they can enter the Evolution Academy and start practicing.

And part of the first-tier to fourth-tier secret realm entrances and exits will be placed in the Academy of Evolution.

Those who perform well in the Academy of Evolution can be further promoted to the highest institution——Yanhuangchen Mansion.

The entrances and exits of the secret realm from the fifth to seventh steps are placed in Yanhuang Academy.

Since the Enlightenment School and the Academy of Evolution are open to the public, they will be built in the outer city.

And Yanhuang Academy, as a place to cultivate elites, naturally had to be built in the inner city.

As for the teacher's question?

Temporarily, it can be served by Heaven Designated who don't like fighting.

Both the Enlightenment School and the Academy of Evolution teach the basics, and Heaven Designated are qualified enough to teach.

The instructors of Yanhuang Academy are temporarily served by various senior officials of Yanhuang Collar.

Jiang Bai personally became the head of the school's first mansion.

No way, he has the three major occupations of Pill Refining Master, Artifact Refining Master, and Array Mage, and he has a wide range of knowledge and the highest strength.

Apart from him, no one in Yanhuang collar is suitable to be the first host.

Of course, today's education system is only taking shape, and it will be changed and refined in the future.

Once the education problem is solved, the laws and regulations of the Yanhuang collar will naturally have to be improved.

In addition, there are various livelihood issues that must be resolved and regulated.

The trouble now is for the rapid development in the future.

As long as the rules are set at the very beginning, various major problems that may arise in the future can be avoided to the greatest extent.

But in this way, Cao Wu and others are so busy that they don't touch the ground every day, and the manpower in management is obviously insufficient.

At this time, Jiang Bai took out 72 summoning tokens for summoning counselors or warlords.

Where did it come from?

Of course it came out of a treasure chest!

In the previous secret realm competition, Jiang Bai won the sixth and seventh secret realms by himself...

All the secret realm BOSS he killed will drop BOSS treasure chests!

Seeing that there was not enough manpower, he opened all 72 platinum treasure chests, and directly harvested 72 yuan of special summoning orders.

And this is not all treasure chests.

In Jiang Bai's storage space, there are 300 Baijin treasure chests (sixth-level secret realm), 100 diamond treasure chests (seventh-level secret realm), and 1 Heavenly Dao treasure chest (rewarded by the announcement of Heavenly Dao from Supernatural Power).

He is not in a hurry to open it, and saves it for later when he needs it and does not eat it.

Because he found that as long as he has a strong demand for certain things, he can basically prescribe these things.

He didn't realize it before, but now he guesses that it should have something to do with the talent called Tianyiyi.

Cao Wu had a summoning order, and urgently summoned three counselors and a general.

Because Cao Wu has already entered the fifth level, the strength of these three counselors and this general has also reached level 5 and level 1.

It is worth mentioning that the three advisers are Jiang Wan, Xun Yu, and Guo Jia, and the general is Xia Houyuan.

With the addition of these four people, Cao Wu and others felt more relaxed in an instant.

Guo Jia may be close in internal affairs, but Xun Yu is a genius in internal affairs!

Plus Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wan.

The territory's internal affairs, which were originally a mess, were sorted out in just a few days.

So, Cao Martial King simply delegated power to the lower levels.

Anyway, the counselors and generals summoned basically have no possibility of betraying the lord at 5.9.

And Xia Houyuan also led a single force, responsible for guarding the side led by Yanhuang.

In this way, there are generals in charge of guarding the four directions of the Yanhuang collar.

But the commander is still in vain.

As for why not call more counselors or generals?

There is no way, Yanhuang collar is so big now.

If too many counselors and generals are summoned at one time, there is nothing to arrange them.

In this way, it is easy to cause them to involve and cause a struggle for power.

What's more, when Cao Wu's strength improves, the strength of those summoned counselors and generals will also be even higher!

This also saves a lot of resources.

What, use counselors to teach?

Isn't this overkill!

Besides, Yanhuang collar still needs to develop technology!

Ancient counselors did not understand technology. .

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