All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 141 The Visiting Elder Group

a month later.

After a month of hard work by everyone, all aspects of Yanhuangling have been on the right track one after another.

The construction of the outer city area has now been more than half completed.

The planting of the spiritual field has also been completed, and it is only waiting for the harvest time to come.

In addition, during this period of time, many Heaven Designated from other regions discovered the existence of Yanhuangling, and exposed the coordinates of Yanhuangling on the World Channel.

As a result, Heaven Designated from the nearby Dragon Kingdom flocked to Yanhuangling, wanting to join Light Yellowling.

Some of them have already established tribes in the Dragon Kingdom Heaven Designated!

In order to join the Yanhuang collar, they don't even want the tribe they established.

In this regard, the leader of Yanhuang will not refuse - and can't refuse!

Otherwise, the reputation of Yanhuang collar will be completely stink.

But in order to prevent these Heaven Designated from doing things.

Before they joined, Yanhuang collar also made it clear in advance that they could join, but they had to abide by the rules in the territory.

And because they have just joined, they have not made any contribution to the territory, so they can only start from the bottom.

This is the contribution system established before the Yanhuang collar was upgraded to a territory.

In order to enjoy the various benefits of the Yanhuang collar, those Heaven Designated naturally agreed.

It's just that, 25, some guys have joined in less than a day, and started to act recklessly in the territory

For example, bullying the residents summoned in the territory at will!

Some guys regard these residents as NPCs and don't care how these residents feel.

For these guys, Jiang Bai personally captured them one by one, and mercilessly beheaded them all for public display!

With this warning, the other newly joined Heaven Designated immediately became honest.

For this reason, Yanhuang collar also set up a law enforcement department in advance to maintain law and order within the territory.

Not only that, Jiang Bai also suggested to Cao Wu that Guo Jia should be secretly responsible for building the intelligence system.

Because when Guo Jia assisted Cao Cao, he was responsible for helping Cao Cao control the intelligence system, so Guo Jia has a training method in this area.

At present, the role of the intelligence system does not seem to be significant.

But when the territory develops and grows in the future, the intelligence system will become particularly important.

Especially when the territory is upgraded to a country, the intelligence system will really play a role.

And after the rise of the Heaven Designated, when entering the stage of world hegemony, the intelligence system is also the top priority.

So start developing from now on, absolutely right!

Cao Wu also agrees with this.

In this way, Guo Jia began to live in seclusion, or disappeared from time to time.

And some summoned residents who have the potential to become spies disappeared quietly or died suddenly.

These residents are basically alone, without the ties of family and relatives.

Fifteen days later.

Jiangfu, quiet room.

[Record: Congratulations on successfully creating a new technique and naming it. 】

"Breathing Containment Technique!"

[Record: The new technique 'Breathing Concentration Technique (Special)' was named successfully. 】

Jiang Bai took out a piece of Jade Slip, put the breath holding technique he had just created into it, and then sent the Jade Slip to Guo Jia through the teleportation disk.

This technique of holding back breath was specially created for intelligence personnel.

Before that, Edo also handed over the assassination swordsmanship and Xiaoyao Wuji he created to Guo Jia.

The instant kill sword technique was created on the basis of the true meaning of lightning.

And the movement technique of Xiaoyao Wuji is based on the true meaning of being invisible and shadowless, and it is silent at every turn, invisible and shadowless, just like a ghost.

Instant Killing Sword Technique, Unfettered Promise, and Concentrating Breath Technique, when these three are combined, it is the most terrifying assassination method.

For intelligence personnel hiding in the dark, these three techniques are just right.


There was a knock on the door, and Yuejiao's voice came from the quiet room: "Master Jiang, Lord Cao is in a hurry to find you, and he is waiting in the lobby of the front yard."

"Understood." Jiang Bai responded, got up and walked out of the quiet room.

Forecourt hall.

As soon as Jiang Bai walked into the hall, Cao Wu quickly greeted him.

"Master Jiang, the Elders of Dragon Kingdom contacted me suddenly just now, saying that they want to visit Yanhuangling in a few days.

"Visit?" Jiang Bai was taken aback for a moment, and then realized, "They are here to check the depth of Yanhuangling!"

Cao Wu nodded: "After discussing with Mr. Zhuge and the others, I also think so, so should I agree?"

"Agree, why don't you agree?"

Jiang Bai glanced at Cao Wu, and said with a strange expression, "Yanhuang collars are not shameless, they come to visit whenever they want, it's not a big deal, anyway, our background is hidden in the dark, they see not."

"Ah?" Cao Wu was a little confused.

IE Wu raised his shoulders and said: Cao, you are the lord of the Yanhuang Territory. In terms of status, strength and power, who can surpass you among all the Heaven Designated in Dongtian World No. 666? So you don't have to care about the Elders of the Dragon Kingdom. identity of!"

Hearing this, Cao Wu was shocked.

Jiang Bai saw it, and continued: "As the first territory in Heaven Designated, Yanhuang collar is bound to attract a lot of attention. The principle we uphold is: when friends come, there is good wine; when enemies come, there are swords!

It's just a visit, it's not a big deal, as long as the other party doesn't deliberately cause trouble, and since everyone is from the Dragon Kingdom, we can welcome you warmly! But if the other party dares to make small moves in secret, then we don't have to show mercy!

"I understand, thank you Master Jiang for your guidance!" Cao Wu let out a long breath, and his whole body relaxed.

Jiang Bai waved his hand: "There is no need to say thanks between us. When the visit time is confirmed, you can let me know, and I will accompany you 570 to receive the Elders."


three days later.

The edge of Jiling Square in the inner city.

Jiang Bai, Cao Wu, and Zhuge Liang, along with some soldiers, waited in front of a super-large teleportation formation.

As the teleportation array lit up, more than ten figures appeared on the teleportation array out of thin air.

This is the Dragon Kingdom Elder group who came to visit Yanhuangling today!

Jiang Bai took a glance, and secretly sent a message to Cao Wu and Zhuge Liang: "Elders, you came alone without any bodyguards. This is showing your sincerity to us, so please be warm when receiving them!"

Both of them nodded slightly when they heard the words.

After the light from the teleportation array dissipated, Cao Wu walked up quickly.

"Cao Wu has met all Elders!"

"On behalf of the Yanhuang collar, I welcome the arrival of all Elders!"

An old man standing at the front smiled and said, "Xiao Cao, we old fellows came to visit rashly, didn't we cause you any trouble?"

"Big Elder, that's a serious word." Cao Wu bowed slightly, and said with trepidation, "It's my honor for you to come to Yanhuangling. Elders, please

After the Elders and Cao Wu came down from the teleportation formation, Jiang Bai and Zhuge Liang also stepped forward to salute.

Hearing Jiang Bai's self-reported name, all the Elders looked at him one after another.

Regarding Jiang Bai's name, they have heard Cao Wu mention it many times, and they also know Jiang Bai's many contributions to the Dragon Kingdom. .

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