All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 142 The Re-Establishment Method Of Dragon Kingdom

"You are Jiang Bai?"

The big Elder came to Jiang Bai and looked at him curiously.

Jiang Bai nodded: "Yes, Big Elder."

"I've wanted to see you for a long time, and today I finally got my wish!"

The big Elder was very happy, and said with a smile, "I have seen and remembered your contribution to the Dragon Kingdom, and I have always wanted to personally say thank you to you. It is because of you that the Dragon Kingdom Heaven Designated The death rate has been greatly reduced!"

"Big Elder is serious, I just did it because of a little effort!" Jiang Ri waved his hand modestly.

At this time, Cao Wu interjected: "Big Elder, get in the car and talk!"

"Alright!" The big Elder nodded.

Of course it is not a car like a car, but a carriage car.

In order to welcome the Elders, Cao Wu specially built a super-long luxury sightseeing carriage, which is pulled by several windscale horses.

After everyone got into the car and took their seats.

The carriage also slowly left Jiling Square and started driving along the main road in the city.

As the carriage moved forward, Cao Wu also acted as a tour guide, introducing Yanhuang City to the Elders.

After the expansion, the inner city has become much emptier than before.

The main reason is that most people have moved to the outer city.

In addition to residential areas, the inner city is full of various workshops, such as equipment workshops.

After turning around the inner city, the carriage headed for the outer city.

As soon as you enter the outer city, the bustling atmosphere of people coming and going will blow your face.

The population standard of a super-large tribe alone is more than 100,000.

What's more, the Yanhuang collar is a territory?

Today, the total population of Yanhuang collar has already exceeded 200,000.

Most of the population is settled in the outer city or in villages outside the city.

The villages outside the city were specially built for the residents responsible for planting spiritual fields.

These residents had to take care of the spiritual fields, and it was troublesome to run back and forth, so they built some villages outside the city.

Anyway, there is a defensive wall, so don't worry about security issues.

According to the plan discussed yesterday, the order of visits is from the inner city to the outer city, then to the outer city, and finally back to the inner city.

This circle turned down, and it was noon.

Elders are also an eye-opener.

inner city.

Cao Wu's mansion, King Tianning in the front yard.

There is a big round table in the hall, and everyone sits around the table.

Today's cook is Yuejiao, who cooks all kinds of hard vegetables, and also eats Lingmi and Lingguo.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

The big Elder suddenly changed the subject: "Xiao Cao, we are here today. Apart from visiting, there is another thing we want to hear from you."

Here comes the topic!

Jiang Bai thought secretly, but on the surface he remained calm.

Cao Wu asked nervously, "Big Elder, I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Don't be nervous." The big Elder comforted, and said with a smile, "I just want to ask, what do you think about the re-establishment of the Dragon Kingdom?"

Hearing this, Cao Wu subconsciously turned his head to look at Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai said: "Big Elder, you have been probing for a whole morning, don't you feel tired? How about this, let's be open and honest, let's talk about it directly, how about it?"

"Little Cao, is this what you mean too?" The big Elder looked at Cao Wu.

Cao Wu immediately expressed his opinion: "The Yanhuang leaders will obey Jiang Ye's words unconditionally!"

The big Elder immediately realized that the real master of the emotional Yanhuang collar was actually Jiang Bai!

The other Elders also looked at Jiang Bai in astonishment.

After a moment of silence, the big Elder said: "Jiang Bai, it is imperative to re-establish the Dragon Kingdom. I hope Yanhuang Ling can stand up and play a leading role!"

"Yes." Jiang Bai nodded without hesitation.

With this attitude, not only the big Elder, but also other Elders looked surprised.

The big Elder asked curiously: "You don't object to re-establishing the Dragon Kingdom?"

"Why should I object?" Jiang Bai asked back.

The big Elder was taken aback.

Jiang Bai spread out his hands: "The re-establishment of the Dragon Kingdom is equivalent to everyone reporting to the group to keep warm and unanimously open to the outside world. This is a good thing!"

"After the Dragon Kingdom is re-established, if you send official personnel to Yanhuangling, would you be willing?"

It was another Elder who asked this question.

Jiang Bai looked at the Elder and asked, "If I send a group of people to live in your house, would you be willing?"

The Elder fell silent.

The other Elders also understood Jiang Bai's attitude——

The Dragon Kingdom is re-established, yes!

But if you want to intervene or take over Yanhuangling, there is no way!

In fact, Jiang Bai's attitude is the same as that of other tribes in the Dragon Kingdom.

The leaders of other tribes had no objection to the re-establishment of the Dragon Kingdom and expressed their support.

But the tribe that wants to take over them has no room for negotiation.

"Elders, times have changed."

Jiang Bai looked at the Elders, shook his head and said, "Blue Star's way is no longer suitable for the present, and the former Dragon Kingdom is already doomed to be a thing of the past. If you really want the Dragon Kingdom to reappear in this world, then The approach must be changed.”

Big Elder asked, "What advice do you have?"

"It's not a suggestion, it's just an immature idea.

Jiang Bai took a sip of his wine, and then continued, "You should have contacted many tribal leaders and tested their tone, right? I guess the answers of those tribal leaders should be similar to mine, right?"

The Elder nodded slightly.

Jiang Bai smiled: "" This is normal, no Heaven Designated would be willing to hand over the tribe that he has worked so hard to build up, since that is the case, why not try to rebuild the Dragon Kingdom in another way, for example—— -alliance!"


The Elders looked at each other thoughtfully.

The big Elder sat up straight and stared at Jiang Bai: "Speak."

"As we all know, above the tribe is the territory, and above the territory there is the country."

Speaking of which, Jiang Bai looked around at all the Elders, "Dare to ask all Elders, when Heaven Designated fully enters the kingdom stage, how will the Dragon Kingdom deal with itself?"

The Elders looked at each other and looked at each other.

They were only thinking about how to persuade many tribes to return to the Dragon Kingdom, but they really ignored this point!

According to Jiang Bai, after Heaven Designated fully enters the kingdom stage, the existence of the Dragon Kingdom is bound to become extremely embarrassing!

And it will hinder the development of the Dragon Kingdom Heaven Designated!

Because the Dragon Kingdom is only a kingdom, if the Dragon Kingdom Heaven Designated wants to upgrade its territory to a kingdom, wouldn't it be tantamount to betraying the Dragon Kingdom?

In this way, who dares to bear this kind of infamy?

The second Elder sighed: "Jiang Bai is right. The former Dragon Kingdom is in the past tense. We are in a new era, so we should change our methods!"

Hearing this, the other Elders nodded in agreement.

They want to re-establish the Dragon Kingdom, nothing more than to gather the strength of the people of the Dragon Kingdom, so as to better protect the people of the Dragon Kingdom, so that the people of the Dragon Kingdom can survive in this world more easily.

If the re-establishment of the Dragon Kingdom becomes an obstacle to the development of the people of the Dragon Kingdom, wouldn't it be putting the cart before the horse?

The Elder looked at Jiang Bai, nodded and smiled and said: "Our trip was worth it, Jiang Bai's reminder was very timely, and the proposal about the alliance is also excellent."

"We old fellows have been taught a lesson by young people!" The three Elders laughed.

The other Elders also laughed and looked at Jiang Bai with admiration. .

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