After lunch, all Elders left in a hurry.

The alliance proposed by Jiang Bai made them understand the future direction of the Dragon Kingdom, so they should rush back to discuss.

After watching everyone, the Elder disappeared on the teleportation array.

Only then did Cao Wu give Jiang Bai a thumbs up: "Jiang Ye, you are a real bullshit! I am already very nervous just facing the Elders, but you can speak out!"

"You Elders are not pedantic people, and you can make some free donations as appropriate in the future."

Jiang Bai left behind a word, turned around and left.

Cao Wu scratched his head and looked at Zhuge Liang: "Mr. Zhuge, what did Master Jiang mean just now? Didn't he say that in the future, if you want to get help, Elders, you must exchange it at equal value?"

"My lord, Lord Jiang is very satisfied with the attitude of the Elders of the Dragon Kingdom, so I want you to get closer to the Elders of the Dragon Kingdom in the future, and within our ability, we can provide limited free help."

Zhuge Liang interpreted Jiang Bai's words for Cao Wu in another way.

Hearing this, Cao Wu suddenly realized.

Then he asked again: "By the way, Mr. Zhuge, what did Jiang Ye mean by the alliance before? Is it for the Elders of the Dragon Kingdom to unite the many tribes of the Dragon Kingdom in an alliance?"

"It should be." Zhuge Liangliang nodded and sighed, "Master Jiang has a long-term vision and wants to be at the forefront of everything!"

For this point, Cao Wu quite praised 870: "That is, the Yanhuang collar can develop smoothly to the present, thanks to Master Jiang's foresight!"

five days later.

In Jiangfu, the front yard is near the sky.

"Master Jiang, the Elder wants to use a super-large teleportation array to connect the various tribes of the Dragon Kingdom, so I would like to ask you to help refine it."

"The Great Elder also said that all the materials needed to refine the teleportation array will be shared by the various tribes in the Dragon Kingdom, and the Yanhuang collar will not be responsible."

Hearing Cao Wu's words, Jiang Bai hesitated, and said: "You tell the Elder, this time I can help refine for free, but only this time! If you ask me to refine anything in the future, you must pay an equivalent reward. "

"Okay, I'll tell the big Elder.

Afterwards, Jiang Bai took out a piece of Jade Slip, and burned the materials needed for refining a super-large teleportation array into it.

"The materials recorded in Jade Slip are the materials needed to refine the super-large teleportation array. As many super-large teleportation arrays are needed, you can prepare as many copies of the materials."

"When the materials are ready, I will start refining."

Cao Wu nodded, took Jade Slip and left.

In the afternoon, Cao Wu delivered the materials for refining the super-large teleportation array to Jiang Bai by mail.

After getting the materials, Jiang Bai (cfdi) also entered the quiet room to start refining the teleportation array.

After staying in the quiet room for three days, Jiang Bai used up all the materials.

After he mailed all the refined super-large teleportation arrays to Cao Wu, he returned to his bedroom and fell asleep.

Sleep until the next morning.

Just after Jiang Bai finished his breakfast, Cao Wu came to the door again.

"You didn't come to me to refine something again, did you?!"

Jiang Bai stared at Cao Wu with a hint of danger in his eyes.

Cao Wu hurriedly waved his hands: "No, it was the Great Elder who invited the two of us to the China Tribe to discuss the establishment of the China Alliance. By the way, the China Tribe is the tribe established by the Great Elder, and it is also the temporary center of the Dragon Kingdom."

"You can just go, why do you still bring me?" Jiang Bai was very strange.

Cao Wu spread his hands: "I don't want to, but the Elder called you to go, and I can't help it.

"Tsk, trouble!"

Jiang Bai had a face of reluctance, but he still walked out of the mansion.

There is no way, the face of the big Elder still has to be given.

Riding a super-large teleportation array, Jiang Bai and Cao Wu came to the Chinese tribe.

With the help of Yanhuangling, the Chinese tribe has already built a city called China City.

Of course, the scale of the city is naturally not comparable to Yanhuang City, but it is much larger than the cities of other tribes.

Under the leadership of the reception staff, the two of Jiang Bai came to the alliance venue and sat on the seats where the nameplates of the two were placed.

Jiang Bai took a look, his nameplate is 'Elder of Yanhuang Lingtai——Jiang Bai', and Cao Wu's nameplate is 'Lord of Yanhuang Lord——————Cao Wu'

Many people have already come to the venue.

After seeing where Jiang Bai and the two were seated, those people looked at them one after another.

The name of Yanhuang Collar can be described as thunderous, and there is no Heaven Designated who doesn't know it.

After all, it was the first tribe to be established, and the first to upgrade to a territory.

So these people who came first had already set their sights on Yanhuangling's position, and have been watching secretly.


Of course, they want to get close, build relationships, and gain benefits!

This is the Heaven Designated faction with the most comprehensive strength!

If you can get on with the relationship and get some benefits, then your own tribe can't take off from where it is?

Thinking of this, those guys started to move around.

Finally, a handsome and elegant young man came to Jiang Bai and Cao Wu first.

"Lord Cao, Jiang Elder, and I, Long Jianhua of the Dragon Tribe, may I have the honor to meet you two?"

Jiang Bai glanced at Long Jianhua, then turned around and asked Cao Wu, "Your friend?"

"I don't know." Cao Wu shook his head.

Jiang Bai understood, turned around and said to Long Jianhua with a smile: "Sorry, we don't know you, and we haven't heard of the Longteng tribe, and we don't like to be disturbed, so please leave, thank you."

At this moment, Long Jianhua's face was so stiff that he could use his toes to dig out three rooms and one living room in embarrassment.

He wanted to say some harsh words, to save face, but his throat seemed to be blocked, and he couldn't say anything.

In the end, he bowed his head and left in despair.

This scene also poured a basin of cold water on those who were about to move, and made them calm down completely.

At this moment, someone came forward again.

After seeing the person coming, Cao Wu stood up excitedly: "Old Wu, are you still alive?!"

"Bah, you crow mouth, how can you talk!"

The visitor scolded angrily, but hugged Cao Wu fiercely.

After a while, the two separated.

Cao Wu introduced: "Old Wu, this is Jiang Bai, I usually call him Master Jiang! Master Jiang, this is my brother who has been through life and death with me, Wu Fei!"

"Master Jiang, you can just call me Lao Wu!"

Wu Fei smiled honestly, Hui Jiang Bai stretched out his hand.

Jiang Bai got up, smiled and shook hands with Wu Fei: "Don't listen to Lao Cao's nonsense, just call me Jiang Bai."

"It's just a title, it doesn't matter."

Wu Fei waved his hand indifferently, and looked at Jiang Bai curiously, "However, why does your name sound familiar to me?"

Cao Wu interjected: "Tribal orders, strategies for regional survival battles, prescriptions for treating poisonous poisons and plagues, and super-large teleportation arrays, do you remember?"

"So it's you!" Wu Fei widened his eyes.

Then he thought of something, took a step back, stood up straight, and saluted Jiang Bai solemnly.

After Jiang Bai subconsciously returned the gift, he wondered, "Old Wu, what's the matter with you?"

"Master Jiang, if it wasn't for your prescription, I and all the Heaven Designated in my tribe would have died in the poison and plague of the rain disaster!"

Wu Fei explained and said earnestly, "Master Jiang, if there is something useful in the future, just open your mouth, even if you do everything, I, Wu Fei, will never be ambiguous!",

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