All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 144 Establishment Of The China Alliance

"Heavy words, heavy words."

Jiang Bai waved his hands, a little at a loss.

At this time, a woman walked quickly to Jiang Bai and bowed deeply without saying a word.

Under Jiang Bai's bewildered eyes, the woman stood up and said, "I am the leader of the Ziyu tribe——Ziyu, on behalf of the entire tribe, Heaven Designated, thank Lord Jiang for saving his life! Lord Jiang, is this a good friend? ?”

"Ah, yes!" Jiang Bai woke up with a start, and became friends with Zi Yu.

Ziyu bowed again: "Jiang Ye, if you need Ziyu tribe's place in the future, just ask!"

After speaking, she turned and left.

After she left, a large crowd flocked to her.

They are no longer for the sake of building relationships and gaining benefits.

Instead, I came to thank Jiang Bai for his life-saving grace, added a friend by the way, left a promise, then turned and left without any extra words-.

After everyone leaves.

Jiang Bai looked at Cao Wu and asked blankly, "When did I become so famous?"

Cao Wu spread his hands: "I never told you that the prescriptions you contributed to cure Gu poison and plague saved at least four-fifths of the tribes in the Dragon Kingdom. Your name has long been spread among the tribes in the Dragon Kingdom. Come on!"

"So it is!" Jiang Bai was stunned.

In the following time, people from other tribes arrived one after another.

After learning of Jiang Bai's arrival, many people came to thank him in person.

Jiang Bai's face was almost numb from laughter.

If he came to get close like Long Jianhua, Jiang Bai could drive him away directly.

But people are here to thank you, what can he do?

Fortunately, with the arrival of people from all tribes, the Elders have finally arrived.

The meeting also officially started.

The topic of this meeting is very simple, which is to discuss the establishment of the China Alliance.

Yes, you Elders have decided on the name of the alliance --- China Alliance.

The China Alliance will use China City as its headquarters to connect various tribes with a super-large teleportation array.

Moreover, the alliance will not interfere with the internal management and development of each tribe.

But when the tribes belonging to the alliance are in danger, other tribes have to undertake the obligation of support.

In addition, it is to let the various tribes send representatives to China City, which can be regarded as establishing a stronghold here.

In addition, China City will become the commercial center of the alliance, and serve as a link between the various tribes to communicate with each other.

If some tribal leaders do not want to manage their own tribe, they can also take the initiative to hand over to the alliance for management.

Or hire people who are good at management in the alliance to help you manage the tribe.

Of course, in addition to the benefits, each tribe should also assume some responsibilities and obligations.

Such as hand in hand, unanimous external.

For example, in the face of a major war, the alliance has the right to transfer the troops of each tribe for unified deployment.

Each tribe has to hand in some money or resources every year, monthly to maintain the operation of the alliance and so on.

All tribes, including the Yanhuang collar, have no objection to this.

In addition, the alliance formed the Elder Council and the Senate.

The Elder Council is the organization responsible for the day-to-day management of the alliance.

The Senate is the body that decides major and important issues.

Among them, the members of the Elder Association are the Elders of the Dragon Kingdom, headed by the Great Elder.

In addition, ten honorary Elder seats have been set up, which will be held by the top ten tribal leaders in the alliance.

The Senate has a speaker and members.

Councilors are held by the chiefs of all Elders and tribes.

The Speaker and Elder Council's Grand Elder seats will be elected by voting.

By the way, whether it is the seat of the Great Elder, or the Speaker.

Each term can only serve for a maximum of fifteen years, and no more than two consecutive terms can be served.

There is no way, this world has the existence of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, which leads to a high natural lifespan of the creatures.

Fifteen years is really not much.

The meeting was held for three consecutive days, and the rules and regulations of the China Alliance were initially determined.

At the same time, according to the final voting results, the Great Elder seat of the Elder Council and the first speaker are both held by the Great Elder of the Dragon Kingdom.

And also added a post of honorary speaker, with Wu as——

Being able to get this position is entirely because of Yanhuang Ling's strength, which created Cao Wu's transcendent status.

As for Jiang Bai?

Originally, he could also get a seat in the parliament, but he turned it down.

Because in his opinion, this thing is not as real as his own strength.

After returning to Yanhuang City.

Cao Wu summoned the top leaders of the Yanhuang collar to convey the content of the meeting.

But Jiang Bai didn't go, he just went home to practice.

The establishment of the China Alliance soon set off a big wave in the world channel of No. 666 Dongtian World.

Other countries of Blue Star have long wanted to re-establish their own country, but they don't have a super-large teleportation array to connect the various tribes in their country!

In this way, even if the country is re-established, it will be nothing but an empty shelf.

As a result, the high-level leaders of various countries lowered their faces and began to ask Long for help... No, it is now the big Elder of the China Alliance.

In desperation, the Elder had no choice but to contact Cao Wu.

No, Cao Wu found Jiang Bai again.

After weighing it, Jiang Bai agreed.

Because with the improvement of strength, other countries will sooner or later produce refining masters, so as to obtain the refining method of the teleportation array.

It is simply unrealistic to delay the development of other countries through teleportation arrays.



Jiang Bai smiled and said:

"You told the big Elder that materials and remuneration should be sold as much as possible.

"Also, I don't accept evolution coins as compensation, only Spirit Stones and Heavenly and Mortal Treasures."

"If there are special architectural blueprints, special cultivation techniques and techniques, they can also be used as rewards.

"In a word, let the big Elder take this opportunity to ruthlessly slaughter certain countries!"

Cao Wu understood in seconds, gestured OK, then turned and left.

two days later.

Jiang Bai received a large amount of materials and a list sent by Cao Wu.

The materials are used to refine super-large teleportation arrays.

The list lists the countries that need to refine super-large teleportation arrays, and the number of teleportation arrays required by the corresponding countries.

In addition, Cao Wu also mailed over a large number of low-grade Spirit Stones and low-grade Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

This is the reward for refining a super-large teleportation array.

Jiang Bai checked and found that the materials provided by various countries exceeded the normal range by about ten times!

In other words, countries gave ten times more materials!

This is the material that can be used to refine a super-large teleportation array, and its grade should be at least a gold-level start!

Otherwise, the teleportation array simply cannot withstand such a long teleportation distance.


The private message notification sounded.

Jiang Bai opened it and saw that it was from Cao Wu.

Cao Wu: Lord Jiang, the Elder asked me to ask you, how long does it take to refine all the teleportation arrays?

Jiang Bai: The quantity is too much, and it will take 15 days at the fastest. What, those countries are in a hurry?

Cao Wu: Of course they are in a hurry, but we are not in a hurry!

Cao Wu: According to Elder, he hopes you can procrastinate as long as you can, and don't tire yourself.

Cao Wu: The Elder has explained to those countries in advance that currently only one person in the China Alliance can refine a super-large teleportation array, so the speed will be a bit slow, and you can refine it slowly.

Jiang Bai: Understood!

Turning off the private message, Jiang Bai was not in a hurry to refine, but began to study how to modify and castrate the super-large teleportation array.

The super-large teleportation array he refined for the China Alliance is an upgraded version carefully improved by him.

Not to mention stability and safety, the consumption alone is far lower than the normal super-large teleportation array.

You must know that the normal super-large teleportation array cannot be activated by low-grade Spirit Stones at all, at least it needs mid-grade Spirit Stones!

And the farther the teleportation distance is, the greater the space pressure the teleportation target bears.

Under normal circumstances, creatures whose strength is lower than the third level cannot resist the pressure of the super-large transmission array.

But the super-large teleportation array improved by Jiang Bai can even be used by Common people!

Now that it is refined for other countries, it is natural to modify and castrate it. .

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