Fifteen days later.

Jiang Bai mailed all the refined castrated version of the super large teleportation array to Cao Wu, and added:

I have finished refining the orders for all countries, you just have to ask Big Elder to deliver the goods within two months, those countries will not suspect us of deliberately delaying!

Afterwards, Jiang Bai left the quiet room and returned to the bedroom to rest.

When he woke up, it was already noon the next day.

After lunch, he plunged into the quiet room again and started refining the weapon.

This time, what he refined was positioning Feng Shui compass!

When he helped those countries refine super-large teleportation arrays, he left some means in the teleportation arrays.

As long as those countries use super-large teleportation arrays, he can use the Feng Shui compass to lock the positions of those teleportation arrays.

This is equivalent to finding the tribes of those countries!

In this way, the True Alliance has the initiative!

With this deterrent power in place, the China Alliance will have the confidence to face other countries in the "———seven" in the future.

Of course, Feng Shui compass positioning alone is not enough.

It still needs someone to make a trip in person to thoroughly confirm the specific location of these super-large teleportation arrays.

For this task, Jiang Bai decided to do it himself.

Coincidentally, he can also take this opportunity to explore the entire No. 666 cave world.

So after refining and positioning the Feng Shui compass.

Jiang Bai found Cao Wu and said that he was going on a trip and would not return for a long time.

Before leaving, Jiang Bai gave Cao Wu a special Jade Slip.

"A spiritual incarnation of mine is sealed in Jade Slip. It has 7th-level and 10th-level combat power. It can be released by crushing Jade Slip."

"But this incarnation of spiritual energy cannot exist for a long time, so don't use it lightly unless it is absolutely necessary!"

"Usually dangerous, you can go to the golden eagle, its current strength has been raised to level 6 and level 5."

After explaining, Jiang Bai left.

He returned to the mansion, spoke to Jin Diao and Yuejiao, and left Yanhuang City quietly.

two months later.

"Finally all the positions are determined!"

Jiang Bai glanced at the real-time map, smiled with satisfaction, and shared the map with Cao Wu.

In the past two months, the Great Elder has successively delivered the super-large teleportation arrays in various countries.

As those teleportation formations were used one after another, Jiang Bai also located the Feng Shui compass to find out the tribes of various countries and marked them on the real-time map.


The private message notification sounded.

Jiang Bai opened it and saw that it was from Cao Wu.

Cao Wu: Master Jiang, is the map you shared just now real?!

Jiang Bai: No doubt, it is true.

Cao Wu: How did you know the specific locations of those tribes in other countries?

Jiang Bai: Can I tell you that I kept a little bit of a hand when refining the teleportation array for those countries? (Smiling expression)

Cao Wu:!!!

Cao Wu: Master Jiang, you have to be the one to calculate!

Cao Wu: Can I share the map with the big Elder?

Jiang Bai: Not for now, the less rich people are, the less people know about it.

Cao Wu: OK, I see.

After closing the private message.

Jiang Bai stretched his waist: "After finishing business, it's time to explore the secrets of this world!"

As Nascent Soul continues to grow and grow stronger, his perception of everything in the world becomes more acute.

Because of this, he faintly felt that there was some kind of invisible power of confinement in the world he was in.

At first, he didn't know the function of this imprisoning force.

It wasn't until these two months that he traveled to various places in order to determine the specific locations of the tribes in various countries that he finally guessed some.

When he traveled to various places, he also paid attention to the aboriginal tribes, beasts and birds he encountered along the way.

As a result, a very strange thing was discovered.

According to the Daquan of Cultivation, the realm of cultivation is divided into first-order to first-order.

But so far, the strongest aborigines that have appeared in this world are only level 7 and level 10!

And not only the aborigines, but also the strength of fierce beasts and birds!

The low strength of the aborigines may be due to the catastrophe five thousand years ago, which completely cut off the inheritance of cultivation.

But the beasts and birds rely on the Bloodline inheritance, so the catastrophe won't affect them at all!

But the strange thing is that in the past five thousand years, not even a single eighth-level beast was born in this world!

Obviously, this situation is definitely not normal.

And this also reminded Jiang Bai of that invisible power of confinement.

If he guessed correctly, this invisible power of confinement was most likely used to suppress the strength of the aborigines and beasts.


Nature is for Heaven Designated!

Following this line of thought, the reasoning behind the scenes of the imprisoning force is obviously Heavenly Dao.

Heavenly Dao chooses Heaven Designated, not for death.

If the strength of the aborigines and beasts is too high, Heaven Designated may not even have a chance to develop!

So we must limit the strength of the aborigines and beasts!

Of course, the above is just Jiang Bai's unilateral speculation, and specific evidence needs to be found...

a month later.

"Is this the end of the world?"

Jiang Bai touched the front with his hand, his face was full of astonishment.

Although he couldn't see it, his hands could actually reach an invisible barrier.

And judging from the feeling, the strength of this invisible barrier far exceeds the regional barrier of Area 168.

Suddenly, a record popped up.

[Record: Congratulations on your successful arrival at the 'Yubi', the 'Eastern Domain' map of No. 666 Dongtian World has been fully unlocked. 】

Domain wall?

Eastern Region?

Jiang Bai keenly captured key information.

He guessed that the domain wall should refer to this invisible barrier.

And the Eastern Territory should be the world he is in now.


"Eastern Territory should be a place name, and it should only be a part of No. 666 Dongtian World!"

"That is to say, the world I am currently in is not the whole of No. 666 Cave World!"

"Beyond the Eastern Territory, there must be a wider world!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai suddenly thought of another thing - the market!

Based on the situation of the aborigines he has found out so far, they are simply unable to supply the commodities in the market.

He couldn't figure it out before, but now he understands a little bit.

The commodities sold in the market were provided by the aboriginal forces outside the Eastern Territory!

"No wonder some people say that the more you know, the more you feel small! 0.2"

Jiang Bai couldn't help sighing, he felt the same way at the moment.

I thought that after the regional restrictions were lifted, I could really get in touch with this world.

I never thought about it, I just entered another bigger cage!

"Strength is still needed!"

"As long as you have enough strength, you can break all cages!"

"But the Eastern Territory is imprisoned by Heavenly Dao, and I'm afraid it can only be cultivated to level 7 or 10 at most..."

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai's gaze did not become gloomy.

Judging from the commodities sold in the market, there must be powerhouses of the eighth rank or above outside the Eastern Region.

The confinement of Heavenly Dao may not only suppress the strength of all spirits in the Eastern Region, but also prevent the entry of strong people outside the Eastern Region.

On the day when Heavenly Dao's imprisonment is lifted, the entire Eastern Region will be looted!

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