the next day.

Jiang Bai was refining pills in the quiet room when Yuejiao knocked on the door suddenly, saying that Cao Wu was looking for him in a hurry.

When he was refining pills, refining weapons, or cultivating, he would block the evolution panel to prevent being disturbed.

Forecourt hall.

As soon as Jiang Bai reached the door, Cao Wu rushed out.

"Something has happened, follow me to Huamen City!"

In this way, Jiang Bai was somehow dragged to the city of China by Cao Wu.

In the alliance venue.

When Jiang Bai entered the meeting place, the leaders of other tribes basically arrived.

Everyone, including the big Elder, has also taken their seats.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang is in Closed Door Training pill refining, so I didn't see Xia Xia."

Cao Wu explained the reason on behalf of Jiang Bai, and then he took Jiang Bai to his seat.

Jiang Bai asked in a low voice, "Old Cao, what happened?"

"Last night, Eagle Sauce joined forces with several countries to officially declare war on the China Alliance on the World Channel!"

Cao Wu said the reason with a serious face.

Jiang Bai had a question mark on his face: "Did Yingjiang get kicked in the head by a donkey? Knowing that the Chinese Alliance has Yanhuang leaders in charge, how dare they start a war first? Why, are they impatient?"

He didn't lower his voice when he said this, and everyone present had the strength to stand by them, so they listened to his words verbatim.

I don't know who couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

Immediately, the entire venue burst into laughter.

Everyone is not laughing at 043 Jiang Bai, but Xiaoying Jiang and other countries.

As Jiang Bai said, Yanhuangling's strength is far superior to other Heaven Designated tribes.

Under such circumstances, Eagle Sauce dared to unite with other countries to start a war first.

What is the difference between seeking death in this way?

"Okay, everyone be quiet."

The big Elder knocked on the table with a smile on his face, and after everyone quieted down, he continued, "This is not Blue Star, and the China Alliance is no longer the Dragon Kingdom it used to be. Since Yingjiang and other countries are going to fight, we will accompany you When they fight, they just settle their old accounts!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

At this time, the Elder's tone changed: "However, the biggest problem we are facing now is not knowing the exact location of the enemy. I am afraid that we must work together to accomplish this in the shortest possible time."

"Master Jiang, can we announce the news about the tribes of various countries?" Cao Wu asked Jiang Bai in a low voice.

Jiang Bai nodded, and said through voice transmission: "Don't mention the teleportation array, just say that I collected it casually when I went out to explore some time ago.

"Understood." Cao Wu replied with voice transmission, and immediately got up and said, "Big Elder, I know the exact location of the enemy!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole venue fell silent for an instant.

The Elder's eyes were fixed: "Xiao Cao, this is a big deal, no joke!"

These words seem to be a warning, but they are actually a reminder.

Cao Wu said nothing, opened the evolution panel, and shared the map with the big Elder.

After receiving the shared map, the big Elder quickly browsed through it, with a look of shock on his face.

"Xiao Cao, how did you know the specific location of the tribes in various countries?"

Cao Wu turned his head to look at Jiang Bai, and explained: "A while ago, Master Jiang had been exploring outside, and he didn't come back until yesterday. The specific locations of the tribes in various countries were discovered by Master Jiang during his exploration.

"So that's how it is!" The big Elder suddenly realized.

Then, he shared the map he just got with other Elders and other tribal leaders.

After receiving the map.

While everyone was shocked, they also looked at Jiang Bai in astonishment.

Because this map is so detailed!

Not only the specific locations of the tribes of various countries are marked, but also the general strength, military strength, etc. of these tribes are also marked.


The big Elder knocked on the table and said loudly: "Have you received the map?"

Hearing this, everyone felt a lot.

Big Elder continued: "I believe everyone knows the importance of this map, so I won't say more. Next, let's discuss the specific battle plan..."

With a map, the China Alliance has taken the initiative.

But in the situation where the enemy is outnumbered and the enemy is weak and we are strong, taking the initiative to attack is the best way to break the situation.

The battle plan takes this as the core to assign the tasks of each tribe.

As the strongest Heaven Designated force, the Yanhuang collar naturally has the heaviest task.

Fortunately, it was still within the range that Yanhuang collar could afford.

Three hours later (cfdi).

At the end of the battle meeting, all the tribal leaders left in a hurry.

Jiang Bai went to the big Elder.

"Big Elder, Eagle Sauce and other countries are not fools. They know that their strength is not as good as ours, but they still dare to take the lead in provoking war. They must have something to rely on."

"I don't know if you have received some rumors from your side?"

Hearing Jiang Bai's question, the elder Elder shook his head: "This is also what I and the Elders are worried about, but we have not received any rumors from our side."

"That's it." Jiang Bai was a little disappointed, and then he took his leave and left.

After returning to Yanhuang City.

Cao Wu summoned all the high-level officials and told them all about the war and the content of the meeting.

After listening.

Luo Feng said: "Boss, Yingjiang and other countries should be able to estimate the strength of Yanhuangling, right? If they dare to start a war at this time, they may have countermeasures against us. We have to guard against this!"

"This is what Master Jiang and I are most worried about."

Cao Wu nodded and glanced at the crowd, "On the way back, I discussed it with Lord Jiang. To be on the safe side, Lord Jiang is in charge of guarding Yanhuang City to prevent the enemy from stealing the house."

"I agree." Lin Guodong was the first to express his opinion: "With Master Jiang sitting in the rear, we no longer have to worry about the future, and we can completely let go of our hands and feet on the front line, without looking forward and backward."

Others also nodded.

Jiang Bai nodded and said: "Okay, leave the Yanhuang City to me, and you can fight freely! In addition, you must remember that no matter what, the little cherry blossoms must be destroyed! This is my only request !"

"Yes, Lord Jiang!"

"Okay, you can discuss the specific plan on your own, and I won't say much.

Go back to Jiangfu.

Jiang Bai came to the quiet room, sat cross-legged on the futon and meditated.

Yingjiang and other countries are not fools, they dare to take the lead in declaring war, and they must have the means to deal with the Yanhuang collar

The specific coordinates of the Yanhuang collar have long been exposed.

At worst, it can hold back or besiege the Yanhuang collar, making it impossible for the Yan collar to support other tribes in the China Alliance.

This is the minimum, otherwise they would not dare to start a war.

And this must involve the leakage of information from all aspects of the Yanhuang collar!

Because only by knowing all aspects of the Yanhuang collar first, can Yingjiang and other countries make accurate judgments to see if they can deal with the Yanhuang collar!

The summoned residents should not leak secrets, nor can they.

They don't have an evolution panel, and they can't contact Ying and other countries at all.

So the only leak is Heaven Designated!

The original Heaven Designated in No. 6 Village will not leak the secrets.

There are also Qin Keqing and others in District 169, who will definitely not leak the secrets.

Because he (she) has been besieged and killed by Heaven Designated from Yingjiang and other countries.

Then only those Tianxuan who joined later after Yanhuangling moved here!

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai immediately took out the teleportation disk and issued an order to Guo Jia, asking him to thoroughly investigate all the subsequent Heaven Designated in the interior. .

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