after one day.

Guo Jia escorted more than a dozen Heaven Designated to the Jiangfu to meet Jiang Bai.

"Master Jiang, these guys have been spying on the inner city furtively."

"It's just that I haven't noticed that they have any signs of passing on information.

Hearing this, Jiang Bai explained: "We, Heaven Designated, have special means to convey information, and you can't see it."

"So it is." Guo Jia suddenly realized.

Hearing this, the dozen or so Heaven Designated shouted one after another.

"Don't blame people, I'm just curious about the inner city!"

"That's right! Is it illegal to look at it?!"

"Jiang Bai, you are deliberately framing your compatriots!"

In this regard, Jiang Bai waved his hand and sealed the mouths of these guys with spirit yuan, so as to listen to their croaking.

Afterwards, he activated the Master of Mind Talent (SSS level) to control these guys in an instant.

Through the master of mind Talent, he directly checked the memories of these guys.

Soon, he got the answer he wanted.

It should be said that it is really worthy of Guo Jia, because none of these guys are wronged, they are all beasts who eat inside and out!

As for the reason?

Two words - greedy!

Yanhuang collar has a rich background and excellent benefits.

But the premise is that there needs to be enough contribution value!

If there is not enough contribution, no matter how good the benefits are, they can only be watched instead of enjoyed.

And these guys who eat inside and outside are naturally unwilling to work to earn contribution points.

So they had evil thoughts in their hearts, wanting to destroy Yanhuangling, so as to carve up all kinds of backgrounds of Yanhuangling.

It's just that the strength of the Yanhuang collar is too strong, and the surrounding aboriginal tribes, fierce beasts, etc. have already been wiped out.

They can't find the target even if they want to use external force.

At this time, a wise man stepped forward and proposed to join forces with Ying Jiang.

In this way, the two hooked up conveniently.

These guys exchange all kinds of information from Yanhuangling in exchange for cultivation resources from Yingjiang.

After tasting the sweetness, they became more bold and greedy.

Not only that, but they are secretly recruiting other people to join them.

Up to now, their gang has gathered thousands of people!

Thousands of people!

Jiang Bai felt chills thinking about it.

The purpose of setting up a contribution system in Yanhuangling is to tell all Heaven Designated that Yanhuangling does not support idlers!

This is a normal system and a necessary rule.

What's more, Heaven Designated's job is not only to get contribution points, but also to get normal remuneration.

This is a privilege that summoned residents do not have!

Even so, these guys are still not satisfied!

For his own selfishness, he actually betrayed the Yanhuang collar and the China Alliance!

Jiang Bai took a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart.

He took out a blank Jade Slip, engraved a list into the Jade Slip, and threw it to Guo Jia.

"You go to mobilize the Law Enforcement Division and the city defense army, take down the Heaven Designated on the list as soon as possible, and then gather at the south gate of the outer city!"

"If you encounter resistance, shoot and kill!"

"Yes, Lord Jiang!"

Watching Guo Jia leave, Jiang Bai looked at the dozen or so people with eyes revealing horror in front of him, and said coldly: "Don't worry, I will let you taste the most painful death in the world!"

Hearing this, several of them trembled all over and immediately peed in fright.

after an hour.

The outer city, the gate of the south city.

A large platform appeared here, which was temporarily built by Jiang Bai.

On the platform, thousands of Heaven Designated were blocked from the Cultivation Base and tied to wooden stakes in large characters.

There are thousands of soldiers who are killing these Heaven Designated.

The howling sound resounded throughout Yanhuang City.

A circle of soldiers surrounded the platform to keep out the crowd who heard the news.

On a high platform next to it, there is a large wooden sign, engraved with the deeds of thousands of Heaven Designated.

Seeing the deeds announced on the wooden sign, the crowd was in an uproar.

"Damn, is this true or not?"

"It's all publicly executed, it must be true!"

"This group of beasts who are not as good as pigs and dogs enjoy the benefits of Yanhuang collars, but secretly betray Yanhuang collars, they should be cut to death!"

"No wonder Yingjiang and other countries dare to declare war on us. It turns out that these bastards betrayed Yanhuangling!"

"I don't understand. You Heaven Designated are high above you, and you enjoy so many privileges. What else is there to be dissatisfied with? How dare you sell Yanhuang collar!?"

"The lord shouldn't have taken in those later Heaven Designated!"

"That's right! If it weren't for these later Heaven Designated, how could we be at war again?"

"Let them get out of Yanhuang collar!"

"Yes, get out of Yanhuang collar!"

The number of summoned residents can be much higher than the number of Heaven Designated.

At this moment, their shouts of common hatred made those later Heaven Designated feel ashamed, and they all hid their faces and walked away.

the other side.


Jiangfu, in the hall of the front yard.

Jiang Bai is discussing the new system with Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wan.

It is said to be a discussion, but in fact Jiang Bai said that Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wan were recording.

 ….Remove all the privileges of Heaven Designated!"

"From now on, whether it is Heaven Designated or the summoned residents, they are all the people of the Yanhuang collar, regardless of each other!"

"Transform the contribution system into a merit system, and formulate detailed acquisition methods and evaluation methods, as well as merit levels!"

"The level of merit is directly linked to the benefits enjoyed, the higher the level of merit, the more benefits you will enjoy!"

"In addition, if Heaven Designated wants to join Yanhuangling in the future, he must first pass the assessment of the Wenxin Formation!"

"Those who fail the assessment will not be allowed to join!"

"And the batch of later Heaven Designated who have joined the territory now, all of them have to pass the assessment of the Asking Heart Formation!"


"Those who cannot pass or are unwilling to participate in the assessment will be expelled directly!"

"Whoever dares to make trouble will be shot to death!"

Hearing this, both Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wan's hearts trembled.

The two of them knew very well that Jiang Bai was really angry this time.

On weekdays, Jiang Bai treated them with gentleness and courtesy, but today he was full of murderous aura, wanting to kill anyone he wanted.

"Okay, that's all for now, I'll add more later! Go get busy!"

"Kong Ming (Bowl) resigns!"

After watching Zhuge Liang leave, Jiang Bai also came to the quiet room in the middle courtyard.

It took him some time to refine hundreds of questioning arrays.

Asking Heart Formation is a complex formation, including maze formation, phantom formation and heart formation.

I won’t go into details about mazes and phantoms, anyone who understands them will understand.

The Heart Formation is a special formation, and it is also the core of the Asking Heart Formation. It will directly affect the soul of living beings.

And the questioning array is usually a common method used by those great sects to test the character and character of new disciples.

After all, no one wants to cultivate a white-eyed wolf, right?

For the same reason, Jiang Bai doesn't want Yanhuang collar to accept more white-eyed wolves.

Not to mention wasting resources, what a disgusting person!

And what happened this time is enough to make Jiang Bai vigilant!

Yanhuang collar is now a fragrant bun, and it is a big piece of fat.

People's hearts are unpredictable, and it's hard to guarantee that other tribes in the China Alliance will no longer engage in small tricks secretly.

With the Asking Heart Formation, these people with ulterior motives will be kept out of Yanhuang's door. .

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