In the front hall.

After taking a seat.

Jiang Bai asked curiously: "Big Elder, you came to see me so early in the morning, what's the matter?"

"It's about countries like Eagle Sauce.

The big Elder smiled and explained, "Early this morning, Yingjiang and other countries sent me private messages, wanting to strike a deal with the China Alliance in private. I deduce that the result should be your side, so I plan to leave in person. One trip, the result was really guessed by me!"

"Stop the war and make peace?" Jiang Bai snorted coldly: "They still think that the China Alliance is the former Dragon Kingdom, can they be left to their own devices? Since they dare to declare war, they must decide whether to live or die, and no one will come! "

The big Elder nodded: "Before I came, I had already got through with other Elders, and they all thought that Yingjiang and other countries are shameless. If we don't kill them once and for all, then we will be the ones who will suffer in the future! Now that we have you With your support, I am more confident!"

"Don't worry, Elder. Although I'm not a good person, I can still be clear about right and wrong." Jiang Bai smiled.

The Elder couldn't answer these words, he decisively changed the subject and asked Jiang Bai what he thought of the future of the China Alliance.

"The future........."

Jiang Bai pondered for a while, and asked back, "Big Elder, do you think the area we have explored so far is the entirety of the cave world?"


The big Elder was stunned, there was something in the words!

He asked curiously, "That's what you say?"

"Some time ago, when I went out to explore, I went to the edge of this world."

Jiang Bai sighed and explained, "I found that the world we are in now is only a part of No. 666 Dongtian World. The name given on the real-time map is

—Eastern Domain——the domain of the eastern region in the southeast, northwest, and north. "

"Eastern Region?" The big Elder frowned.

His first reaction was the same as that of Jiang Bai, since there is an Eastern Territory, will there be Southern Territory, Northern Territory and other regions?

Jiang Bai asked: "Does the Elder know about the special building in the tribe—the market"々?"

"Naturally." The elder Elder nodded.

Jiang Bai continued: "Then have you ever thought about how they can sell those commodities in the market with the level of strength of the aborigines that we know?"

The elder was taken aback for a moment, then fell into deep thought.

Afterwards, a look of shock began to appear on his face, and finally turned solemn.

He looked at the river and asked seriously: "So you mean, there are more and more powerful aboriginal forces outside the Eastern Region?!"

"I dare not say 100%, but there is still a 99% possibility!" Jiang Bai sighed and nodded.

The big Elder is silent, the probability is basically the same as 100%!

Jiang Bai continued: "So if you ask me about the future of the China Alliance, I can only say that we will do whatever it takes to develop and grow in order to cope with future crises!"

There was a long silence.

The big Elder stood up: "Let's discuss these matters later, the most urgent thing is to end this war as soon as possible, and destroy the eagle sauce and other countries!"

After the words fell, he turned around and walked out.

Jiang Bai and Zhuge Liang hurriedly got up to see them off.

five days later.

With the continuous advancement of the China Alliance, the tribes in Yingjiang and other countries are rapidly decreasing every day.

They have been secretly contacting the big Elder, and they did not hesitate to lower their faces and lower their figures to seek peace.

In this regard, Yin Elder has been ignoring it.

When this method didn't work, these shameless guys began to sell miserably on the World Channel, and secretly instigated other countries to put pressure on the China Alliance.

As a result, more Holy Mother whores began to show up, condemning the China Alliance one after another.

Until Cao Wu issued a warning on World Channel:

"I, Cao Wu, on behalf of the Yanhuang collar, formally warn other countries that have not been involved in the war. If your country's Heaven Designated dares to verbally insult the China Alliance and the Dragon Kingdom,

Or pointing fingers at this war and interfering in the war secretly, the Yanhuang leaders will regard him as a deadly enemy, and will not destroy their country or their species, and will never give up! This promise "please go to Dao Jianchen!"

Immediately afterwards, an announcement appeared on the World Channel.

[Announcement: As evidenced by this Heavenly Dao, the oath of the Yanhuang lord Cao Wu is established! 】

The announcement was posted three times in a row on the World Channel.

In an instant, the entire world channel was silent.

After a full ten minutes, there was only one comment.

Then the second, third, and fourth...  

The World Channel resumed its excitement again, but all the virgin whores before had disappeared.

No matter how badly Yingjiang and other countries behave on the channel, no Holy Mother bitch dares to say another word.

If it was just Cao Wu's warning, those whores would still have the guts to take a gamble.

But now that Heavenly Dao has come down to testify in person, who would dare to make mistakes?

You know, the Yanhuang collar is a super powerful force that defeated the main coalition forces of Yingjiang and other countries alone!

In a sense, the deterrent force of the Yanhuang collar is still higher than that of the China alliance!

the other side.

Jiang Bai finally felt comfortable watching the speeches on the World Channel.

Yes, the warning Cao Wu issued just now was from Jiang Bai who took over the garden.

If it wasn't for Jiang Bai's approval, how could Cao Wu have such confidence?

While Jiang Bai was comfortable, the top leaders of Yingjiang and other countries were completely panicked.

The last solution was also resolved, so wouldn't they be dead?!

But they don't want to die yet!

They still want to live forever and see forever, and cultivate to become gods, all spirits!

As a result, some countries are completely shameless.

They tried to contact the Great Elder, but found themselves blocked.

So he crazily made comments about pleading guilty and begging for mercy on the World Channel, and even said that he was willing to be a dog.

Looks like a clown!

In addition to the begging for mercy from Yingjiang and other countries, those countries that have not been involved in the war have also begun to curry favor with the China Alliance.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the China Alliance is determined this time to completely suppress Yingjiang and other countries!

The point is, the China Alliance really has such strength!

After this battle, the China Alliance will inevitably be the leader among the nations.

So if you don't please the China Alliance at this time, when will you wait?

(Wang Wang Zhao) That's it.

Ten days later.

The army of the China Alliance has wiped out all the tribes in Yingjiang and other countries except for the temporary headquarters.

The remaining Heaven Designated from Yingjiang and other countries are all concentrated in the temporary headquarters of Yingjiang, planning to fight to the death.

After receiving the news, Jiang Bai left a supernatural power spirit body to sit in Yanhuang City, and the body descended to the temporary headquarters of Yingjiang Kingdom in person.

At the same time, Cao Wu also brought the army of Yanhuang collar to rush over first, and surrounded the temporary headquarters of Yingguo.

After Jiang Bai came, he directly ordered Cao Wu:

Old Cao, I can do it all by myself!"

"You start a live broadcast on the world channel, so that other countries can see the destruction of Yingjiang and other countries with their own eyes, so as to stand up for the China Alliance!"

Cao Wu excitedly said: "No problem, wrap it on me!"

After the words fell, he immediately opened the chat channel, started the live broadcast on the world channel, and named it: The end of Yingjiang and other countries!.

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