All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 153 The China Alliance Reaches Its Pinnacle

As soon as the live broadcast started, it immediately attracted a large number of Heaven Designated.

Jiang Bai also entered the live broadcast room. After checking the number of people, he wiped his face casually, and a mask formed of ice covered his face.

Then, step by step, he stepped up into the sky and walked towards the sky above the temporary headquarters of Yingjiang Country.

"Everyone back a thousand meters, so as not to be affected!"

After receiving Jiang Bai's voice transmission, the senior officials of the Yanhuang collar immediately retreated a thousand meters away with the soldiers.

Jiang Bai saw it, and immediately activated the Great Elementalist Talent.

He stretched out his arms and raised his hands.

Four thousand-meter-high stone walls rose from the ground, besieging the temporary headquarters of Yingjiang Kingdom.

Seeing this, Cao Wu flew directly into the air to broadcast live.

With a wave of Jiang Bai's hand, ice spears, stone cones, fireballs, etc. manifested in the air, and the overwhelming temporary headquarters of Chaoyingjiang Kingdom fell down.

For a while, ghosts and wolves howled in Yingjiang's temporary headquarters.

There are also fifth-order powerhouses who want to rush into the air and kill Jiang Bai.

It's a pity that Jiang Bai just activated the "Speaking Skills to Follow Talent" and spit out the word "forbidden space", and all those fifth-level masters fell back to the ground.

So those fifth-level masters immediately rushed towards the thousand-meter-high stone wall.

To their horror, the stone wall was unimaginably hard.

Even if they teamed up to bombard one place with all their strength, they couldn't leave any mark on the stone wall!

Let alone breaking stone walls!

what to do?

Escape, can't escape.

Can't stop, can't stop.

In desperation and unwillingness, everyone in the temporary headquarters of Yingjiang Kingdom struggled to death.

This scene was also seen by the Heaven Designated in the live broadcast room, which made them feel chills all over.

They didn't know who the Heaven Designated with the ice mask was. The only thing that was certain was that this Heaven Designated must belong to the China Alliance.

But most importantly, the strength displayed by this Heaven Designated is too terrifying!

In the temporary headquarters of the Yingjiang country, gathered the strongest combat forces from Yingjiang and other countries.

But this Heaven Designated is an understatement, and can kill this group of combatants!

Moreover, the attack methods used by this Heaven Designated are all large-scale attacks.

Such a strong man already has the ability to destroy a country!

Suddenly, a bullet screen drifted across the live broadcast room:

"I see, he must be the number one on the world power list, the one who has been hiding basic information!"

(cfde) As soon as this barrage came out, the live broadcast instantly exploded.

"My God, the world's number one powerhouse has always been a member of the China Alliance?!"

"No, it should be said that they are people from the Yanhuang collar!"

"No wonder the lord of the Yanhuang collar dared to make such an oath!"

"I kind of understand why Yingjiang and other countries jointly raided the Yanhuang collar, but they were defeated..."

"Yes, I figured it out too."

"It's no wonder Yanhuang collar is developing so fast. With such a strong leader leading it, it's not right if the development is slow!"

"How did this boss improve? We are still at the fifth level, but he has actually been promoted to level 7 and level 10!"

"A boss is a boss, you can't look at it with ordinary eyes!"

Covered by the bullying Supernatural Power, Jiang Bai's superficial strength has always been level 7 or 10.

On the evolution panel and the strength list, only rank 10 is displayed.

At this time, a hoarse voice sounded in the live broadcast room:

"Please remember, the purpose of the China Alliance is simple

"People don't offend me, I don't offend others!"

"If people offend me, they will perish and destroy their country!"

This is Jiang Bai's voice in disguise.

And his words also made the blood of Yanhuang's leading army on the scene boil with enthusiasm, and they all shouted:

"People don't offend me, I don't offend others!"

"If people offend me, they will perish and destroy their country!"

The live broadcast room also ended with this roar.

But the impact has only just begun.

Jiang Bai took off the mask on his face and came to Cao Wu's side.

"Clean up the battlefield, then gather the army, and I will take you back directly!"

As Jiang Bai said, he waved his hands and dismantled the four stone walls.

Cao Wu responded and immediately passed on the order.

Although he wondered how Jiang Bai sent the army back, but he believed that since Jiang Bai dared to say so, he would definitely do it.

After half an hour.

The army cleaned up the battlefield, scraped away all available resources, and quickly gathered together.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai flew over the army, wrapped the army with Spiritual Sense, and then activated the Void Lord's Talent.

The next moment, he disappeared in place with the army.

Yanhuangling is outside the defensive wall in the south.

The army appeared out of nowhere, startled the guards on the defensive wall, and immediately blew their horns.

"I'll leave the rest to you. Remember to call me at the celebration banquet tonight."

Jiang Bai said something to Cao Wu through sound transmission, and then disappeared into the air without a sound.

That night, Yanhuangling held a grand celebration banquet.

Even the Great Elder and others came after hearing the news.

They also watched the live broadcast during the day, so they were surprised that Jiang Bai was actually the Heaven Designated who always occupied the first place in the world power list.

This is the strongest Heaven Designated in the No. 666 cave world!

For the China Alliance, Jiang Bai is a perfect pinnacle to stabilize the supremacy of the China Alliance!

So even the big Elder and others had to put down their posture to win over and curry favor.

After all, this is an era that speaks by strength!

Some people say that Eagle Sauce is the biggest terrorist on Blue Star.

This is absolutely true.

Since Yingjiang and other countries were wiped out by the China Alliance, the World Channel has gradually become harmonious, and the relationship between countries has gradually warmed up.

not only that.

Countries may have learned the lessons of Yingjiang and other countries. They all centered on the temporary headquarters and began to gather their own tribes.

Not just countries, even the China Alliance.

Of course, on the side of the China Alliance, only those relatively weak tribes moved to the vicinity of China City.

A powerful tribe still maintains its own development model.

In order to strengthen the connection with the China Alliance, countries have asked the China Alliance to open up trade channels.

No, for this reason, the big Elder personally came to ask Jiang Bai to help him refine a batch of super-large teleportation arrays to connect the headquarters of various countries.

The big Elders have come forward in person, and Jiang Bai naturally has to save face.

As countries are connected one after another, China City has gradually become the trade center of various countries.

To this end, China City has also undergone a round of expansion.

Of course, Yanhuang collar is not idle here.

They are enclosing land almost every day, constantly expanding the territory of the territory.

And the battle of enclosure is basically used to temper the army of the territory.

In addition to expanding the territory, the territory is also actively recovering technology.

Although in this practice world, what is important is personal strength.

But high technology can improve the quality of life and bring more convenience.

Moreover, the power of Spiritual Qi weapons should not be underestimated.

Take, for example, the Spiritual Qi grenade developed by Jiang Bai.

So the recovery of technology is necessary. .

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