All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 154 The Heroes Competition Launches

Without Yingjiang and other countries doing things secretly, the countries have become harmonious.

And without the threat from other countries, it is much easier for countries to deal with the aborigines.

As a result, the tribes of various countries finally ushered in a period of rapid development.

No, in just three months, the number of territories in No. 666 Dongtian World has broken through 10,000.

[Announcement: No. 666 Dongtian World is the first to end the event of "Heroes Together" and will be the first to start the next new event at 8:00 tomorrow morning - the competition of heroes!】

[Note 1: Only Heaven Designated with a tribe or territory are eligible to participate in this event. Heaven Designated without tribes or territories can participate in the event by joining other tribes or territories not chosen. 】

【Explanation 2: The World Heroes List, Occupation Mode, and Plunder Mode remain unchanged and will continue to be implemented in this event. 】

[Explanation 3: During the event, new aboriginal tribes or territories will be spawned randomly, and Heaven Designated can annex them, attack them, etc., so as to obtain resources, blueprints, residents, talents, etc. 】

[Explanation 4: The technology mechanism is activated, and any channel that can obtain 'blueprints' will have a chance to obtain 'technical' blueprints. This mechanism is permanently enabled, and it will remain even after the event ends~. 】

[Explanation 5: The expansion mechanism is activated, and opening the treasure box will have a chance to obtain a "city building order" - subdivided into: small, medium, large, and super large. As long as you have a territory, you can pass the city building order in the occupied territory. Build cities at will, and the number is not limited. Note: This mechanism is permanently enabled, and it will remain even after the event ends. 】

[Explanation 6: The explosive soldier mechanism is activated, and opening the treasure chest will have a chance to obtain a special summoning order—subdivided into: counselor summoning order, general summoning order, resident summoning order, and talent calling order. Note: This mechanism is permanently enabled and will remain even after the event ends. 】

[Explanation 7: When the number of 'countries' in a cave world first reaches 10,000, the world's competition for the throne event will be the first to end, and the next related world-type new event will be the first to start. 】

After seeing the fourth instruction, Jiang Bai suddenly realized.

It's no wonder that in the past three months, no matter how Yanhuangling did his research, he still couldn't revive the technology on Blue Star.

Feelings are locked by Heavenly Dao!

After reading the announcement, Jiang Bai opened the storage space and prepared to open the treasure chest.

During the previous secret realm battle, he accumulated 100 diamond treasure chests (seventh-level secret realm) and 300 Baijin treasure chests (sixth-level secret realm).

I kept it open all the time, just waiting for the new event to start.

Start by opening the Baijin treasure chest.

After half an hour, all Baijin treasure chests have been opened.

The harvest is as follows:

Cultivation Technique: 12 copies of Baijin Ultimate, 25 copies of Baijin Top Grade, 50 copies of Baijin Middle Grade, and 100 copies of Baijin Low Grade.

Techniques: 25 books of the best Baijin, 55 books of the top Baijin, 20 books of the middle Baijin, and 80 books of the bottom Baijin.

Treasures (corresponding to Baijin level or Tier 6): 45 pieces of top grade, 35 pieces of top grade, 150 pieces of middle grade, and 85 pieces of low grade.

Summoning Token: Counselor Summoning Token x20, Warlord Summoning Token x20, Resident Summoning Token x150, Talent Summoning Token x150.

City building order: small x50, medium x25, large x15 [extra large x5.

Knowledge books: 85 books.

Lingmai: low-grade x25, middle-grade x13.

The summoning order and the city building order must be given to Cao Wu. Only tribal leaders or territorial lords can use these things.

Treasures are useless to Jiang Bai.

Because the weapons and armors he uses now are top-grade Dao Items (corresponding to Legendary level or eighth level)!

Since there are no materials, he can only refine the best Magical Item (corresponding to diamond level or seventh level) at present.

Then through the infinite Enhancement Talent, the best Magical Item Enhancement is the best Dao Item.

There is no way, the secret realm in his hands is at the seventh level at most, and there is no refining material of the eighth level or above.


There are eight or more refining materials for sale there, but the price is ridiculously expensive!

Even with Jiang Bai's current worth, he can only look at it with admiration.

"It's all rubbish!"

Jiang Bai shook his head in disappointment after viewing all the Cultivation Techniques and techniques.

No way, he already has the Cultivation Technique.

And techniques?

He has even practiced a lot of Supernatural Power techniques now, and he really doesn't like ordinary techniques.

However, knowledge books gave him a little surprise.

Many of them are knowledge that he has not yet acquired.

And knowledge is such a thing, no matter how much it is, it will not be overwhelming.

Jiang Bai learns the knowledge that he has not acquired before.

After receiving the information empowerment.

Jiang Bai took out the blank Jade Slip again, and recorded all the knowledge of these empowerments.

This is reserved for the Yanhuang collar.

Jiang Bai will keep the rest of the spirit veins for the time being, and talk about them when needed.

Afterwards, he packed and mailed all the things he didn't need to Cao Wu.

As expected, Cao Wu immediately sent a message to inquire.

Cao Wu: Damn, you opened the box again?!

…… Ask for flowers………

Cao Wu: What grade of treasure chest is this time? Why are all the Baijin grade items opened?

Jiang Bai: Baijin-level treasure chest, what's wrong?

Cao Wu:???

Cao Wu: Judging from the number of items, you have opened at least two or three hundred boxes. Where did you get so many Baijin-level treasure boxes?

Jiang Bai: You forgot, before the secret realm battle, I had mastered all the secret realms of the sixth and seventh ranks.

Cao Wu: No wonder!

Cao Wu: Wait, so you're going to open a diamond-level treasure chest next?!

Jiang Bai: If you keep rambling on like this, I have to think about whether to continue unpacking...

Cao Wu: Master, the little one made a mistake, so I will leave.

After closing the private message, Jiang Bai started to open the diamond-level treasure chest.

ten minutes later.

After opening all diamond-level treasure chests, the rewards are as follows:


Cultivation Technique: 15 books of the best diamond, 13 books of the top diamond, 12 books of the medium diamond, and 25 books of the low diamond.

Supernatural Power: 25 copies.

Magical Item (corresponding to diamond level or seventh level): 20 items for the best, 18 for the top, 22 for the middle, and 35 for the bottom.

Summoning Token: Counselor Summoning Token x5, Warrior Summoning Token x5, Resident Summoning Token x20, Talent Summoning Token x20.

City building orders: small x20, medium x10, large x8, extra large x5.

Lingmai: Zhongpin x22.

Jiang Bai checked those 25 Supernatural Power books first, and found that these Supernatural Power books were either useless to him, or he didn't like them.

But for those Cultivation Techniques, he took a fancy to a diamond top-quality Body Refining Cultivation Technique--Savage Battle Body.

As for those Magical Items, he also took a fancy to the bell-shaped Magical Item with the best diamonds—the Requiem Bell.

This is a rare soul-type Magical Item, which can not only defend against soul-type attacks, but also send out soul-type attacks.

The rest are 22 middle-grade spiritual veins.

For other things, Jiang Bai packed and mailed them to Cao Wu.

Soon, Cao Wu sent a private message.

Cao Wu: Lord Jiang, your energy is as stable as ever!

Jiang Bai glanced at it, and was too lazy to reply to him, so he closed the private message.

After he took out "Savage Battle Body" and opened it to study, he took out the Soul Bell and opened the infinite Enhancement Talent.

After four times of Enhancement in a row, the Soul Bell will be Enhancement as the best Dao Item.

Above the Dao Item is the secret treasure (corresponding to Epic level or ninth level).

Jiang Bai was able to enhance the Dao Item to the secret treasure level, but with his current strength, it is difficult to display the power of the secret treasure.

So he only Enhancement to Dao Item level. .

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