All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 155: The Beginning Of Technology Recovery

the next day.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the competition of heroes officially started.

Standing high in the sky, Jiang Bai looks everywhere.

Suddenly, he saw places outside the Yanhuang Territory, and began to randomly generate tribes or territories of aboriginal people.

The nearest tribe is only twenty miles away from the border of Yanhuangling!

As soon as Jiang Bai's figure moved, he came to the sky above the tribe in a moment.

"A real creature?"

Through the investigation of Spiritual Sense, Jiang Bai discovered that the people in this tribe are all living creatures!

Yes, this is a human tribe, not an alien race.

"It seems that Heaven Designated will usher in a period of real high-speed development!"

Jiang Bai withdrew his Spiritual Sense and sighed in his heart.

Nowadays, the slow development of Heaven Designated tribes or territories is not due to territory and resources, but population!

Before the Clash of Heroes event was launched, Heaven Designated could only rely on the daily "July 13" call to increase its population.

But now, not only can the number of residents be refreshed through the Resident Call Order, but also the population can be rapidly increased through these newly spawned aboriginal tribes or territories.

"That's good, Lao Cao has accumulated a lot of summoning orders for counselors and generals, and it's time to use them!"

Jiang Bai said to himself, and then went further away.

Explore all the way.

Jiang Bai found that these newly spawned tribes or territories are still dominated by alien races.

Some of these alien races were also ones he had never seen before.

He didn't pay much attention to the tribe.

But in terms of territory, he was very concerned about it.

He once heard Cao Wu say that the division of territories is different from that of tribes.

The territory is divided by the title of the lord, the lowest is the Lord, and there are Baron, Viscount, Earl, Marquis, Duke, and King.

Each title is further divided into three classes, of which the first class is the highest and the third class is the lowest.

For example, the current Yanhuang collar belongs to the territory of the first-class lord.

And this first-class lord refers to Cao Wu's title.

Jiang Bai explored along the way and saw that some aborigines' territory had surpassed the Lord's.

The population, military strength, equipment, heritage and other aspects of these territories should not be underestimated.

Of course, there is also good news.

For example, the strength of these aborigines is also suppressed by Heavenly Dao's confinement, and they can only cultivate to level 7 or 10 at most.

Another example is the technological level of the aborigines, who are still in the era of cold weapons and handicrafts, and have not even touched the corners of the first industrial revolution.


Jiang Bai returned to Yanhuang City.

After lunch, he came to Cao Wu's mansion for a meeting.

By the time he walked into the newly built meeting hall, the other senior leaders of Yanhuang Ling had already arrived.

At the head of the conference table.

Jiang Bai and Cao Wu sat side by side, and the high-level officials sat on both sides.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start the meeting."

Cao Wu said something, then turned his head to look at Jiang Bai, "Master Jiang, can you tell me about the situation you found this morning?"

Jiang Bai nodded, and said what he detected in the morning.

After listening, everyone couldn't help talking.

After a while, Cao Wu knocked on the table: "Everyone be quiet."

After everyone is quiet.

Cao Wu looked at Jiang Bai: "Master Jiang, what's your opinion?"

"The rest of the matter, you can discuss on your own, I will not interfere.

Jiang Bai shook his head and looked at the crowd, "I only have one sentence for you, no matter what you want to do, just go ahead and do it, and I will give you the bottom line.

Hearing this, everyone smiled knowingly.

"Okay, let's discuss slowly!"

Jiang Bai waved his hands, got up and left the conference hall.

After watching Jiang Bai leave.

Only then did Cao Wu cough twice, and said, "Jiangye's words have been put here, everyone don't hide what you think, just say it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the conference hall immediately became lively.

the other side.

After Jiang Bai came out of the conference hall, he used the Five Elements evasion technique to escape underground.

After going all the way down to a depth of 100 meters.

Jiang Bai came to an underground city.

This is the place where Yanhuangling collects his heritage, and it is also the headquarters of the intelligence agency.

The entire dungeon was built by Jiang Bai himself, and many formations cover the entire dungeon, making it a space of its own.

This is also to prevent the snooping of interested people.

Although the dungeon is underground, the inside of the city is as bright as day.

Because above the city, there are several Dao Items emitting light and heat, providing lighting for the entire city.

This is the lighting Magical Item refined by Jiang Bai simulating the sun, and it becomes a Dao Item through the Enhancement of the infinite Enhancement Talent.

With these few Dao Items, the dungeon will be divided into day and night.

In addition, Jiang Bai also arranged a large array of gathering spirits, which made the ecological environment in the city perfect.

So the underground city is not stuffy, and the air is very fresh.

It can even be planted and raised in the city.

Jiang Bai came to the City Lord's Mansion and asked people to inform the whole city, so there is no need to panic later.

Next, he flew into the air, took out ten middle-grade spiritual veins, and buried them in various parts of the city.

As soon as the spiritual vein was buried, the concentration of Spiritual Qi in the city began to increase rapidly.

As a result, low-level cultivators can raise their Cultivation Base with just a breath.

After burying the spirit veins, Jiang Bai began to expand the area of ​​the dungeon.

According to his and Cao Wu's plan, in the future, as long as the practitioners of the Yanhuang collar can step into the eighth level with the help of the supernatural power, they will hide from the world and are not allowed to move outside unless necessary.

And the hiding place is this dungeon!

In fact, doing so is not only adding to the background of the Yanhuang collar, but also screening out practitioners who have the potential to cultivate to a higher level.

In this way, resources can be concentrated on the cultivation of lotus

And these hidden powerhouses will be the reliance that the Yanhuang Territory will rely on to fight against those powerful forces outside the Eastern Region in the future.

a month later.

In the quiet room.

[Territory Announcement: Your territory has been successfully upgraded to the 'Third Class Baron' territory. 】

"These guys work hard!"

Jiang Bai smiled and continued to study the machine tool in front of him.

Of course he doesn't understand machine tools, but others do!

The China Alliance is full of talents. Isn't it easy to find a few people who understand machine tools to draw structural drawings?

With the blueprint, Jiang Bai, a refiner, can refine it.

Of course, don't think about high-precision machine tools for the time being.

Now the connection problem has not been completely solved, even if Jiang Bai can be refined in 5.6, it is useless!

The problem of power generation is easy to solve.

Hydroelectric power, thermal power, wind power, etc., as long as there are blueprints, Jiang Bai can easily build them.

Even without the above method, Jiang Bai can use Spirit Stones to activate the generator!

But the problem is, there are no wires to carry electricity!

The metal that can be used to make wires is easy to find, the key is the layer of insulating material wrapped outside!

So far, not only the China Alliance, but even other countries have not found rubber trees.

It's not that there are no alternatives to rubber, the key is that it is limited by the industrial level, even if there is technology, it cannot be realized!

So, the problem went back to the original point.

As a result, electricity cannot be popularized temporarily, and it can only be temporarily used to revive industrial technology.

I only hope that the technology giants of the alliance can find something that can replace the rubber tree soon!.

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