All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 158 Cao Wu's Great Wedding

According to the description of the campaign, there are four types of building orders: small, medium, large, and super large.

Different building orders have different city levels.

Among them, the super-large city is enough to accommodate 10 million people.

In addition to building from scratch, the building order can also be used to expand the original city.

For example, the dungeon was expanded with a super-large city building order.

In addition, over the past year, Jiang Bai's strength has continued to improve, and his attainments in formation have also increased accordingly.

No, the dungeon has now been completely transformed into an independent formation space by his formation.

To enter and leave the dungeon, one must go through special means.

In this way, even if a strong person probes into the bottom of Yanhuang City with Spiritual Sense, they will not be able to find the existence of the dungeon.

Concealment can be said to be greatly improved!

Of course, this kind of concealment is also necessary, after all, it is the foundation of Yanhuang collar.

The nearly 30,000 sixth and seventh ranks who were enslaved by Jiang Bai before were placed in the underground city by him and filled into the intelligence agency that Guo Jia was in charge of.

And after this year's development, the intelligence agency that Guo Jia is in charge of has gradually infiltrated the secrets into all Heaven Designated territories.

The interior of the Yanhuang collar is even more fortified, and any spies from outside will not be able to gain a foothold in the Yanhuang collar.

Not only that, but the intelligence agency even drew a detailed map of the entire Eastern Region 270, and it was clear what tribe was in any corner.

With this map, the troops led by Yanhuang who are fighting abroad have a direction, and they will not get lost no matter how they run.

In addition to the development of intelligence agencies, the dungeon also set up a technology research center.

The scientific and technological research here is not only the high-tech on the blue star, but also the Spiritual Qi technology proposed by Jiang Bai!

In Jiang Bai's view, Spiritual Qi is also an available energy source, and this energy source is more efficient.

So he often calls it psionic power.

The technology extended on this basis is also called psionic technology.

Psionic technology can be regarded as a technology that combines cultivation and high technology.

By borrowing high-tech ideas, psionic technology has developed rapidly.

No, the mecha that Blue Star failed to realize was easily manufactured with psionic technology.

And this kind of psychic armor can not only use Spirit Stones as energy, but also can be driven by Spirit Power or yuan.

Take the newly developed third-generation psychic mecha in the dungeon as an example.

Even a Commoner, after driving a third-generation psychic mech, can kill a third-order master with ease!

Of course, the psychic armor is not omnipotent.

Against masters below the sixth level, the psionic receiver is extremely useful.

But when dealing with powerhouses of the sixth rank or above, the effect of the psychic armor would be greatly weakened.

Because after entering the sixth level, practitioners can mobilize the power of heaven and earth for their own use.

This kind of mighty power, ordinary psychic mechs can't bear it.

Only the materials with high enough grades can make the psionic mechs able to fight against the powerhouses of the sixth rank or above.

It's a pity that Jiang Bai is the only person who can refine this kind of psionic mecha in the entire Yanhuang collar.

Those refining masters who are still growing have no ability to refine at all.

In addition, it is the scarcity of high-grade materials.

Therefore, this level of psychic armor cannot be mass-produced, and cannot be deployed on a large scale in the army.

However, it is enough to be able to compete against the fifth-order master.

Because this level of psychic armor can be mass-produced.

In this way, it is equivalent to the soldiers of the Yanhuang collar, all of whom can have a fifth-level combat power.

Starting with a million-strong army of fifth-level strength, who can stand in the way of the entire Eastern Region?!

Jiang Fu.

Courtyard residence.

Standing in the courtyard, Jiang Bai looked at the falling snow and sighed softly, "It's almost another year!"

Before he knew it, he had been in this world for five years.

The situation when it first came to this world was like yesterday.

"Master Jiang, why are you standing outside the house!"

Yuejiao's voice of reproach sounded.

Holding an oil-paper umbrella, she quickly walked into the courtyard, came to Jiang Bai's side, and put the umbrella on top of Jiang Bai's head.

Jiang Bai withdrew his gaze and asked, "What's the matter?"

"You (cfdb) really forgot." Yuejiao rolled her eyes and reminded, "Today is the lord's wedding day, why don't you, the best man, hurry over there?!"

Hearing this, Jiang Bai slapped his head immediately: "I really forgot, let's go, hurry over!"

As he spoke, he quickly walked out of the courtyard.

Yuejiao held up her umbrella and chased after her all the way.

at the same time.

In Cao Wu's mansion, it can be said to be full of joy and excitement.

As the lord of the Yanhuang collar, on such an important day as Cao Wu's wedding, many big shots would naturally be attracted.

For example, the Elders of the China Alliance Elder Association, and the lords of the China Alliance.

Even other countries have sent representatives to congratulate them with heavy gifts.

Cao Wu's wedding is not a Western style, but a traditional Chinese style in the ancient Dragon Kingdom.

It's a pity that Cao Wu's close relatives passed away before Cao Wu could meet him.

So the person who acts as the high hall today is the big Elder.

As for the bride?

It wasn't Heaven Designated, nor was it a resident summoned by the Yanhuang Territory, but the daughter of an aborigine lord who had surrendered and summoned Shi Muyun.

I don't know how these two people saw each other right, they have been in love since half a year ago.

To this day, the two have both entered the marriage hall.

Next -

Pick up the bride and walk through the house.

Three worship halls, into the bridal chamber.

After a set of procedures, the wedding banquet will officially begin.

Jiang Bai, as the best man, naturally had to hold the wine for the groom Cao Wu.

Well, the kind you can't use Cultivation Base to dispel the booze.

Lin Guodong, Luo Feng and others laughed and wanted to get Jiang Bai drunk.

As everyone knows, Jiang Bai also majored in Body Refining.

Even if he doesn't use Cultivation Base to disperse his drunkenness, Lin Guodong and others can't overwhelm him with his powerful physical body alone.

No, a wedding banquet lasted from noon to late night.

As a result, Jiang Bai staggered from noon until late at night, standing tenaciously all the time.

However, Lin Guodong and others all passed out drunk under the table, cursing Jiang Bai as a sixth child in their dreams.

When the guests dispersed one by one, Jiang Bai stopped pretending and returned triumphantly like a victorious general.


two days later.

New Year's Eve.

Today is bound to be a sleepless night.

The outer city of Yanhuang City was as bright as day, and the streets were full of people coming and going, very lively.

All kinds of night market stalls cover the entire main street.

The shops on both sides of the street will also be open all night tonight.

And on the main street tonight, no vehicles will be allowed to pass, only walking.

When Jiang Bai brought Yuejiao and Jindiao together with Lin Guodong and others outside the east gate of the outer city.

They looked at Jiang Bai with resentment like a grieving woman in a deep palace.

Because on the day of the wedding banquet, all they drank was spirit wine brewed from spirit rice, which made them drunk until noon today. .

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