All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 159 Weird Recovery Activity

"Okay, everyone, hurry up and get on the flying boat!"

Cao Wu said hello, and took his mother-in-law to board an ancient ship.

This is a flying boat made by Jiang Bai himself, the grade is the highest grade Dao Item.

After everyone boarded the flying boat.

With a slight shock, the flying boat soared into the sky, carrying Jiang Bai and others to patrol the border of the territory. By the way, I felt the soldiers who were still stationed at the border of the lower territory on New Year's Eve.

Turn down in a circle.

By the time the flying boat returned to Yanhuang City, it was already late at night - approaching the New Year's Eve.

Next, the lord Cao Wu presided over the New Year's Eve.

At the moment when the countdown ended, fireworks shot up into the sky, illuminating the night sky.

It was not until three or four o'clock in the morning that the crowds on the street gradually dispersed.

At daybreak, Yanhuang City became lively again.

The spiritual Qi in Yanhuang City is rich, even for Common people, after years of nourishing Spiritual Qi, their physical fitness will be greatly improved.

Therefore, even if you stay up all night, you will still be alive and well during the day.

Even children.

On the first day of the new year, every family is visiting.

The Spring Festival culture of Longguo has already taken root in Yanhuang collar.

Jiang Bai didn't visit the door in person.

No way, his position is too detached.

Moreover, he also had to personally receive the people who came to visit at home.

The first ones to come were Cao Wu and his wife, because they were at the opposite door and very close to each other.

Then Lin Guodong, Luo Feng, Zhuge Liang, Bai Qi and other high-level leaders also arrived one after another.

It was not until after lunch that the crowd dispersed.

In the afternoon, Cao Wu took Jiang Bai together and came to the city of China to pay New Year greetings to the Elder.

The two returned after having dinner at the Elder's house.

to the second day of the new year.

The Yanhuang collar became even more lively.

The lords of other territories in the China Alliance came to pay New Year's greetings with New Year's gifts.

There is no way, the position of the Yanhuang collar is there, they can't even think about it.

This is the way of the world.

So Cao Wu was busy until the fifth day of the lunar new year before he was free.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to the day of the Lantern Festival.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the Heavenly Dao announcement suddenly sounded.

[Announcement: The number of sixth-order Heaven Designated has been detected to reach a certain number, and the large-scale event———————The strange recovery will officially start at 8:00 tonight!】

[Explanation 1: Samsara is gone, the dead are sleepless, strange things are happening, and the world is in trouble. 】

[Explanation 2: The merit list is opened, and anyone who kills the strange Heaven Designated can get the corresponding merit value. The list is settled once a year, and those who are on the list will be rewarded. 1

[Explanation 3: The Merit Store is open, and Heaven Designated can exchange merit points for items in the store. 】

[Explanation 4: Whichever cave world eliminates the source of the strange recovery first, then the cave world will end the activity first, and will be the first to lift the domain wall restrictions. 】

Seeing the last note, Jiang Bai stared.

"finally coming?"

Jiang Bai said to himself, his eyes sparkling.

He has long wanted to see what the world outside the Eastern Territory is like!

But before that, you still have to deal with new activities.

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai opened the evolution panel and found the merit store.

He clicked on the store and looked surprised.

【Practice class】


In the store interface, there are actually two categories!

Jiang Bai first clicked on the practice category.

As he expected, this type of product can only reach the seventh level at most.

For example, Cultivation Technique, equipment, etc., are all at the seventh level.

There are no products of the eighth rank or above.

This is also normal.

Take No. 666 Dongtian World as an example.

The Eastern Territory has Heavenly Dao imprisonment, and Heaven Designated can only be upgraded to level 7 or 10 at most.

Unless, like Jiang Bai, he created a method similar to the Supernatural Power that deceives the sky.

Otherwise, it is impossible to raise one's own strength to the eighth level or above within the east range.

Therefore, the cultivation products sold in the merit store can only reach the seventh level at most.

"Beyond the Eastern Territory, there must be powerhouses of the eighth rank or above."

"However, Heaven Designated's strength is stuck at the seventh level, unable to continue to breakthrough."

"Once the domain wall restrictions are lifted, the Heaven Designated in each cave world may usher in a catastrophe!"

Jiang Bai sighed, and at the same time felt a little grateful.

Fortunately, he discovered the existence of the domain wall in advance, and in order to deal with the lifting of the restriction of the domain wall, he started preparations a long time ago.

Thinking of this, he returned to the initial interface and clicked on the technology category.

To his surprise, there are not only normal high-tech finished products or technology, but also spiritual technology!

Moreover, the top high-tech finished products or technology in the store have already surpassed the technological level of Blue Star!

"So, the vitality that Heavenly Dao left for the No. 666 cave world is technology?"

Jiang Bai pinched his chin with one hand, lost in thought.

He had expected a long time ago that Heavenly Dao would not just watch Heaven Designated being robbed, and would definitely leave a glimmer of life for Heaven Designated.

……ask for flowers…

It's just that he never expected that the vitality that Heavenly Dao left for No. 666 cave world is actually high technology!

"Is it because the Heaven Designated in No. 666 Cave World all come from Blue Star?"

The reason why Jiang Bai guessed this way is because Blue Star is a technological civilization.

So, here comes the problem.

What will be the glimmer of life for other cave worlds?

After thinking for a while, Jiang Bai threw it aside.

Just take care of yourself here!

"With the current level of technology of the China Alliance, if we want to fight against the forces outside the Eastern Region, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time to develop!"

"It seems that the activity of Weird Resuscitation has to be done in the opposite direction, and the end time should be delayed as much as possible!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai immediately got up to wash.


After that, he came to Cao Wu's mansion without even eating breakfast.

Not long after, a group of high-level officials from Yanhuang collar gathered in the meeting room.

To this day, Jiang Bai is not hiding anything about the Eastern Region and beyond.

He said these things in front of Cao Wu.

Of course, he concealed the plan for cultivating the strong.

Currently only he, Cao Wu and Guo Jia know about this matter.

No way, so far no other Heaven Designated has stepped into the eighth level, or the seventh level and tenth level.

After all, at the seventh level, one needs to practice Soul Refining and transform the natal Talent into the natal Supernatural Power, which is not so easy to accomplish.

Jiang Bai also relied on the Talent he was born with to quickly evolve the Talent into Supernatural Power.

Other Heaven Designated don't have this Talent.

After listening.

The faces of all the high-level officials became serious.

Up to now, even if Jiang Bai doesn't say anything, some Heaven Designated who have entered the seventh level have already sensed the existence of Heavenly Dao's confinement.

Therefore, the matter of Heavenly Dao's imprisonment has already spread throughout the world channels.

Plus the information that Jiang Bai just disclosed.

All the high-level officials can naturally realize what kind of danger the light yellow collar will face in the future.

At this time, Zhuge Liang suddenly said: "Master Jiang, you are actively promoting the recovery of science and technology, and even creating new spiritual energy technology. Are you preparing for the dissolution of the domain wall?"

"You can also say that!" Jiang Bai nodded, this is indeed what he thought.

Zhuge Liang said with emotion: "Master Jiang is far-sighted, and he walks ahead of us in everything. It is very fortunate that Yanhuang has you!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone unanimously agreed with the Lord. .

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