All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 161 Cutting Leeks And Pulling Wool

As soon as he returned to the quiet room, Jiang Bai remembered something, and then went to Cao Wu's mansion.

He handed over to Cao Wu some conventional methods of making talismans for suppressing evil and killing evil.

"You arrange for someone to refine these talismans more and put them in the treasury of the territory, so that the Heaven Designated in the territory can exchange them."

"The army also needs to deploy as soon as possible, especially the eight camps guarding the border.

After Jiang Bai gave his instructions, he left.

When he got home, he plunged into the quiet room and began to refine talismans in large quantities.

He didn't return to the bedroom to rest until late at night after refining.

the next day.

While eating breakfast, Jiang Bai turned on the world channel to check.

As expected, other territories were attacked by strange things last night.

From those remarks, Jiang Bai learned that weirdos have extremely high immunity or resistance to physical attacks.

But the qi and blood, inner strength, spirit power and spiritual energy of the practitioner can all effectively kill them.

It's just that this method of confrontation consumes more than normal fighting.

As a result, it is extremely difficult to kill the strange monsters at once.

Secondly, the strange aura carried by the strange body can counteract the power of qi, blood, internal strength and so on. 25

So more power is needed to completely wipe out the strange monsters!

In addition, some people have discovered that this strange aura is like a plague, which can quickly erode living beings.

If this breath is not removed or wiped out in time, it will be transformed into a new strange monster!

In short, all the comments on the weirdness on the World Channel are dignified and fearful.

Jiang Bai laughed, then closed the world channel and opened the trading platform.

He first took out some talismans and put them on the shelves for the test area.

After these batches of talismans were sold out, he put on the shelves another batch of more talismans, but the price was also increased.

that's all.

In just two days, Jiang Bai thoroughly tested the price of the talisman.

Then he set prices according to the different powers of the talismans, and began to sell talismans on a large scale.

Of course, he does not collect evolution coins, only Spirit Stones or various Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

He believed that, with the passage of time, Weird's strength continued to grow.

Those tribes or territories, when their lives are threatened, will definitely sacrifice Lao Didu.

Because so far, only Jiang Bai is selling certificates on the entire trading platform!

This is a monopoly!

What, a market?

There are talismans for sale there, but the price is more expensive than Jiang Bai's!

half year later.

Looking at the merit store, Jiang Bai once again broke through the nine-digit merit value, and fell into deep thought.

He never thought that after the talisman he sold was bought.

After the other Heaven Designated used talismans to kill the monsters, he could also get a part of the merit points at the same time!

Although the merit value obtained at one time is not much, but it is too big to hold back!

So far, only Jiang Bai is selling talismans on the trading platform.

And it’s in short supply every day!

No matter how many talismans Jiang Bai refines that day, as long as they are put on the trading platform, they will be sold out in an instant!

No way, he can't supply all the Heaven Designated in the cave world by himself!

It is precisely because of such a huge base that he can easily break through nine digits of merit without leaving home.

Of course, he has also made a lot of money in the past six months.

Not only have I harvested a large number of Spirit Stones and Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, but there are even special Cultivation Techniques, techniques and Supernatural Power techniques, and even various knowledge books, special blueprints, etc.

Because some Heaven Designated have no Spirit Stones or Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, they can only be traded with other items.

This also made Jiang Bai see how profitable monopoly is!

But it's also thanks to the Weird Revival event.

In the past six months, Suiguai's strength and number have grown extremely rapidly.

If it is a monster with low strength, Heaven Designated can easily kill it with its strength.

But in the face of monsters of the same level, it is very difficult to kill them.

But if there is a talisman to assist, it will become easier in an instant.

That's why talismans are so popular.

"Based on this situation, it is estimated that many cave worlds will gather strength and be the first to end the strange recovery activities!"

There is also a reason for Jiang Bai's guess.

First of all, if there is no effective means to fight against the weirdness, then if you continue to let the weirdness grow, Heaven Designated will be in danger.

Secondly, the Heaven Designated from other cave worlds are not stupid, so how could Jiang Bai, the sixth child, continue to cook?

Compared with other cave worlds, the situation in No. 666 cave world is much better.

Because in the first month of the event, Jiang Bai personally took action to find the source of the strange recovery.

He didn't rush to eliminate the source, but half-sealed it.

In this way, not only can the activities continue, but also the birth and growth of weirdness can continue.

In addition, Jiang Bai also used formation to cover up the source, and left a Supernatural Power spiritual body sitting there to prevent it from being found by Heaven Designated from other countries.

The Supernatural Power spiritual body is the Supernatural Power seed stored in the cave, which is broken out of the shell.

Mastering the source is equivalent to mastering a steady stream of merit and virtue.

Moreover, it can also be used to suppress and weaken other countries, as well as tribes or territories of indigenous peoples.

This is a good thing for the China Alliance.

Anyway, with the talismans provided by Yanhuangling, the various territories of the China Alliance don't have to worry about the invasion of strange monsters. Instead, they can use this to crazily amass merit and collect wool from the merit store.

Among them, Heaven Designated of Yanhuang Collar was the most ruthless!

No way, the Heaven Designated of the Yanhuang collar belongs to their own people, so they must enjoy more privileges and benefits than other Heaven Designated, right?

In this situation, we know that many territories within the China Alliance want to integrate into the Yanhuang Territory.

In this regard, Cao Wu refused after consulting Jiang Bai.

I did not refuse before, because the China Alliance has not yet been established, and everyone does not have a unified official. 530

Not so now.

If the Yanhuang Territory also takes over other territories, what will the alliance officials think?

Why, you Yanhuang collar want to split?

The so-called this moment and that moment is nothing more than the case.

Of course, except for cutting and gathering wool.

In the past six months, the technological recovery process of the China Alliance is also rapidly moving from the electrical age to the information age.

Not to mention the Yanhuang collar.

On the surface, Yanhuang collar has just entered the information age.

But in fact, half a foot has entered the era of intelligence.

And spiritual technology is also advancing by leaps and bounds.

In the past six months, Jiang Bai has exchanged a system of psionic technology from the merit store.

With the foundation in place, spiritual energy technology officially began to take off.

Not to mention other things, the psychic armor alone has advanced to the tenth generation.

If this kind of mecha is placed on the Blue Star before the All People cross, even if it is driven by a Common, it can sweep the entire Blue Star!

However, at this point, the psychic mech has basically been developed to the limit.

Of course, this does not mean that the power of the psychic armor has reached its limit.

It is also the tenth generation psychic armor, the more advanced the material used, the more terrifying the power it can unleash.

But this technology has been unable to continue to innovate.

Even the various mecha technologies sold in merit stores are at this level. .

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