All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 162 The First World To Lift The Restriction Of The Domain Wall

The perfection of the psychic armor has also extended a lot of energy weapon technology.

Such as psionic guns, psionic cannons, high-explosive psionic grenades, etc.

In addition, it is a spiritual battleship that can fly into the sky.

This kind of technology is not available in merit stores.

It was Jiang Bai who borrowed ideas from flying boats and aerospace aircraft carriers.

Moreover, the psychic battleship he designed can not only use psychic energy, but also nuclear energy.

Because he exchanged mature controllable nuclear fusion technology from the merit store.

This technology alone cost him a whole billion merit points!

If it weren't for the fact that there are so many tool people providing merit points, he really wouldn't be able to exchange them.

However, the psychic battleship is still hidden and has not been installed in the army.

This thing is equivalent to a nuclear weapon and cannot be exposed for the time being.

Moreover, Jiang Bai personally built an extremely terrifying spiritual battleship.

All the parts of this battleship are personally refined by Jiang Bai, and they have passed the infinite Enhancement Talent Enhancement to the best level.

To put it bluntly, this battleship is completely composed of top-quality Dao Items!

As for how terrifying the power after forming is?

Jiang Bai didn't know either, because there were no suitable experimental targets in the Eastern Territory.

However, in terms of grade, the evolution panel gives a 'pseudo-secret treasure', which is equivalent to stepping into the secret treasure level with one foot.

The secret treasure is the existence above Dao Item, corresponding to Epic level or ninth level.

Of course, it is definitely inaccurate to measure the power of this psychic battleship simply by its grade.

If it is really turned on at full power, the lethality that this battleship can explode is estimated to far exceed the ninth-order category.

After all, psionic technology is not a decoration.

What's more, Jiang Bai also portrayed dense formations on this battleship.

These formations endow warships with special abilities such as space shuttle, large and small Ruyi Scepter, etc.

In addition to the development of technology, Yanhuangling's territory is also expanding.

Now, the yellow collar has been upgraded to the level of first-class viscount.

In terms of cities, in addition to the previous 18 medium-sized cities, 10 large cities, 25 medium-sized cities, and 40 small cities have been added.

In addition, Yanhuang City has also been expanded again.

This expansion is not done manually, but with a super-large city building order.

The ability to expand so quickly is thanks to the recovery activities.

After this activity goes online, it will not only affect Heaven Designated, but also the aborigines.

Heaven Designated has talismans sold by Jiang Bai, but the aborigines don't.

Therefore, the situation of the aborigines is even worse than that of Heaven Designated.

This also makes the expansion of Yanhuang collar easier.

Not to mention the human tribes or territories among the aborigines, even those tribes or territories of other races began to ask Yanhuang to take them in.

In this regard, the Yanhuang collar who has always adhered to Jiang Bai's thought of "If you are not of my race, your heart must be different", rejected those alien races without hesitation.

this day.

As usual, Jiang Bai refined talismans in the quiet room with a group of Supernatural Power spirit bodies.

Suddenly, Heavenly Dao's voice sounded.

[Announcement: No. 859 Cave World is the first to eliminate the source of the strange recovery, and the strange recovery activity of this Cave World has officially ended. 】

[Explanation 1: From now on, the domain wall restriction of No. 859 Cave World is lifted, and those who are not selected in this Cave World can connect to other regions. 】

[Explanation 2: The Heavenly Dao confinement of this cave world is released, and the Heaven Designated can continue to breakthrough upwards. 】

[Explanation 3: The area where Heaven Designated is located is only a small part of the cave world where it is located. There is a wider world outside, and there are countless forces. 】

[Explanation 4: After the domain wall is removed, foreign forces can freely set foot in the area where Heaven Designated is located. 】

Seeing the fourth instruction, Jiang Bai's pupils shrank.

He was right!

After the domain wall is lifted, the aboriginal forces outside can invade the area where Heaven Designated is located!

This is a catastrophe, but also a test.

A powerful Heaven Designated can resist the impact of the aboriginal forces outside the territory, and thus develop rapidly.

But if the weak Heaven Designated wants to survive, they can only hide in a corner.

This is a disguised elimination.

Just like the ancestors of the Jinghong tribe!


"As soon as this announcement comes out, those cave worlds that are eager to eliminate the strange monsters and return to Su Yuan's head may have to think carefully" `!"

Jiang Bai laughed, which is a good thing for him.

In the face of weirdness, most Heaven Designated have the ability to resist.

But in the face of unknown foreign forces, I am afraid that few Heaven Designated can have the confidence to fight against them.

Instead of this, it is better to continue to maintain the weird recovery activities, so as to increase your own background.

In this way, Jiang Bai's talismans will not worry about selling.

Thinking of this, he immediately put a batch of talismans on the shelf.

The talismans, which had been slow to sell in the past two days, have returned to the past again——

As soon as it was put on the shelves, it was swept away in an instant!

This shows from the side that other cave worlds have already made a choice to delay the end of the strange recovery activity.

Otherwise, they don't need such talismans at all!

"Well, we have to take the opportunity to get a guest group!"

"Since those cave worlds have made a choice, they are definitely not willing to continue being cut by me!"

"In this way, they will definitely concentrate on how to make talismans!"

"I don't think it will be long before there will be a large number of Heaven Designated selling talismans on the trading platform, and the price of talismans will also plummet!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai simply called out all the Supernatural Power spirits in his body to help refine the talismans.

There are a total of 365 Acupoints in the human body, just in line with the number of Universe.

But not all practitioners can develop 365 Acupoints.

As it happens, Jiang Bai is the one who developed all Acupoints.

These Acupoints are transformed into 365 caves as his strength increases.

According to the cultivation of one Supernatural Power seed in one cave, 365 Supernatural Power techniques are needed!

Under normal circumstances, even the ancient evildoers would not practice so many Supernatural Power techniques.

Because the practice and comprehension of the Supernatural Power technique is too energy-intensive and time-consuming.

However, Jiang Bai has a talent he was born with, so it is not easy to practice and comprehend the art of Supernatural Power.

So he accumulated a Supernatural Power seed in each cave. (Good king, good) No, he now has 365 Supernatural Power spiritual bodies.

In addition to a Supernatural Power spirit body, guarding the source of the strange recovery.

Now the supernatural power spirit body that helps Jiang Bai refine the talismans "has a total of 364 ways!

With so many people refining together, the output speed is extremely astonishing.

Not enough materials?

Don't panic, just exchange it directly from the merit store.

Anyway, Jiang Bai's merit points are all helped by other Heaven Designated, and he doesn't feel distressed at all when using them.

After all, wool comes from sheep!

Moreover, after other Heaven Designated researches the method of talisman refining, and finds that other Heaven Designated uses their own talisman, they can also get merit points.

Those Heaven Designated who have researched the method of talisman refining will definitely be crazily introverted.

So Jiang Bai must take advantage of the present to saturate the talisman market.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to sell at a reduced price.

Anyway, he has harvested such good things before, and now he should give back to the leeks!.

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