All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 166 Blue Star Federation

the next day.

At about nine o'clock in the morning, Jiang Bai suddenly received a large amount of resources mailed by Cao Wu.

Message: Lord Jiang, these resources are the compensation of those countries, the alliance gets half, and you get half.

For this split, Jiang Bai is still acceptable.

Although he was the one who made the shot, the alliance is also threatened, isn't it?

Afterwards, Cao Wu mailed over a large amount of resources and mailed them dozens of times.

Message: Lord Jiang, these resources are the rewards of those countries, the alliance does not take any, and all belong to you.

Looking at Cao Wu's message, Jiang Bai nodded in satisfaction.

He did it alone to wipe out the weird army, and this is the reward he deserves.

After putting all the resources into the storage space.

Jiang Bai sent a private message to Cao Wu.

Jiang Bai: Let's cut off the supply of talismans to other countries. Let them go to the trading platform to buy by themselves. You can't be polite to white-eyed wolves.

Cao Wu: Received.

After closing the private message, Jiang Bai continued to make talismans.

He didn't leave the quiet room until noon.

But his supernatural power spirit bodies are still refining talismans in the quiet room.

After lunch.

Jiang Bai came to the 25th dungeon to continue researching psychic technology.

In this regard, he has long been ahead of everyone.

Then in the evening, after dinner.

Jiang Bai started to practice and didn't finish his practice until the next day.

His daily life is like this.

In this way, time passed day by day.

In other countries, without the talismans provided directly by the Yanhuang leaders, life has become sad.

Fortunately, Jiang Bai swept away the weird army before, and gave them a little respite, allowing them to linger on.

It would be a lie to say they have no regrets.

If they hadn't threatened the China Alliance with mushroom eggs, they wouldn't have ended up where they are today.

And no matter how they ask for help, or how high the reward they offer, the China Alliance now refuses to help.

For them, the alliance has been considered as benevolent.

It's just their actions that really chilled the China Alliance.

Don't look at them being miserable now, but who would have thought about it.

What would have happened if the China Alliance had compromised under their threats?

They will inevitably use the same method to make progress again and again in order to seek more and greater benefits.

Just like a vampire, the China Alliance is constantly sucking blood.

If this continues, it will only drag down the China Alliance.

That's why Jiang Bai made a decisive move at that time.

No, in just one year, more than half of the countries were destroyed by monsters one after another.

And when these countries were destroyed, they also launched mushroom eggs at China City and Yanhuangling, intending to pull them back.

It's a pity that these mushroom eggs were taken away by Jiang Bai with the Void Master Talent just after they were launched.

However, the actions of these countries have made the China Alliance even more chilling.

The remaining half of the country, in the face of the re-formed weird army, only persisted for half a year before being completely wiped out.

So far, the remaining countries in the Eastern Region, except the China Alliance.

There are only those countries that are allies of the Dragon Kingdom on the blue star.

With the assistance of the China Alliance, these allied countries have flourished instead of being weakened in the strange and rampant environment.

Now that all other countries have been wiped out, these allied countries have also strengthened their determination to keep the thigh of the China alliance.

No way, they are also afraid!

First, Yingjiang and other countries were defeated by the China Alliance until they were wiped out.

Then there are those countries that threaten the China Alliance with mushroom eggs.

The strange army was borrowed by the China Alliance, and all of them were wiped out.

It can be said that none of the countries that oppose the China Alliance can escape the fate of being destroyed!

On the contrary, as an ally of the China Alliance, they can enjoy many benefits and develop themselves.

In this case, any fool knows how to choose!

Thus, under the earnest pleas of many allied countries, a new international organization—the Blue Star Federation was formally established.

The Blue Star Federation is headed by the China Alliance, with many allied countries as members, and its headquarters is set up in China City.

Of course, the form of this thing is greater than the actual meaning.

There is no way, the strength of the China Alliance exceeds that of all the allies by too much.

What the China Alliance really wants to do, the allies can neither stop nor resist.

But the China Alliance is not Yingjiang after all, and will not engage in any hegemony.

As long as others do not come to provoke, the China Alliance is willing to coexist peacefully with all allies for mutual benefit and win-win results.

At the same time as Heaven Designated's internal forces were reshuffled, Weird's internal forces were also changing.

The newly gathered weird army has become stronger than ever after destroying the countries that threatened the China Alliance with mushroom eggs.

The number of weird kings alone soared to hundreds.

With so many kings gathering, it is naturally impossible to live in harmony.

As a result, the dispute between the chasing king and the new king broke out.

After several battles between the two sides, they finally sat at the conference table and began to formally rule the land.

Weird needs living beings as blood food, so it is naturally impossible to slaughter all living beings.

So captivity begins.

Dividing land and ruling is actually distributing the remaining creatures in the Eastern Territory.

These creatures include the aborigines as well as the Blue Star Federation.

For a powerful king, the higher the quality of the creatures assigned, the greater the quantity.

Conversely, the lower the quality, the lower the quantity.

I have to say, this scene is really fresh.

After Jiang Bai learned of this, he couldn't help being amazed.

But that's all.

He didn't intend to make a move to destroy these weird kings.

Anyway, no matter how they grow, they will only reach level 7 or 10 at most.

Leave it to 463 other Heaven Designated to earn merit points!

Moreover, there are always external threats, which can also force the rapid development of each territory.

This is a good thing.

As for the weirdness that can be blocked?

Of course it's no problem!

The various territories under the Blue Star Federation have not been standing still.

Those weird strengths are constantly improving, and the territories are also making rapid progress.

What's more, there are also talismans and Jiongneng technology supplied by Yanhuangling!

Enough to deal with these weirdnesses.

However, those aborigines were not so lucky.

After their tribe or territory was breached, the population was plundered by the strange monsters, and they were brought together and kept in captivity.

Of course, these aborigines are not stupid.

They turned to Heaven Designated for refuge.

Jiang Bai didn't know whether the other territories accepted the aborigines or not.

Anyway, the Yanhuang collar will only accept the aborigines, and will never accept the aborigines and other races.

But at this time, the other side's power also quietly rose.

That's --- ferocious beasts and ferocious birds!

Compared with fierce beasts and birds, strange monsters prefer human races and many alien races.

Of course, the monsters didn't let go of the fierce beast and Xiong Qin.

Especially when the number of human races and alien races has decreased sharply, their hunting of fierce beasts and birds has also begun to intensify.

In desperation, these fierce beasts and birds also began to form a group under the call of their king. .

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