Jiang Fu.

In the front hall.

"What, the King of Violent Birds and the King of Vicious Beasts came to ask for cooperation?"

Jiang Bai looked at Cao Wu in surprise.

Cao Wu nodded: "This morning, a woman who claimed to be the king of fierce birds and a man who claimed to be the king of beasts passed a message through the southeast camp on the border, and wanted to cooperate with Yanhuang collar to fight against the kneeling monsters.

"Fighting weirdos?"

Jiang Bai squeezed his chin with one hand, and said thoughtfully, "If these two people are not lying, it is strange that they have started to attack fierce beasts and birds!"

"So, it might be true that the two are seeking cooperation?" Cao Wu frowned.

Jiang Bai nodded: "During this period of time, the number of human races and many other races has dropped sharply. With the wisdom of those weird kings, they must also know the truth that they can't exhaust their resources, so they will definitely shift their main targets to other creatures. Among the domains, the number of fierce beasts and districts is currently the largest."

"So that's how it is." Cao Wu understood, and asked, "Then shall we agree to those two people's request for cooperation?"

Jiang Bai asked rhetorically: "Do you think that with Yanhuangling's strength and heritage, it is necessary to cooperate with fierce beasts and birds?"

"No need." Cao Wu shook his head.

"Then it's over."

"Okay, I'll reject those two now."


"What's wrong?"

"We don't need it, other territories need it, you can ask those two to find other territories to cooperate."

"Other territories? Yes, I understand."

After watching Cao Wu leave.

Jiang Bai flew into the sky, looking towards the southeast.

Even though thousands of miles away, everything in the southeast camp was reflected in his eyes.

In the main tent of the camp, he saw the two women and men who claimed to be the king of fierce birds and the king of beasts.

"This is... Burning Sky Sparrow and Sky Cracking Si?"

Jiang Bai saw through the bodies of those two people at a glance.

He has published two books, "Atlas of Fierce Beasts" and "Atlas of Fierce Birds", which record various fierce beasts and birds throughout the ages.

So even without relying on the identification of the evolution panel, he can recognize all kinds of beasts and birds.

As for Fen Tianque and Tian Xie, they were both extremely powerful existences, and they had gained great reputations in ancient times.

As for the ancient times?

I don't know about Jiang Bai, anyway, it's recorded in books like this.

"According to the records in the books, the potential of Burning Sky Sparrow and Sky Cracking Si is extremely high.||!"

"If it is cultivated well, it will be good for protecting the Yanhuang collar in the future!"

"Well, after the domain wall is lifted, go and catch these two guys!"

Jiang Bai left a ray of Divine Sense on Fen Tianque and Lie Tiansi respectively, and then looked away.

At the same time, both Fen Tianque and Lie Tianxi felt a chill in their hearts for no reason.

Time flies, and two years have passed in the blink of an eye.

In Cao Wu's mansion.

meeting room.

Jiang Bai, who was in the first place, looked around the crowd and said with a smile: "Everyone, calculate the time. It has been more than four years since the start of the strange recovery activity. It is time for us to go out of the Eastern Region and see a wider world!"

Hearing this, everyone was immediately excited.

Although there is a bully Supernatural Power, so that they can continue to improve their strength.

But in addition to practicing every day, I still practice.

Everyone has been too idle to grow mushrooms.

"Ahem!" Jiang Bai coughed twice, waiting for everyone to calm down.

Only then did he continue to say: "Don't rush to be happy. Although I don't know anything about the situation outside the Eastern Territory, what is certain is that there must be eleventh-order bosses outside. It's okay if the number is small." , If the number is large, then we will be powerless to contend."

These words were like a pot of cold water being poured down, calming everyone down in an instant.

Everyone here, after two years of closed door training, has entered the ninth level.

But compared to the bosses of the eleventh rank, it is still not enough.

At this time, Cao Wu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Jiangye, you don't need to be so pessimistic, right? No matter how unlucky we are, it is impossible for us to be attacked by a tenth-rank boss as soon as we are born."

Hearing this, the others also reacted suddenly, and all of them looked at Jiang Bai resentfully.

Obviously, Jiang Bai was deliberately scaring them just now!

Jiang Bai shrugged and said solemnly: "This is my habit. I always consider the worst situation first. As long as I can deal with the worst situation, other situations will not be a problem."

Everyone: ...

What you said is so reasonable, I can't refute it!


Cao Wu coughed twice, and brought the topic back, "Let's discuss how to deal with the invasion of foreign forces after the domain wall is lifted!"

"It's not necessary now." Jiang Bai shook his head and said, "We don't know anything about the outside world now, so it's useless to discuss it. It's better to stop quietly and wait for those outside forces to come to our door. Let's find out the situation outside the territory. Besides.

"I agree with Lord Jiang's suggestion." Zhuge Liang was the first to express his opinion.

Zhao Yun followed closely behind: "Knowing ourselves and the enemy is the only way to be victorious in all battles. Now that we know nothing about the enemy, it is the best choice to stop silently."

〃We have cultivated the supernatural power of deceiving the sky, which can completely hide the real strength and paralyze those foreign forces. " Xi Zhicai added.

Others also opened their mouths and put forward their own ideas.

But in general, everyone agrees with Jiang Bai's suggestion.

Cao Wu made a final decision: "Succeed, since everyone has no objections, then follow Master Jiang's advice, get to know the outside world first, and then arrange work accordingly."

After a pause, he continued, "Now, let's discuss and clean up the weird things!"

"I won't participate in the weird cleanup, you just need to do it.

Jiang Bai stood up as he said, "By the way, before we act, remember to inform the big Elder and communicate with other territories of the China Alliance. We can't eat alone for this last wave of benefits."

Cao Wu nodded: "Okay, I will write it down."

"Then discuss it, I'll go first."

After coming out of the conference room.

Jiang Bai flew into the sky and let go of his perception.

Soon, he sensed the ray of (Zhao Qian's) Divine Sense left on Fen Tianque and Lie Tiansi two years ago.

The domain wall is about to be lifted, and he also wants to take this opportunity to catch some potential beasts and birds to protect the Yanhuang collar.

Heavenly Dao has been imprisoned and suppressed for so long, once it is released, all creatures with strengths of 7th-level 10th-level or above in the Eastern Region will inevitably usher in ten waves of soaring strength.

This is like a spring, the harder you press, the stronger the rebound.

"Speaking of which, those weird kings can be regarded as a special kind of life born from death.

"If they are also cultivated, I wonder if there will be surprises?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai couldn't help thinking.

Being able to stand out from the countless strange monsters and become the king itself represents having extraordinary aptitude.

On this point alone, it has enough training value.

In addition, it is a special life, so it is difficult to guarantee that some strange methods will not be derived.

These strange methods may be able to play unexpected magical effects at critical moments.

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai suddenly had a decision in his heart. .

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