All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 176 Fighting Is Not Based On The Voice!

At the beginning, the movements of the human race did not attract the attention of many alien races.

But as more and more human races disappeared inexplicably, many alien races immediately became vigilant.

As a local force, they can easily find human race masters who are secretly saving and gathering human races everywhere.

As a result, those alien races who had enslaved or hated the human race could not sit still.

Because according to what they have done to the human race over the years.

Once the human race re-emerges, each of these ethnic groups counts as one, and they will definitely be liquidated by the human race!

No, these alien races unanimously began to search, and it was bound to find out who was behind the scenes and cut off the road to the rise of the human race.

Naturally, such an action cannot be hidden from the elite spies of the Yanhuang collar.

The news quickly spread back to Tianjuan City.

Zhuge Liang came to Jiang Bai's mansion immediately after hearing the news.

"Master Jiang, as we expected, those alien races have started to move!"

Yes, Zhuge Liang and Jiang Bai had expected the reactions of those alien races.

Jiang Bai said indifferently: "Since that's the case, let's proceed according to the plan and finish it early so that we can develop with peace of mind."

"Yes, Master Jiang." 25

Zhuge Liang responded respectfully, then turned and left.

At noon the next day, the basic information about Tianjuan City was presented in front of those high-level aliens.

Naturally, Tianjuancheng took the initiative to reveal this.

The purpose is to lure those foreign races to take the initiative to attack Tianjuan City.

In this way, Jiang Bai will be able to show his strength, and then attract the eleventh-order powerhouse hidden in the Northern Territory.

And the development of the matter was as expected by him and Zhuge Liang.

By the next day, a mixed alien army of up to 100,000 had arrived outside Tianjuan City.

Without any extra words, this alien army directly launched an attack on Tianjuan City.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai, who was standing on the city wall, slapped a palm from the air.

In an instant, the power of heaven and earth rioted.

A giant palm Shrouding the Heavens covering the sun quickly formed over the alien army, and it was suddenly photographed.


The loud noise was accompanied by the movement of the earth and mountains, splashing dust all over the sky.

With a wave of Jiang Bai's hand, a gust of wind blew up out of thin air, blowing away all the dust.

The 100,000 alien army outside the city has disappeared.

It was replaced by a huge palm print.

The palm prints were full of blood, minced flesh, and bone residue, which looked extremely disgusting.

Jiang Bai looked up and saw a small number of alien masters fleeing desperately to the distance.

That was the alien master he left on purpose.

If these foreign experts are not allowed to spread the situation here, how can they attract the eleventh-order powerhouses of the foreign race?

Look away.

Jiang Bai activated the Great Elementalist Talent, covering up the palm prints outside the city and leveling the ground again.

After finishing these, he turned around and walked down the city wall.

three days later.

Jiang Bai, who was about to have lunch, suddenly sensed something, left the bowl and chopsticks and walked out quickly.

Yuejiao was taken aback, and chased after her: "Master Jiang, what's the matter?"

"You guys eat first, I'm going to exercise my muscles and bones!"

Jiang Bai replied casually, then soared into the sky with excitement on his face, and flew high into the sky.

When he came to the sky, he looked to the east, and his fighting spirit was undisguised.

In a moment, five figures appeared not far from him.

These five figures are the creatures of the Goblin family, the troll family, the Tauren family, the Fenglei family, and the Druid family.

Judging from the aura, these five guys are all eleventh-order powerhouses!

"No wonder the 100,000 troops failed to capture Tianjuan City. It turns out that you, a strong man, are in charge!"

The strong Goblin Yi clan spoke in the language of the human race while hitting Xingbai.

The eleventh-level powerhouse can deduce and fully grasp the language system of a race in an instant with just one pronunciation.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the strong of the Goblin Yi clan can speak the language of the human race.

"In the Northern Territory, there are not even tenth-order human races. You should come from other regions, right?"

The words of the strong man of the Fenglei clan moved the hearts of the other four strong men of the foreign race.

In addition to the Central and Western Regions bordering the Northern Territory, there is only the Eastern Territory, the place of trial.

The Central Region is excluded first, and the Western Region is a region dominated by alien races, which can also be excluded.

That leaves the Eastern Region!

In addition, the five strong alien races also know that there is a Heavenly Dao imprisoned in the trial ground, and Heaven Designated can only cultivate to seven 10th levels at most.

Now, it will only take one or two months for the distance domain wall to be lifted.

It can be upgraded from level 7 to level 10 to level 11 within one or two months.

There must be a big secret and a big opportunity hidden in this human Heaven Designated!

Thinking of this, the gazes of the five strong men from other races became eager.

It has been many years since they entered the eleventh level, but their strength has almost stagnated.

So up to now, the strongest among them is only level 11 and level 2.

If they can get the great opportunity of this human race Heaven Designated, maybe their strength can be improved quickly!

Thinking of this, the five strong men from different races looked at each other, and immediately dispersed to surround Jiang Bai.


What's the situation?

"Do it!"

The strong man of the druid clan greeted, Tianwei.

He stretched out his hand to hold Jiang Bai in the air, and several vines appeared in the air, instantly binding Jiang Bai tightly.

At the same time, four strong men from the Goblin, Troll, Tauren, and Fenglei tribes attacked Jiang Bai from four directions: front, back, left, and right.

And Jiang Bai seemed to be frightened stupid, motionless on the spot, not even struggling.

The next moment, four fists hit Jiang Bai's body.

"Do you have this strength?"

Jiang Bai tilted his head 790, a terrifying breath burst out from his body.


The majestic Qi and blood soared into the sky, turning into a blood-colored real dragon and roaring with its head raised.

The vines on Jiang Bai's body were broken inch by inch, and the four strong alien races were also sent flying instantly.

"Your wood-type spells are rubbish!"

Jiang Bai's voice rang in the ears of the powerful druids.

The pupils of the strong druid shrank, and before he had time to dodge, he felt a terrifying force coming from the left.


call out!

The strong man of the druid clan was kicked away by Jiang Bai, turning into a cannonball and flying out of the range of Tianjuan City.

Immediately afterwards, the four strong men from the Goblin family, the Troll family, the Tauren family, and the Fenglei family all followed, and flew upside down to chase the strong man from the Druid family.

Boom boom boom boom!

Five loud noises came one after another, and five strong men of different races smashed into a forest ten miles away to the north of Tianjuan City.

Jiang Bai flew over unhurriedly, and a sky full of stone spears condensed in his raised hand.

With a wave of his hand, those stone spears made the sound of breaking through the air, and the forest rustled down.


A loud yelp erupted, and a circle of sound waves visible to the naked eye erupted, shattering all the stone spears.

"Fighting doesn't depend on having a loud voice!"

Jiang Bai smiled contemptuously at the strong Tauren who rose into the air, and his whole body instantly got close to the strong Tauren, and directly displayed the Baji Breaking Army Fist.

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