All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 177 Everyone Is Here, Why Are You Running?

Only for a moment.

The strong Tauren was beaten to pieces by Jiang Bai's fist, vomiting blood again and again.

It was powerless to resist!

Fortunately, at this time, four other strong alien races flew into the air and launched a siege to Jiang Bai in time, only to save the strong Taurus tribe.

"Stop hiding it!"

"Although this guy's strength is only level 11, his combat power is extremely terrifying!"

"If we don't deal with it with all our strength, we will not be his opponent at all!"

After the strong man of the Tauren tribe gave a reminder, he raised his head and let out a roar.

I saw black red light erupting from his whole body, the muscles all over his body swelled rapidly, and his height directly rose to five meters.

At the same time, the aura on his body also rose a lot.

And under his reminder, the other four strong alien races also began to erupt one after another.

The strong Goblin Yi clan transformed into a 1.8 meter golden goblin, exuding a berserk aura.

The strong man of the troll tribe, his body has risen to ten meters, and his whole body has turned into silver.

On the wings on the back of the strong men of the Fenglei Clan, one is entwined with the force of blue wind, and the other is entwined with the force of thunder in purple.

As for the strong man of the Druid family, a phantom of a Tongtian giant tree appeared behind him.

The five strong men from different races all broke out with all their strength, and joined forces to launch a peerless attack on Jiang Bai.

However, Jiang Bai still maintained his usual form.

But he can easily resolve all the attacks, and even counterattack casually.

This relaxed appearance made the faces of the five strong aliens more dignified, and their hearts became more horrified.

Because they found that no matter how high their attacking power was, Jiang Bai could fight back with exactly the same power!

It's as if Jiang Bai is a bottomless abyss, which can never be reached to the bottom!

At this point in the battle, the hearts of the five strong alien races have already begun to retreat.

Because they knew very well that they were not Jiang Bai's opponents at all.

If the fight continues, they must be the unlucky ones.

It's better to run for your life while the current state is still at the peak!

Thinking of this, the five strong men of different races quickly exchanged glances, then turned around and ran away in unison.

Still running in different directions tacitly!

"Everyone is here, what are you running for?"

Jiang Bai chuckled, stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air.

In an instant, the power of heaven and earth rioted, turning into invisible shackles to imprison the five strong alien races, and directly pulled them back to Jiang Bai.

"I wanted to play more with you, after all, I haven't exercised for a long time."

"Since you don't want to play, let's just skip to the next link!"

While talking, Jiang Bai opened up the Talent of the Mind.

He was the first to use the Talent ability on the powerful Druids.

Because this guy is Mage, the soul power is stronger than the other four strong aliens.

Fortunately, Jiang Bai's soul power already surpassed those of the same rank.

Coupled with the increase of the Master of Mind Talent.

After spending more than ten minutes, the powerful druids were successfully enslaved.

Then, there are the remaining four strong alien races.

After one hour.

Jiang Bai returned to the mansion with five strong aliens, and at the same time saw Zhuge Liang waiting in the mansion.

"Master Jiang, they are..."

Zhuge Liang looked at the five strong aliens curiously.

Jiang Bai explained with a smile: "The only five eleventh-order powerhouses in the Northern Territory are now enslaved by me."

Speaking of this, he looked at the five strong alien races, "Listen up five of you, this is Mr. Zhuge, you will follow Mr. Zhuge from now on [be sure to obey Mr. Zhuge's orders]

"Yes, Master." The five strong men from different races responded respectfully, and then bowed to Zhuge Liang, "Greetings, Mr. Zhuge."

Zhuge Liang quickly returned the gift.

Jiang Bai said: "Mr. Zhuge, I won't do anything about the next matter, let the five of them solve it!"

"Yes, Jiang Chu.

Afterwards, Zhuge Liang left with the five strong men from other races.

Next, it was Tianjuancheng's turn to make a move.

In the afternoon of that day, Zhao Yun led the 10,000-strong army of the Yanhuang collar and three alien powerhouses of the eleventh rank, and set off on a psychic battleship.

This expedition is to fight back against those alien races, and it is also to show the strength of Tianjuan City.

As long as this battle is fought well, Juancheng will gain a foothold in the Northern Territory that day.

At the same time, the reputation of Tianjuan City can also be spread, which will attract the people from the Northern Territory to vote automatically.

Here is the overall plan.

a month later.

Zhao Yun returned to Tianjuan City with the resources of the entire psychic battleship.

At the same time, the name of "Tianjuan City of the Human Race" spread throughout the entire Northern Territory at an extremely fast speed.

And as the stepping stones that made Tianjuan City famous, the prestige of the Goblin Yi clan, Troll clan and other alien races also plummeted in the Northern Territory.

Because Zhao Yun led a large army and hit the door one by one.

Not only did they rub those alien races on the ground one by one, they also plundered a lot of resources, and finally left unharmed.

After all, with three eleventh-rank powerhouses accompanying them, plus the firepower of the psychic battleship, which alien race can stop it?

At the beginning, those alien races would naturally not succumb easily.

After Zhao Yun bombarded the royal cities of several alien races to the ground, the other alien races immediately became obedient.

And as the fame spread, Tianjuan City also took the opportunity to spread the news, ordering those alien races to release the human slaves immediately, otherwise Tianjuan City's army would commit suicide at the door.

With the lessons learned from the Goblins, the Trolls and other alien races, the other alien races dared not be obedient and immediately released all the slaves of the race.

Fearing that the release was late, Tiancheng's army would come to kill him.

With the release of human slaves, the spies and Heaven Designated who had been lurking in the dark also sent these released human races to Tianjuan City through a super-large teleportation array.

And as the population continued to increase, Tianjuan City became lively.

Fortunately, with Zhuge Liang, everything seemed in order.

Coupled with the various support provided by Yanhuangling (Wang's).

In just three months, Tianjuan City was on the right track and began to expand its territory.

There is no way, more and more human races have arrived in the past three months, and Tianjuan City cannot be crowded.

So expansion is imperative.

What's more, the southern region and the northern region of the Yanhuang territory are for the resources of these two regions.

Now Tianjuan City has gained a firm foothold, and it needs people, people, food and bundles.

It is natural to expand the territory and seize resources.

At this moment, Jiang Bai took Yuejiao and Jiangrou to the Spatial Teleportation formation and returned to Yanhuangling in the Eastern Region.

There are five eleventh-rank powerhouses sitting in Tianjuan City, enough to sweep the entire Northern Territory.

There is no need for Jiang Bai to stay there all the time.

Now that the southern region and the northern region have already embedded nails, the next step is to see the future development.

Return to Jiang Bai in Yanhuang collar, and return to the peaceful Life again.

Occasionally, he would take Yue and Jiang Sheng out for travel. .

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